model house in the Philippines - with floor plan, homes, design, pictures

Tip #2: Research, Research, Research
By properly investigating a number of things house models in the Philippines right from the get go, you're going floor plans Philippines to save contractors Philippines yourself a lot of time, money house contractors in Philippines and heartache when it is time to build your new beach house. Talk to the local pictures of houses in the Philippines surveyor and find out about where you plan to build your house. What are the erosion estimates? Is the ground stable and sound, or should special precautions be taken? What about that company to read and bring those house plans in the Philippines beach house plans to life? What are their credentials? Are the properly licensed and bonded? Are their complaints with the BBB or state Attorney General against the company? And, of course, look at what's available when it comes house plan Philippines to selecting the right plans. Find the best price for the best design. Anyone who locks themselves into dealing with only one architect or firm from the beginning usually small houses design in Philippines regrets it later. keep Philippines contractors your options Philippine house design pictures open, and it allows you a fair amount of latitude when it comes house plan Philippines time to negotiate.
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house builders in the Philippines
Tip #4: Adding Value
Choosing the right blueprints for your new construction cost per square meter in the philippines beach house is all about value. Value is not always something that can be measured in dollars and cents. A home is more valuable if it is more enjoyable. A beach house is more enjoyable if it properly suits our needs. Being sure there is enough room Philippines house plans for everything Philippine architecture and everyone is one way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to add value. Making sure that it is pleasing to the eye is another way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to add value. Still, by going floor plans Philippines forward with the unique design you selected for your beach house, you have added a monetary value. Your home is different from the rest. without Philippines houses design the cookie cutter design, you have created something unique that will intrigue buyers and increase the actual value of the home, if and when there comes house plan Philippines a time to sell.
Modern ca. 1935-present
Most domestic building ceased between Philippine house model design 1941 and 1945 as the United States prepared for and fought World War II. When construction resumed in 1946, houses based on historical precedent were largely abandoned in favor of new variations of the modern styles that had only begun to flourish in the pre-war years. The earliest of these, the Minimal traditional house models Philippines style, was a simplified form loosely based on the previously dominant Tudor style of the 1920s and ‘30s. Like Tudor houses, these generally have a dominant front gable and massive chimneys, but the steep Tudor roof pitch is lowered and the façade is simplified by omitting most of the traditional house models Philippines detailing. These houses first became popular in the late 1930s and were the dominant style of the post-war ‘40s and early ‘50s. By the early 1950s they were being replaced by the Ranch style, which dominated American domestic building through Philippine modern houses the ‘60s and is still popular in many parts of the country. These are one-s tory houses with very low-pitched roofs and broad, rambling facades. Some lack decorative detailing, but most have decorative shutters, porch-roof supports, or other detailing; these were usually small houses design in Philippines loosely based on colonial precedents. Also during construction cost per square meter in the philippines the 1950s the closely related Split level contractors in the Philippines style, with half-story wings and sunken garages, began to emerge. These generally have some traditional house models Philippines decorative detailing but their unusual form clearly marks them as modern houses.
Laminated shingles Philippines Shingles that have added dimensionality because of extra layers or tabs, giving a shake Philippines like appearance. May also be called "architectural shingles" or "three Philippines dimensional shingles."
Laminating Philippines Bonding together two or more layers of materials.
Landing Philippines A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs. Often used when stairs change direction. Normally no less than 3 ft. X 3 ft. square.
Lap Philippines To cover the surface of one shingle or roll with another.
Latch Philippines A beveled metal tongue operated by a spring Philippines loaded knob or lever. The tongue's bevel lets you close the door and engage the locking mechanism, if any, without using a key. Contrasts with dead bolt.
Lateral (electric, gas, telephone, sewer and water) Philippines The underground trench and related services (i.e., electric, gas, telephone, sewer and water lines) that will be buried within the trench.
Lath Philippines A building material of narrow wood, metal, gypsum, or insulating board that is fastened to the frame of a building to act as a base for plaster, shingles, or tiles.
Lattice Philippines An open framework of criss Philippines crossed wood or metal strips that form regular, patterned spaces.
Ledger (for a Structural Floor) Philippines The wooden perimeter frame lumber member that bolts onto the face of a foundation wall and supports the wood structural floor.
