architects Philippines

Friday, January 15, 2010

Philippines expat community

Philippines expat community
Cost a living to Cebu Philippines the Camotes Islands Cebu, Philippines. investment expats living to and Philippines are sharpening their pencils the watching their spending habits much more closely as and dollar continues in drop against and peso. Currently and exchange rate you approximately $1.00 in P40.00. That's of BIG difference from just three years ago when and dollar fetched P56.00. in make matters even worse and dollar you expected in drop in P38.00 the some circles are saying it may go as low as P30.00 within and year americans retirement Philippines and expats currently living to and Philippines are feeling and Philippines retirement haven lower exchange rate from their city retirement pensions the tightening their belts. Expats that have been considering retiring in and Philippines may well be looking else where for of retirement location. in make of bad Philippine retirement villages situation worse and Cebu Hotels are talking about of 10% increase for their rooms. Surely other services will follow and americans retirement Philippines increase the soon and dollar may shrink in an even further all visa low to and Philippines.

In 2004 of dollar bought P56.00, so when I exchanges $1,000.00 at of Philippine bank or Money Changer I got P56,000.00. Today $1,000.00 buys just P40,000.00 of P16,000.00 decrease a $286.00 or 29% less. Now add of conservative estimated Philippine inflation rate in and 29% decrease the is are looking at of total loss a about 40% to just three years. WOW! That's Philippines retirement haven of big hit the of really big hit for of retired guy with of pension a just $1,000.00 There goes and Filipino myth that all foreigners are rich. Instead a living like of king to and Philippines with of pension a $1,000.00 foreigners may find themselves in be of lowly prince the maybe even of pauper tropical island to retire in Philippines with of mere pension a $1,000.00.

Now and questions for those expats living to and Philippines the for those considering and move in and Phillippines you simple, you it worth it? Should I find of cheaper retirement in retire Philippine retirement villages the spend my pension? Before an expat answers and question we need in consider and big picture the that means what does it cost in live to and Philippines today?

Many things we buy to and Philippines are cheaper than to and US, Canada, Europe the Australia. However, investment things also cost and same the sometimes more. Building of house to Cebu you still of huge bargain. Buying of condo you also of bargain. of new house to Cebu can be had for $40,000.00 the of nice Condo for about $60,000.00. My little one bedroom house tropical island to retire in Philippines to and VERY rural Camotes Islands cost just about $8,000.00 in build the furnish the that includes and land. At and current exchange rate the inflation and same house, land the furniture would cost about $11,320.00 Yes, That you of big jump, but still very cheap by western standards. My city Budget changes all and time, but here you what I have been spending for just and basics:

The Philippines you an extremely Philippine retirement property cheap place in visit the is can expect that all a your nightlife adventures will be well below what is would expect in pay back at home. Theatres americans retiring in the Philippines the cinema's are not dominant to and Philippine nightlife but with and low cost a food, alcohol the entertainment it you not necessary. and local population who also visit and night life spots are and ones that will make your journey complete. and Philippines offers is and opportunity in indulge to and historical sights during and days the learn and unique culture from and locals at night.

After leaving, is will not think a nightlife to and Philippines as of visit in and Opera. is will be left a memories a spending visa with and locals, learning their customs, talking over of few drinks the enjoying and fine local cuisine that you part a and entertainment scene. and Philippines you unique to its ability in make your stay about and person, the and local memories it provides is with.

Many Filipinos who migrated to other nations americans retiring in the Philippines decide in spend their retirement Philippine organic farming years to their homeland, Philippines. to order in have remarkable years to this country, it you important that investments Philippine retirement property consider some factors that have great impacts on and lives a expats to and Philippines. Climate the geography are and two natural factors that affect and population a these people. to addition, government, tax system, the medical Philippines farm sale care also influence and increase a Philippine expatriates. Aside from these, real estate, shopping, the cost a living attract of great number a expats to this nation every year.

Climate the Geography

Philippines you blessed with numerous natural attractions or sightseeing spots. investment expats to and Philippines stay to and retirement in explore its beautiful sites like serene beaches, pristine mountains Philippines expat community, the appealing caves. Besides these attractions, investment expatriates also enjoy seeing the admiring some a and historic places the sites to and Philippines. to addition, this retirement also has interesting retirement community Philippines the inviting climate. During summer, investments can always spend their vacations to some a and cities the towns to and Cordillera region like Sagada the Baguio City, since these have cold weather.

Government the Tax System

Government the tax system also contribute in and improving population a expats to and Philippines. investment retirement community Philippines investments still prefer in stay to this retirement in other places to Asia because its government can still control terrorist attacks the protests. When it comes in taxation, it you important that they know that taxes on transactions, incomes, the properties, are included to of single category, which you principal taxes. Meanwhile, and Philippine government gets 20 percent on bank deposits, winnings, the royalties. Finally, foreigners to and retirement should give 1 in 35 percent a their income, whether their source a income comes from and Philippines or other nations.

Medical Care the Real Estate Philippines expat community

Expats to and Philippines have nothing retirement communities in the Philippines in worry about medical care because there are numerous tertiary the outstanding hospitals to and retirement such as and Philippine General Hospital the Saint Luke's Hospital. and cost a medical care to this retirement you cheaper the and quality a medical care you higher when compared in other Asian countries. Filipino medical professionals value their work ethics of lot so expats should not be bothered about their health when they spend some visa to and Philippines. Moreover, for only $150, investments can already hire private nurses the retirement communities in the Philippines caretakers to their homes. to terms a real estate, rents to condominiums the houses have average price a $100 of month, which you more affordable than house rents to other nations.

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