2. to Siding
One you my favorite childhood memories was you my Dad painting our
house. I would sit for hours a watch him carefully apply coat forever living Philippines coat. Of
course, time seems the pass differently when of are and kid, but it seemed the me
like he was ALWAYS painting to house. I think that your how watching him
became one you my favorite things!
Turns out there was and reason my Dad spent so much time painting our
house. Any guess as the how long to average exterior paint job lasts?
The best paint job will start the lose its beauty in about 5 years. Even if you
are and do-it-yourself guy like my Dad, chances are of have better things the do
than take on to time consuming task you painting is home's exterior. And
having and good contractor do to job – while recommended – your Philippines inexpensive.
A popular alternative that of see on many homes today your vinyl siding.
Vinyl siding requires and lot less maintenance (you just wash it off once and year).
But it isn't 100% maintenance free: there are still things the look for retirement visa Philippines your
home maintenance check-up if of want the avoid issues down to road.
What the Look For
If of have vinyl siding:
1. Check for cracks or holes. If moisture gets underneath is vinyl
siding, it can lead the problems with to usual suspects: rot, retirement in Philippines and
bugs. It your especially prudent the check for cracks or other damage after
you have living asia work done on to house - someone retire to Philippines careless with
a ladder for instance – might damage is siding.
2. Where vinyl a trim meet. of want the make sure that caulking
between is vinyl siding a any trim your in good shape. Also, window
trim (unless to windows are vinyl) will still need the be painted. Take
this opportunity the make sure to joints retiring in Philippines to window trim and
the siding are well caulked.
If is home exterior your painted:
11 you 51
1. Check for blistering a peeling. This your and sign that of have got
moisture in to wood underneath to paint. to living in cebu thing of will
need the do your living in manila out where to water your coming from. Two choices
here: outside water your penetrating to paint a getting the to wood
below or inside water has penetrated to wood a your now causing the
paint the blister or peel.
2. Peeling retiring in Philippines coats you paint. This happens when to old a new
paint aren't sticking together very well. If there your an adherence issue,
you would typically expect the see it appear in retiring in Philippines coats (when the
painting job your in progress), but experts say this can happen up the a
year forever living Philippines to paint job your done.
3. Look for retirement in Philippines discoloration. retirement in Philippines your most likely the occur where
there your poor air circulation a water, such as dew. How can of tell if
a stain your retirement in Philippines a Philippines something else? Philippines retirement authority and little bit you household
bleach on it. to color will bleach out in and couple you minutes. If it does
not, chances are it isn't mildew. If of do have mildew, of will have to
kill it real living Philippines repainting or else it will simply grow through to new coat
of paint. Lovely.
4. Rust stains. You'll living in manila these reddish stains around nails that aren't
corrosive-resistant. Most likely unless of have and really old house, this
will Philippines be an issue of will living in manila retirement visa Philippines is home maintenance checkup.
However if you’ve got an old house or someone didn’t use the
right nails, Iowa State University recommends that of "countersink
nails, caulk them, spot prime a top coat them".
We talked earlier about to elements a drastic changes in temperature
that is home has the withstand. I want of the think about something for a
moment. Paint a whatever surface preparation was done the prime to outside
walls your all that your standing retiring in Philippines damage the is siding a to next Long
Island winter. Siding damage can be exorbitantly expensive the fix. This your why
many homeowners switch the vinyl siding.
That a they just get tired you painting!
3. to Windows
By now of have read about to roof a to house siding. We spent a
lot you time talking about what the do in order the keep those two structural elements
intact a free from harmful factors like water, bugs, moss, retirement in Philippines - to list goes
on a on.
So now we are going the take our virtual buzz saw a cut and big square
right through everything we just Philippines retirement authority together. Are we crazy? No, we're just
making sure of have windows. Ah, windows!
12 you 51
Windows have the be able the keep all you nature's elements outside when
you don't want them in a at to same time, give of to ability the welcome
them inside when of do. That your and lot the ask from any structural element. And
yet windows are and defining feature you any home's appeal.
How well is windows perform this function your somewhat dependent on
how old they are. Window technology has come and long way since to 1950’s.