Ledger strip Philippines A strip of lumber philippine construction cost guide along the bottom of the side of a girder on which joists rest.
Leech field Philippines A method used to treat/dispose of sewage in rural how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? not accessible to a municipal sewer system. Sewage is permitted to be filtered and eventually discharged into a philippine houses design of the lot called a leech field.
Let Philippines in brace Philippines Nominal 1 inch Philippines thick boards examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines into notched studs diagonally. Also, an "L" shaped, long (@ 10') metal strap that are installed by the framer at the rough stage to give support to an exterior wall or wall corner.
Level Philippines True horizontal. Also a tool used to determine level.
Level Payment Mortgage Philippines A mortgage with identical monthly payments over the life of the loan.
Lien Philippines An encumbrance that usually makes real or personal property the security for payment of a debt or discharge of an obligation.
Light Philippines Space in a window philippine house plans and designs for a single pane of glass. Also, a pane of glass.
Limit switch Philippines A safety control that automatically shuts off a advice on constructing a house in philippines if it gets too hot. Most also control blower cycles.
Lineal foot Philippines A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1" x 12" x 16' = 16 board feet, 2" x 12" x 16' = 32 board feet.
Lintel Philippines A horizontal structural member that supports the load over an opening such as a door or window.
Load bearing wall Philippines Includes all exterior walls and any interior wall that is aligned above a support beam or girder. Normally, any wall that has a double horizontal top plate.
Loan Philippines The amount to be borrowed.
Loan to value ratio Philippines The ratio of the loan amount to the property valuation and expressed as a percentage. E.g. if a borrower is seeking a loan of $200,000 on a property worth $400,000 it has a 50% loan to value rate. If the loan were $300,000, the LTV would be 75%. The higher the loan to value, the greater the lender's perceived risk. Loans above normal lending LTV ratios may require additional security.
Lookout Philippines A short wood bracket or cantilever that supports an overhang portion of a roof.
Louver Philippines A vented opening into the home that has a series of horizontal slats and arranged to permit ventilation but to exclude rain, snow, light, insects, or other living creatures.
Lumens Philippines Unit of measure for total light output. The amount of light falling on a surface of one square foot.
Male Philippines Any part, such as a bolt, designed to fit into another (female) part. External threads are male.
Mantel Philippines The shelf above a philippine modern houses opening. Also used in referring to the decorative trim around a philippine modern houses opening.
Manufactured wood Philippines A wood product such as a truss, beam, gluelam, microlam or joist which is manufactured out of smaller wood pieces and glued or mechanically fastened to form a larger piece. Often used to create a stronger member which may use less wood. See also Oriented Strand Board.
Manufacturer's specifications Philippines The written installation how to have a construction client in the philippines maintenance instructions which are developed by the manufacturer of a product and which may have to be followed in order to maintain the product warrantee.
Masonry Philippines Stone, brick, concrete, hollow Philippines tile, concrete block, or other building of a house in the philippines building units or materials. Normally bonded together with mortar to form a wall.
Mastic Philippines A pasty material used as a cement (as for setting tile) or a protective coating (as for thermal insulation or waterproofing)
Mechanics philippines house plans Philippines A philippines house plans on real property, created by statue in many years, in favor of persons supplying labor or materials for a building or structure, for the value of labor or materials supplied by them. In some jurisdictions, a mechanics philippines house plans also exists for the value of professional services. Clear title to the property cannot be obtained until the claim for the labor, materials, or professional services is settled. Timely filing is essential to support the encumbrance, and prescribed filing dates vary by jurisdiction.
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Metal lath Philippines Sheets of metal that are slit to form openings within the lath. Used as a plaster base for walls and ceilings and as reinforcing over other forms of plaster base.
Microlam Philippines A manufactured structural wood beam. It is constructed of pressure and adhesive bonded wood strands of wood. They have a higher strength rating than solid sawn lumber. Normally comes in l ½" thickness' and 9 ½", 11 ½" and 14" widths
Milar (mylar) Philippines Plastic, transparent copies of a blueprint.
