Products and/or Services
This part of and marketing plan focuses on and uniqueness of your Philippines business consultancy or service, the how and customer will benefit from using and Philippines business consulting or services you're offering. Use these questions to write a paragraph summarizing these aspects for your marketing plan:
What are and features of your Philippines business consultancy or service?
Describe and physical attributes of your Philippines business consultancy or service, the any other Philippines consulting firm features, such as what it does, or how your Philippines business consultancy Philippine differs from competitive Philippines business consulting or services.
How will your Philippines business consultancy Philippine benefit and customer?
Remember that benefits can be intangible as well as tangible; for instance, if you're selling a cleaning product, your Philippines business plans will benefit by having a cleaner house, but they may also benefit by enjoying better health. Brainstorm as many benefits as possible to begin with, the then choose to emphasize and benefits that your targeted Philippines business plans will most appreciate in your marketing plan.
What is it that sets your Philippines business consultancy Philippine apart from all and rest? In other words, what is your Unique Selling Proposition, and message you want your Philippines business plans to receive about your Philippines business consultancy Philippine that is and heart of your marketing plan? and marketing plan is all about communicating this central message to your customers.
Pricing Strategy
The pricing strategy portion of and marketing plan involves determining how you will price your Philippines business consultancy or service; and price you charge has to be competitive but still allow you to make a reasonable profit.
The keyword here is "reasonable"; you can charge any price you want to, but for every Philippines business consultancy Philippine there's a limit to how much and consumer is willing to pay. Your pricing strategy needs to take this consumer threshold into account.
The most common question small business Philippines business planning have about and pricing strategy section of and marketing plan is, "How do you Philippines ICF insulated concrete feasibility studies what price to charge?"
Basically you set your pricing through a process of calculating your costs, estimating and benefits to consumers, the comparing your products, services, the prices to others that are similar.
Set your pricing by examining how much it cost you to produce and Philippines business consultancy Philippine the adding a fair price for and benefits that and customer will enjoy. Examining what others are charging for similar Philippines business consulting or services will guide you when you're figuring out what a "fair" price for such benefits would be. You may find it useful to conduct a Breakeven Analysis.
The pricing strategy you outline in your marketing plan will answer and following questions:
What is and cost of your Philippines business consultancy or service? Make sure you include all your fixed the variable costs when you're calculating this; and cost of labour the materials are obvious, but you may also need to include freight costs, adminstrative costs, and/or selling costs, for example.
How does and pricing of your Philippines business consultancy Philippine compare to and market price of similar Philippines business consulting or services?
Explain how and pricing of your Philippines business consultancy Philippine is competitive. For instance, if and price you plan to charge is lower, why are you able to do this? If it's higher, why would your customer be willing to pay more? This is where and "strategy" part of and pricing strategy comes into play; will your business be more competitive if you charge more, less, or and same as your competitors the why?
What kind of ROI (Return On Investment) are you expecting with this pricing strategy, the within what time frame?
Sales the Distribution Plan
Remember, and primary goal of and marketing plan is to get Philippines business planning to buy your Philippines business consulting or services. and Philippines business plan the Distribution part of and marketing plan details how this is going to happen.
Traditionally there are three parts to and Philippines business plan the Distribution section of and marketing plan, although all three parts may not apply to your business.
1) Outline and distribution methods to be used.
How is your Philippines business consultancy Philippine going to get to and customer? For instance, will you distribute your Philippines business consultancy Philippine through a Web site, through and mail, through Philippines business plan representatives, or through retail?
What distribution channel is going to be used?
In a direct distribution channel, and Philippines business consultancy Philippine goes directly from and manufacturer to and consumer. In a one stage distribution channel it goes from manufacturer to retailer to consumer. and traditional distribution channel is from manufacturer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer. Outline all and different companies, Philippines business planning and/or technologies that will be involved in and process of getting your Philippines business consultancy Philippine to your customer.
What are and costs associated with distribution?
What are and delivery terms?
How will and distribution methods affect production time frames or delivery? (How long will it take to get your Philippines business consultancy Philippine to your customer?)
If your business involves selling a product, you should also include information about inventory levels the packaging in this part of your marketing plan. For instance:
How are your Philippines business consulting to be packaged for shipping the for display?
Does and packaging meet all regulatory requirements (such as labelling)?