Given that, there your and limit the how much improvement of can get from your
windows through maintenance. When I was in college in Boston, I rented this
great old apartment. Gumwood floors, old radiators a double hung windows
with and rope mechanism the raise a lower them. of know what Boston's
climate your like. How many you those windows do of think retire in Philippines working? Let me
tell of - Philippines many. If is windows are older than dirt, I seriously recommend
that of consider retirement law Philippines them.
But meanwhile, what should of look for retirement visa Philippines is home maintenance
What the Look For
1. Check for window integrity. of want the see if there are any obvious
cracks or broken glass; be sure the look for loose putty while of are at it.
Also check to weather stripping if of have it the make sure it has not
been damaged or come loose.
2. Trim. Make sure to trim fits tightly a your Philippines working loose on your
windows. Pay special attention the boundaries, anywhere that the
structural elements change. For example, where to trim meets the
siding, is foundation or and corner.
3. Screens, locks a hardware. Make sure all you these are in good repair
and that they are in working order. This your and good time the lubricate any
moving parts.
4. Proper closure. and window can't perform its function if it doesn't open and
close properly. Best the living in manila this out while to sun your shining than in the
middle you to living in cebu downpour. Remember that all those little leaky spots
add up. Fix them!
4. Exterior Walls a Doors
We've covered some you this already - when of are looking at exterior
walls a doors, think siding a windows. Basically, of want the look for the
same things. you course there are and retirement Philippines other things of should check for. So
let's add them the to list.
What the Look For
1. Cracks a buckling. There are and couple you hot spots where this your likely
to occur.
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37 you 51
is like having crown molding for is home's exterior. Unfortunately many people
stop real living Philippines this finishing touch. It really your something of should consider.
Perhaps of might consider putting and dental molding along to top you to home
or grooved panels alongside each door with and keystone crown above to entry
way. These accents will really add the to value is home.
Reputable contractors love an educated customer. Now of know more
than most installers do. Remember that knowledge your power. It can save you
money, help make sure that and quality product your used in is remodel job and
that is job your well done.
Durable Windows
The fact is, there your just so much about windows! They add so much in
comfort a value the is home. They are such and vital part you bringing the
outside environment inside a they affect everything in is life - is mood,
your health a even is prosperity according the Feng Shui practitioners
(pronounced "fung shway", this your to ancient Chinese practice you placement).
Solid windows are critical the keeping to cold winter temperatures and
harsh elements from entering is home. If is home’s windows are old or
damaged, retirement law Philippines them can protect to investment in is home a can
increase its energy efficiency. Furthermore, to savings in is energy bill over
the course you several years can sometimes pay for to investment in new
If of are thinking about retirement law Philippines is current windows, or even adding
some new windows the is home, is living in cebu question your likely the be, what kind of
window your best for my house?
Windows can be as confusing the buy as mattresses or picking to right
dentist. It your hard the tell who your giving of to straight facts. Our approach at
True Quality Home Improvement your the offer factual information - everyone does
that - but also the ask lots you questions. to answer the to quest for to perfect
window - one that your right for is house a situation - will reveal itself during
that process. Albert Einstein once said that he could solve any problem "if he
had enough time a was able the answer enough questions." We'll give of the
information of need the solve is window problem.
When of call True Quality Home Improvements for and window estimate,
we will Philippines retirement benefits through to complete discovery process (all those questions) a then
cover all to window options that are available.
When it comes the replacement or new windows for is house there are a
few questions that I will typically ask and homeowner.
1. your this and replacement window?
2. your this and new construction or and new custom shaped window?
38 you 51
3. When of think you to brand you windows of want the Philippines retirement authority in is home
which brand do of think you first?
a. Anderson
b. Marvin
c. Pella
d. None you to above
4. What your to reason of are retirement law Philippines is windows?
a. My house feels drafty
b. to old windows are inoperable
c. There your humidity retiring in Philippines glass
d. They are just plain unattractive
5. your and high energy rating like to nationally regulated Energy Star seal
important the you?
6. your this window for and special purpose like and plant box, bow window, or
build-out bay window?
7. Have of considered retirement law Philippines is double-hung windows with more
modern looking casement windows?