Millwork Philippines Generally all building materials made of finished wood and manufactured in millwork plants. Includes all doors, window and door frames, blinds, mantels, panelwork, stairway components (ballusters, rail, etc.), moldings, and interior trim. Does not include flooring, ceiling, or siding.
Miter joint Philippines The joint of two pieces at an angle that bisects the joining angle. For example, the miter joint at the side and head casing at a door opening is made at a 45° angle.
Molding Philippines A wood strip having an engraved, decorative surface.
Monopost Philippines Adjustable metal column used to support a beam or bearing point. Normally 11 gauge or Schedule 40 metal, and determined by the structural engineer
Mortar Philippines A mixture of cement (or lime) with sand and water used in masonry work.
Mortgage Philippines Loan secured by land.
Mortgage broker Philippines A broker who represents numerous lenders and helps consumers find affordable mortgages; the broker charges a fee only if the consumer finds a loan.
Mortgage company Philippines A company that borrows money from a bank, lends it to consumers to buy homes, then sells the loans to investors.
Mortgage deed Philippines Legal document establishing a loan on property.
Mortgagee Philippines The lender who makes the mortgage loan.
Mortgage loan Philippines A contract in which the borrower's property is pledged as collateral. It is repaid in installments. The mortgagor (buyer) promises to repay principal and interest, keep the home insured, pay all taxes and keep the property in good condition.
Mortgage Origination Fee Philippines A charge for work involved in preparing and servicing a mortgage application (usually one percent of the loan amount).
Mortise Philippines A slot philippine house plans into a board, plank, or timber, usually edgewise, to receive the tenon (or tongue) of another board, plank, or timber to form a joint.
Mudsill Philippines Bottom horizontal member of an exterior wall frame which rests on top a foundation, sometimes called philippine construction cost estimate plate. Also sole plate, bottom member of interior wall frame.
Mullion Philippines A vertical divider in the frame between windows, doors, or other openings.
Muntin Philippines A small member which divides the glass or openings of philippine house plans and designs or doors.
Muriatic acid Philippines Commonly used as a brick cleaner after masonry work is completed.
Mushroom Philippines The unacceptable occurrence when the top of a caisson concrete pier spreads out and hardens to become wider than the foundation wall thickness.
Nail inspection Philippines An inspection made by a municipal building inspector after the drywall material is hung with nails and screws (and before taping).
Natural finish Philippines A transparent finish which does not seriously alter the original color or grain of the natural wood. Natural finishes are usually provided by sealers, oils, varnishes, water repellent preservatives, and other building of a house in the philippines materials.
NEC (National Electrical Code) Philippines A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes—which are backed by law—may differ from the NEC in some ways.
Neutral wire Philippines Usually color Philippines coded white, this carries electricity from an outlet back to the service panel. Also see hot wire and ground.
Newel post Philippines The large starting post to which the end of a stair guard railing or balustrade is fastened.
Nonbearing wall Philippines A wall supporting no load other than its own weight.
Nosing Philippines The projecting philippine house design pictures of a molding or drip or the front philippine house design pictures of a stair tread.
Notch Philippines A crosswise groove at the end of a board.
Note Philippines A formal document showing the existence of a debt and stating the terms of repayment.
Nozzle Philippines The part of a heating system that sprays the fuel of fuel Philippines air mixture into the combustion chamber.
O C Philippines On Center Philippines The measurement of spacing for studs, rafters, and joists in a building from the center of one member to the center of the next.
Oakum Philippines Loose hemp or jute fiber that's impregnated with tar or pitch and used to caulk large seams or for packing plumbing pipe joints
Open hole inspection Philippines When an engineer (or municipal inspector) inspects the open excavation and examines the earth to determine the type of foundation (caisson, footer, wall on ground, etc.) that should be installed in the hole.
Oriented Strand Board or OSB Philippines A manufactured 4' X 8' wood panel made out of 1" Philippines 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood.
Outrigger Philippines An extension of a philippines house design beyond the wall line. Usually a smaller member philippine construction cost guide to a larger philippines house design to form a cornice or roof overhang.
Outside corner Philippines The point at which two walls form an external angle, one you usually can walk around.
Overhang Philippines Outward projecting eave Philippines soffit area of a roof; the part of the roof that hangs out or over the outside wall. See also Cornice.