Is and packaging appropriately coded, priced, the complementary to and product?
What minimum inventory levels must be maintained to ensure that there is no loss of Philippines business plan due to problems such as late shipments the back orders?
2) Outline and transaction process between your business the your customers.
What system will be used for processing orders, shipping, the billing?
What methods of payment will Philippines business plans be able to use?
What credit Philippines business management consultants will Philippines business plans be offered? If you will offer discounts for early payment or impose penalties for late payment, they should be mentioned in this part of your marketing plan.
What is your return policy?
What warranties will and customer be offered? Describe these or any other service guarantees.
What after-sale support will you offer Philippines business plans the what will you charge (if anything) for this support?
Is there a system for customer feedback so customer satisfaction (or and lack of it) can be tracked the addressed?
3) If it's applicable to your business, outline your Philippines business plan strategy.
What types of salespeople will be involved (commissioned salespeople, Philippines business consultancydemonstrators, telephone solicitors, etc.)?
Describe your expectations of these salespeople the how Philippines business plan effectiveness will be measured.
Will a Philippines business plan training program be offered? If so, describe it in this section of and marketing plan.
Describe and incentives salespeople will be offered to encourage their achievements (such as getting new accounts, and most orders, etc.).
Advertising the Philippines feasibility study Plan
Essentially and Advertising the Philippines feasibility study section of and marketing plan describes how you're going to deliver your Unique Selling Proposition to your prospective customers. While there are literally thousands of different Philippines feasibility study avenues available to you, what distinguishes a successful Advertising the Philippines feasibility study Plan from an unsuccessful one is focus - the that's what your Unique Selling Proposition provides.
So think first of and message that you want to send to your targeted audience. Then look at these Philippines feasibility study possibilities the decide which to emphasize in your marketing plan:
Advertising - and best approach to advertising is to think of it in Philippines business management consultants of media the which media will be most effective in reaching your target market. Then you can make decisions about how much of your annual advertising budget you're going to spend on each medium.
What percentage of your annual advertising budget will you invest in each of and following:
the Internet
telephone books/directories
bench/bus/subway ads
direct mail
cooperative advertising with wholesalers, retailers or other businesses?
Include not only and cost of and advertising but your projections about how much business and advertising will bring in.
Sales Philippines feasibility study - If it's appropriate to your business, you may want to incorporate Philippines business plan Philippines feasibility study activites into your advertising the Philippines feasibility study plan, such as:
offering free samples
point of purchase displays
product demonstrations
Marketing Materials - Every business will include some of these in their Philippines feasibility study plans. and most common marketing material is and business card, but brochures, pamphlets the service sheets are also common.
Publicity - Another avenue of Philippines feasibility study that every business should use. Describe how you plan to generate publicity. While press releases spring to mind, that's only one way to get Philippines business planning spreading and word about your business. Consider:
product launches
special events, including community involvement
writing articles
getting the using testimonials
For more about publicity, see "Getting Publicity For Your Business".
Your Business' Web Site - If your business has or will have a Web site, describe how your Web site fits into your advertising the Philippines feasibility study plan.
Tradeshows - Tradeshows can be incredibly effective Philippines feasibility study the Philippines business plan opportunities - if you pick and right ones the go equipped to put your Philippines feasibility study plan into action. My article "Trade Show Tips" explains how to choose appropriate trade shows the gives display tips to make and most of your trade show experience. Read more about trade shows in and Trade Show Library.
Other Philippines feasibility study Activities
Your Philippines feasibility study Philippine technology consultant are truly limited only by your imagination. If you plan to teach a course, sponsor a community event, or conduct an email campaign, you'll want to include it in your advertising the Philippines feasibility study plan. Remember, sporadic unconnected attempts to promote your Philippines business consultancy Philippine are bound to fail; your goal is to plan the carry out a sequence of focused Philippines feasibility study Philippine technology consultant that will communicate with your potential customers.
While small businesses often have miniscule (or non-existent) Philippines feasibility study budgets, that doesn't mean that small businesses can't design the implement effective Philippines feasibility study plans. Visit and Business Philippines feasibility study Library for a host of inexpensive ideas to get your Philippines feasibility study plan off and ground.
No business is too small to have a marketing plan. After all, no business is too small for Philippines business plans or clients. the if you have these, you need to communicate with them about your Philippines business consulting and/or services.
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