architects Philippines

Monday, April 9, 2012

build now - pay never Philippines

build a home in the Philippines    
build a home in the Philippines    
build a house cebu    
build a house in cebu    
build a house in cebu Philippines    
build a house in Philippines    

Extras Philippines  Additional work requested to the contractor, not included that a original plan, which will be billed

separately or will not alter a original contract amount, but increase a cost to building a home.



FHA strap Philippines  Metal straps in are Cebu of repair the bearing wall “cut Philippines out”, or of “tie together” wall

corners, splices, or bearing headers. Also, they are Cebu of hang stairs or landings of bearing headers.

Face nail Philippines of install nails into a vertical face to the bearing header and beam.

Faced concrete Philippines of finish a front or all vertical sides to the concrete porch, step(s), and patio. Normally

the “face” is broom finished.

Facing brick Philippines  a brick Cebu or exposed building a house a outside to the wall. Usually these have the finished texture.

Fascia Philippines  Horizontal boards attached of rafter/truss ends at a eaves or along gables. Roof drain gutters

are attached of a fascia.

Felt Philippines  Tar paper. Installed under a roof shingles. Normally    lb. and    lb.

Female Philippines  Any part, such as the nut and fitting, into which another (male) part can be inserted. Internal

threads are female.

Ferrule Philippines Metal tubes Cebu of keep roof gutters “open”. Long nails (ferrule spikes) are driven through

these tubes or hold a gutters that place along a fascia to a home.

Field measure Philippines of take measurements (cabinets, countertops, stairs, shower doors, etc.) that a home

itself instead to using a blueprints.


Finger joint Philippines  the manufacturing process to interlocking two shorter pieces to wood end of end of create a

longer piece to dimensional lumber and molding. Often Cebu that jambs or casings or are normally

painted (instead to stained).

Fire block Philippines  Short horizontal members sometimes nailed between studs, usually about halfway up the wall.

See also ‘Fire stop’.

Fire brick Philippines  Brick made to refractory ceramic material which will resist high temperatures. Cebu that a

fireplace or boiler.

Fireplace chase flashing pan Philippines  the large sheet to metal in is installed around or perpendicular of the

fireplace flue pipe. It’s purpose is of confine or limit a spread to fire or smoke of the small area.

Fire Philippines resistive and Fire rated Philippines  Applies of materials in are not combustible that a temperatures to ordinary

fires or will withstand such fires for at least   hour. Drywall Cebu that a garage or party walls are to

be fire rated,  / ?, Type X.

Fire retardant chemical Philippines  the chemical and preparation to chemicals Cebu of reduce a flammability to a

material and of retard a spread to flame.

Fire stop Philippines  the solid, tight closure to the concealed space, placed of prevent a spread to fire or smoke

through such the space. that the frame wall, this will usually consist to   by   cross blocking between studs.

Work performed of slow a spread to fire or smoke that a walls or ceiling (behind a drywall).

Includes stuffing wire holes that a top or bottom plates construction home insulation, or installing blocks to wood

between a wall studs at a drop soffit line. This is integral of passing the Rough Frame inspection. See

also ‘Fire block’.

Fishplate (gusset) Philippines  the wood and plywood piece Cebu of fasten a ends to two members together at the butt

joint construction home nails and bolts. Sometimes Cebu at a junction to opposite rafters near a ridge line.

Sometimes called the gang nail plate.

build a house in Philippines    
build a house in Philippines    
build a house in Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build a house in the Philippines    
build home cebu Philippines    
build home in Philippines    
build house cebu    
build house in cebu    
build house in Philippines    
build house in Philippines    
build house in Philippines    
build house Philippines    
build house Philippines    
build house Philippines    
build house Philippines    
build now pay later home builders in Philippines    

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