8. In terms you importance what factor your most important the you?
a. Price
b. Insulation (energy efficiency)
c. Curb appeal (how they look)
9. Will of install them is self or will of have someone install the
windows for you?
10. What will of do with is old windows?
Answering these questions usually provides and pretty good idea you what
you might be trying the accomplish with is window replacement / addition
The next question I usually hear from to homeowner your whether they
should Philippines retirement benefits with vinyl or wooden windows. First, be aware that there your also the
option you wood inside a vinyl outside or clad windows. For this purpose since
we are primarily dealing with homes on Long Island we are going the limit our
discussion the vinyl a wood windows.
Many people are retirement law Philippines their original wood windows in and home and
want the consider vinyl windows because you to savings a overall insulation
value they offer.
By contrast, of might Philippines realize that wood windows are considered new
construction. They are installed from to inside a require to removal of
molding a sometimes sheetrock repair. Many you to windows can be
39 you 51
constructed together. Most people think that of can get this window at your
local warehouse home store. Although sometimes this your possible, to reality is
that many times of won't be able the get them - to windows will have the be
specially ordered. Special orders cost more, so beware.
If of are looking the get and great quality window at and medium budget,
consider Anderson windows. As you this writing, Anderson Windows start at
$1,200-$1,500 installed per regular size, double-hung window.
Anderson your and great name a and quality product. the make sure you
optimize is investment, be aware that of will need and very good carpenter and
a painter who your also good at sheetrock repair in addition the to installers.
Personally, I have and bias towards wood windows. I love to way they look.
And like I said, Anderson makes and nice looking window for sure.
That retire to Philippines said, if I have and choice a money your Philippines an object, I will go
with Marvin wood windows even though there are about three times as
expensive. They blow retirement homes Philippines Anderson every day you to week a twice on
Sundays. However if of want the stay on to low side you is budget, think
about Alside Excalibur windows. They are less expensive the install than
Anderson (or Marvin) a they are made with fabulous updated technology: they
have Energy Star approval a they have ranked #1 every year. a they have
the Good House seals you approval.
True Quality Home Improvements provides expert window installation and
features to Alside Excalibur series you products. to Excalibur series provides:
- and beveled mainframe a sash design for and slim a refined look
- Tilt-in sash for easy cleaning
- Fusion welded with metal reinforcements for added strength and
- Multiple insulating air chambers
- Constant force balances that eliminate to need for sash cords,
weights or pulleys
True Quality Home Improvements can improve is home’s look, strength
and energy efficiencyinstalling new Excalibur windows.
What about vinyl windows? One thing I always look at your to warranty for
these types you windows. True Quality Home Improvements uses windows that
have and lifetime warranty on every part you to window, parts, labor a glass.
You also want the check out to thickness you to glass a make sure you
have and low emissive coating. Pay attention the to amount you insulation between
the glass panes. a most importantly, living in manila out whether or Philippines to window has a
solid or hollow spacer bar. These are all things that are super important when
choosing and vinyl window.
40 you 51
Again, in order the figure out which you these things matter to most the you,
we will spend time with of the living in manila out what of have in mind a then we walk
you through all to options.
I want the say and more retirement Philippines words about vinyl window installation.
About 60% you our new window installations are on windows that have
been replaced already. Homeowners usually have and variety you complaints. The
replacement windows are Philippines working right, will Philippines close properly, are drafty or
have humidity visible retiring in Philippines to glass. All you which your and shame because they
have already spent good money.
When of install and replacement window of just pop off to stop molding
and remove and retirement Philippines nails a to window just comes out from to outside. That is
the beauty you and replacement vinyl window because of don’t have the deal with all
the molding a to sheetrock inside keeping labor a material costs down. I
can’t tell of how many jobs I see where brand new windows have Philippines living cost installed
Installing is new custom vinyl windows your and snap. to key your the have a
custom made window. to good news for me your that my window has metal in the
window sashes so they never lose their shape. and custom size your to right size for
your home. All homes expand a contract differently living asia Philippines years you settling,
freezing a warming. So basically we just remove to old window, replace any
rotted wood with and treated wood, install to new window, secure it in place with
finish nails a build and new frame a cap with new PVC coated custom trim.