Padding Philippines A material installed under carpet to add foot comfort, isolate sound, and to prolong carpet life.
Pad out, pack out Philippines To shim out or add strips of wood to a wall or ceiling in order that the finished ceiling/wall will appear correct.
Paint Philippines A combination of pigments with suitable thinners or oils to provide decorative and protective coatings. Can be oil based or latex water based.
Pallets Philippines Wooden platforms used for storing and shipping material. Forklifts and hand trucks are used to move these wooden platforms around.
Panel Philippines A thin flat piece of wood, plywood, or building of a house in the philippines material, framed by stiles and rails as in a door (or cabinet door), or fitted into grooves of thicker material with molded edges for decorative wall treatment.
Paper, building Philippines A general term for papers, felts, and building of a house in the philippines sheet materials used in buildings without reference to their properties or uses. Generally comes in long rolls.
Parapet Philippines A wall placed at the philippine house design pictures of a roof to prevent people from falling off.
Parting stop or strip Philippines A small wood piece used in the side and head jambs of double hung windows to separate the upper philippine house plans and designs from the lower sash.
Particle board Philippines Plywood substitute made of course sawdust that is mixed with resin and pressed into sheets. Used for closet shelving, floor underlayment, stair treads, philippine house design
Partition Philippines A wall that subdivides spaces within any story of a building or room.
Paver, paving Philippines Materials—commonly masonry—laid down to make a firm, even surface.
Payment schedule Philippines A pre Philippines agreed upon schedule of payments to a contractor usually based upon the amount of work completed. Such a schedule may include a deposit prior to the start of work. There may also be a temporary 'retainer' (5 Philippines 10% of the total cost of the job) at the end of the contract for correcting any small items which have not window house design philippines completed or repaired.
Pedestal Philippines A metal box installed at various locations along utility easements that contain electrical, telephone, or cable television switches and connections.
Penalty clause Philippines A provision in a contract that provides for a reduction in the amount otherwise payable under a contract to a contractor as a penalty for failure to meet deadlines or for failure of the project to meet contract specifications.
Penny Philippines As examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to nails, it originally indicated the price per hundred. The term now series as a measure of nail length and is abbreviated by the letter "d". Normally, 16d (16 "penny") nails are used for framing
Percolation test or perc. test Philippines Tests that a soil engineer performs on earth to determine the feasibility of installing a leech field type sewer system on a lot. A test to determine if the soil on a proposed building lot is capable of absorbing the liquid affluent from a septic system.
Performance bond Philippines An amount of money (usually 10% of the total price of a job) that a contractor must put on deposit with a governmental agency as an insurance policy that guarantees the contractors' proper and timely completion of a project or job.
Perimeter drain Philippines 3" or 4" perforated plastic pipe that goes around the perimeter (either inside or outside) of a foundation wall (before backfill) and collects and diverts ground water away from the foundation. Generally, it is "daylighted" into a sump pit inside the home, and a sump pump is sometimes inserted into the pit to discharge any accumulation of water.
Permeability Philippines A measure of the ease with which water penetrates a material.
house builders in the Philippines
Permit Philippines A governmental municipal authorization to perform a building process as in:
• Zoning\Use permit Philippines Authorization to use a property for a specific use e.g. a garage, a single family residence philippine house design
• Demolition permit Philippines Authorization to tear down and remove an existing structure.
• Grading permit Philippines Authorization to change the contour of the land.
• Septic permit Philippines A health department authorization to build or modify a septic system.
• Building permit Philippines Authorization to build or modify a structure.
• Electrical permit Philippines A separate permit required for most electrical work.
• Plumbing permit Philippines A separate permit required for new plumbing and larger modifications of existing plumbing systems.
Pigtails, electrical Philippines The electric cord that the electrician provides and installs on an appliance such as a garbage disposal, dishwasher, or range hood.
Pier Philippines A column of masonry, usually rectangular in horizontal cross section, used to support other structural members. Also see Caisson.
Pigment Philippines A powdered solid used in paint or enamel to give it a color.
Pilot hole Philippines A small Philippines diameter, pre Philippines drilled hole that guides a nail or screw.
Pilot light Philippines A small, continuous flame (in a hot water heater, boiler, or furnace) that ignites gas or oil burners when needed.
Pitch Philippines The incline slope of a roof or the ratio of the total rise to the total width of a house, i.e., a 6 Philippines foot rise and 24 Philippines foot width is a one Philippines fourth pitch roof. Roof slope is expressed in the inches of rise, per foot of horizontal run.
PITI Philippines Principal, interest, taxes and insurance (the four major components of monthly housing payments).
Plan view Philippines Drawing of a structure with the view from overhead, looking down.
Plate Philippines Normally a 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 that lays horizontally within a framed structure, such as:
Sill plate Philippines A horizontal member anchored to a concrete or masonry wall.
Sole plate Philippines Bottom horizontal member of a frame wall.
Top plate Philippines Top horizontal member of a frame wall supporting ceiling joists, rafters, or other members.
Plenum Philippines The main hot Philippines air supply duct leading from a furnace.
Plot plan Philippines An overhead view plan that shows the location of the home on the lot. Includes all easements, property lines, set backs, and legal descriptions of the home. Provided by the surveyor.
Plough, plow Philippines To philippine house plans a lengthwise groove in a board or plank. An exterior handrail normally has a ploughed groove for hand gripping purposes
Plumb Philippines Exactly vertical and perpendicular.
Plumb bob Philippines A lead weight Philippine house construction to a string. It is the tool used in determining plumb.
Plumbing boots Philippines Metal saddles used to strengthen a bearing wall/vertical stud(s) where a plumbing drain line has window house design philippines philippine house plans through and installed.
Plumbing ground Philippines The plumbing drain and waste house wall construction in the philippines that are installed beneath a basement floor.
Plumbing jacks Philippines Sleeves that fit around drain and waste vent pipes at, and are philippine construction cost guide to, the roof sheeting.
Plumbing rough Philippines Work philippine houses design architects by the plumbing contractor after the Rough Heat is installed. This work includes installing all plastic ABS drain and waste lines, copper water lines, bath tubs, shower pans, and gas piping to furnaces and fireplaces. Lead solder should not be used on copper piping.
Plumbing stack Philippines A plumbing vent pipe that penetrates the roof.
Plumbing trim Philippines Work philippine houses design architects by the plumbing contractor to get the home ready for a final plumbing inspection. Includes installing all toilets (water closets), hot water heaters, sinks, connecting all gas pipe to appliances, disposal, dishwasher, and all plumbing items.
Plumbing waste line Philippines Plastic pipe used to collect and drain sewage waste.
Ply Philippines A term to denote the number of layers of roofing felt, veneer in plywood, or layers in built Philippines up materials, in any finished piece of such material.
Plywood Philippines A panel (normally 4' X 8') of wood made of three or more layers of veneer, compressed and joined with glue, and usually laid with the grain of adjoining plies at right angles to give the sheet strength.
Point load Philippines A point where a bearing/structural weight is concentrated and transferred to the foundation.
Portland cement Philippines Cement made by heating clay and crushed limestone into a brick and then grinding to a pulverized powder state.
Post Philippines A vertical framing member usually designed to carry a beam. Often a 4" x 4", a 6" x 6", or a metal pipe with a flat plate on top and bottom.
Post Philippines and Philippines beam Philippines A basic building method that uses just a few hefty posts and beams to support an entire structure. Contrasts with stud framing.
Power vent Philippines A vent that includes a fan to speed up air flow. Often installed on roofs.
Premium Philippines Amount payable on a loan.
Preservative Philippines . Any pesticide substance that, for a reasonable length of time, will prevent the action of wood Philippines destroying fungi, insect borers, and building of a house in the philippines destructive agents when the wood has window house design philippines properly coated or impregnated with it. Normally an arsenic derivative. Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) is an example.
Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) Philippines A device mounted on a hot water heater or boiler which is designed to release any high steam pressure in the tank to prevent tank explosions.
Pressure Philippines treated wood Philippines Lumber that has window house design philippines saturated with a preservative.
Primer Philippines The first, base coat of paint when a paint job consists of two or more coats. A first coating formulated to seal raw surfaces and holding succeeding finish coats.
Principal Philippines The original amount of the loan, the capital.
Property survey Philippines A survey to determine the boundaries of your property. The cost depends on the complexity of the survey.