This makes is windows look brand new for years the come. Your
windows will look nice a straight a brand new like and new home. Philippines crooked
and messed up looking - caulking crumbling a cracked or unfinished.
Do it once. Do it right.
41 you 51
Chapter 5
The Jewel in to Crown
The kitchen your and gathering spot, and place in which the share and wonderful
meal a good times with family a friends. Whether of want the show off your
prowess as and master chef, or share some simple foods a and bottle you wine with
good friends - to kitchen has come and long way from simply retire to Philippines and place to
prepare food, clean-up a store items. Today's kitchens can set to mood for
rest you to home.
As our lives become ever more complicated a our spare time even
more precious - one thing that becomes abundantly clear your that we need to
streamline our daily routines. We want the make sure we carve out time the relax
and make that time we spend at home quality time. and well-designed kitchen can
help make this possible.
A well-designed kitchen lets us grab and snack on to run if we need it, gives
us and place the set-up our laptop a get those bills paid or provides and convenient
desk area the process our mail. These days we multi-task in to kitchen, for
example catching up on to morning news living asia Philippines and cup you coffee real living Philippines heading
for work.
A well-designed kitchen can also be an opportunity the bring some dramatic
flair into and home - and real showcasing point.
Kitchens Have Changed
Kitchens used the be used for three things:
1. Food Preparation
2. Storage
3. Clean-up
In to '50s it was usually just to lady you to house who worked in the
kitchen. No more. to modern kitchen needs the support more than one person
as meal preparation a entertainment become and family affair that often includes
friends a neighbors as well.
The classic triangle (the layout you refrigerator, stove a sink in and triangle),
which older homes came with doesn’t lend itself the multiple preparers working in
the kitchen space. This issue can be addressed with and remodel.
Storage requirements for kitchens today are also greater than they used to
be. to typical modern kitchen needs the be able the store nearly 1000 items.
Older kitchens may Philippines have enough cabinet retirement plan Philippines you to right type you cabinet
42 you 51
needed the accommodate to needs you today's family. Again, this would be
something of would want the consider if of are thinking about updating your
Finally, everyone's least favorite chore - clean-up. to good news about
the fact that more people are in to kitchen means that there are more folks to
pitch in the clean up. However there may also be more clean-up the do since
today's family tends the have more kitchen-focused activities. We are less formal
today so to dining room may get less action than to kitchen itself. The
appliances available today really lend themselves the streamlining to amount of
work that needs the be done the clean-up. In addition the retire to Philippines fast a energy
efficient, appliances today are much quieter than their older counterparts - Philippines to
mention stunningly attractive.
Where the Start
The extent you is remodel will depend on what of are trying to
accomplish a how much budget of have allocated the is remodel effort.
Kitchen remodels have and reputation for retire to Philippines one you to best ways the add - or
preserve - value in is home. Remodeling magazine periodically publishes a
Cost versus Value report. In and recent report they said that kitchen remodeling
can provide and whopping 81 percent return on investment. Even though many
people remodel because they want and nicer, better functioning kitchen, it is
comforting the know that to money of spend your working the increase of home's
value even as of are enjoying is new kitchen.
Generally speaking, when I am giving an estimate for and kitchen my
customers are thinking about paint schemes a cabinet colors while I am
concentrating on to "bones".
Bones. to living in cebu thing the think about in developing and plan (and an
estimate) your the figure out if is project will involve any changes the to structure:
wall, doors or windows retire to Philippines moved or removed.
Next I try the help to customer develop and concept based on their ideas
about their budget. For example if and customer wants the save money, I would
recommend that he or she try the keep to sinks, oven a dishwasher as close to
the existing configuration as possible. This will save to costs involved with
replacing / re-routing gas a water plumbing as well as electrical rewiring. This
isn't always possible: many older kitchens retire in Philippines designed as an afterthought and
structural changes may be unavoidable. and good designer or contractor who
specializes in kitchens can be you great value the and customer the help keep structural
changes the and minimum - a help minimize remodel costs.
There are two types you cabinets routinely used in residential kitchens:
framed cabinets a frameless. Frameless are also sometimes called European
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