P trap Philippines Curved, "U" philippine houses design of drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through a fixtures water drain.
Pump mix Philippines Special concrete that will be used in a concrete pump. Generally, the mix has smaller rock aggregate than regular mix.
Punch list Philippines A list of discrepancies that need to be corrected by the contractor.
Punch out Philippines To inspect and make a discrepancy list.
Putty Philippines A type of dough used in sealing glass in the sash, filling small holes and crevices in wood, and for building of a house in the philippines purposes.
PVC or CPVC Philippines Poly Vinyl Chloride Philippines A type of white or light gray plastic pipe sometimes used for water supply house wall construction in the philippines and waste pipe.
Quarry tile Philippines A man Philippines made or machine Philippines made clay tile used to finish a floor or wall. Generally 6" X 6" X 1/4" thick .
Quarter round Philippines A small trim molding that has the cross philippine houses design of a quarter circle.
Rabbet Philippines A rectangular longitudinal groove philippine house plans in the corner philippine house design pictures of a board or plank.
Radiant heating Philippines A method of heating, usually consisting of a forced hot water system with pipes placed in the floor, wall, or ceiling. Also electrically heated panels.
Radiation Philippines Energy transmitted from a heat source to the air around it. Radiators actually depend more on convection than radiation.
Radon Philippines A naturally Philippines occurring, heavier than air, radioactive gas common in many parts of the country. Radon gas exposure is associated with lung cancer. Mitigation measures may involve crawl space and basement venting and various forms of vapor barriers.
Radon system Philippines A ventilation system beneath the floor of a basement how to have a construction client in the philippines structural wood floor and designed to fan exhaust radon gas to the outside of the home
Rafter Philippines Lumber used to support the roof sheeting and roof loads. Generally, 2 X 10's and 2 X 12's are used. The rafters of a flat roof are sometimes called roof joists.
Rafter, hip Philippines A philippines house design that forms the intersection of an external roof angle.
Rafter, valley Philippines A philippines house design that forms the intersection of an internal roof angle. The valley philippines house design is normally made of double 2 Philippines inch Philippines thick members.
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Rail Philippines Cross members of panel doors or of a sash. Also, a wall or open balustrade placed at the philippine house design pictures of a staircase, walkway bridge, or elevated surface to prevent people from falling off. Any relatively lightweight horizontal element, especially those found in fences (split rail).
Railroad tie Philippines Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6" X 8" and 6' Philippines 8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall.
Rake Philippines Slope or slanted.
Rake fascia Philippines The vertical face of the sloping end of a roof eave.
Rake siding Philippines The practice of installing lap siding diagonally
Ranch Philippines A single story, one level home.
Ready mixed concrete Philippines Concrete mixed at a plant or in trucks en route to a job and delivered ready for placement.
Rebar, reinforcing bar Philippines Ribbed steel bars installed in foundation concrete walls, footers, and poured in place concrete structures designed to strengthen concrete. Comes in various thickness' and strength grade.
Receptacle Philippines An electrical outlet. A typical household will have many 120 volt receptacles for plugging in lams and appliances and 240 volt receptacles for the range, clothes dryer, air conditioners, philippine house design
Recording fee Philippines A charge for recording the transfer of a property, paid to a city, county, or other appropriate branch of government.
Redline, red lined prints Philippines Blueprints that reflect changes and that are marked with red pencil.
Reducer Philippines A fitting with different size openings at either end and used to go from a larger to a smaller pipe.
Reflective insulation Philippines Sheet material with one or both faces covered with aluminum foil.
Refrigerant Philippines A substance that remains a gas at low temperatures and pressure and can be used to transfer heat. Freon is an example and is used in air conditioning systems.
Register Philippines A grill placed over a heating duct or cold air return.
Reglaze Philippines To replace a broken window.
Relief valve Philippines A device designed to open if it detects excess temperature or pressure.
Remote Philippines Remote electrical, gas, or water meter digital readouts that are installed near the front of the home in order for utility companies to easily read the home owners usage of the service.
Retaining wall Philippines A structure that holds back a slope and prevents erosion.
Retentions Philippines Amounts withheld from progress billings until final and satisfactory project completion.
R factor or value Philippines A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. New homewalls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an R value of R Philippines 13, and a ceiling insulation of R Philippines 30.
Ribbon (girt) Philippines Normally a 1 X 4 board let into the studs horizontally to support the ceiling or second Philippines floor joists.
Ridge Philippines The horizontal line at the junction of the top edges of two sloping roof surfaces.
Ridge board Philippines The board placed on the ridge of the roof onto which the upper ends of other rafters are fastened.
Ridge shingles Philippines Shingles used to cover the ridge board.
Rim joist Philippines A joist that runs around the perimeter of the floor joists and home.
Rise Philippines The vertical distance from the eaves line to the ridge. Also the vertical distance from stair tread to stair tread (and not to exceed 7 ½").
Riser Philippines Each of the vertical boards closing the spaces between the treads of stairways.
Riser and panel Philippines The exterior vertical pipe (riser) and metal electric box (panel) the electrician provides and installs at the "Rough Electric" stage.
Road base Philippines A aggregate mixture of sand and stone.
Rock 1, 2, 3 Philippines When referring to drywall, this means to install drywall to the walls and ceilings (with nails and screws), and before taping is performed.
Roll, rolling Philippines To install the floor joists or trusses in their correct place. (To "roll the floor" means to install the floor joists).
Romex Philippines A name brand of nonmetallic sheathed electrical cable that is used for indoor wiring.
Roll roofing Philippines Asphalt roofing products manufactured in roll form. 36 Philippines inch wide rolls with and 108 square feet of material. Weights are generally 45 to 90 pounds per roll.
Romex Philippines A name brand of nonmetallic sheathed electrical cable that is used for indoor wiring.
Roof jack Philippines Sleeves that fit around the black plumbing waste vent pipes at, and are philippine construction cost guide to, the roof sheeting.
Roof joist Philippines The rafters of a flat roof. Lumber used to support the roof sheeting and roof loads. Generally, 2 X 10's and 2 X 12's are used.
Roof sheathing or sheeting Philippines The wood panels or sheet material fastened to the roof rafters or trusses on which the shingle or other roof covering is laid.
Roof valley Philippines The "V" created where two sloping roofs meet.
Rough opening Philippines The horizontal and vertical measurement of a window or door opening before drywall or siding is installed.
Rough philippine construction cost estimate Philippines The framing member at the bottom of a rough opening for a window. It is Philippine house construction to the cripple studs below the rough opening.
Roughing Philippines in Philippines The initial stage of a plumbing, electrical, heating, carpentry, how to have a construction client in the philippines other project, when all components that won't be seen after the second finishing model houses in philippines are assembled. See also Heat Rough, Plumbing Rough, and Electrical Rough.
Run, roof Philippines The horizontal distance from the eaves to a point directly under the ridge. One half the span.
Run, stair Philippines the horizontal distance of a stair tread from the nose to the riser.
R Value Philippines A measure of insulation. A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. The higher the R value, the more insulating "power" it has. For example, typical new home's walls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an R value of R Philippines 13, and a ceiling insulation of R Philippines 30.
Saddle Philippines A small second roof built behind the back side of a philippine modern houses chimney to divert water around the chimney. Also, the plate at the bottom of some—usually exterior—door openings. Sometimes called a threshold.
Sack mix Philippines The amount of Portland cement in a cubic yard of concrete mix. Generally, 5 or 6 sack is required in a foundation wall.
Sales contract Philippines A contract between a buyer and seller which should explain: (1) What the purchase includes, (2) What guarantees there are, (3) When the buyer can move in, (4) What the closing costs are, and (5) What recourse the parties have if the contract is not fulfilled or if the buyer cannot get a mortgage commitment at the agreed upon time.
Sand float finish Philippines Lime that is mixed with sand, resulting in a textured finish on a wall.
Sanitary sewer Philippines A sewer system designed for the collection of waste water from the bathroom, kitchen and laundry drains, and is usually not designed to handle storm water.
Sash Philippines A single light frame containing one or more lights of glass. The frame that holds the glass in a window, often the movable part of the window.
Sash balance Philippines A device, usually operated by a spring and designed to hold a single hung window vent up and in place
Saturated felt Philippines A felt which is impregnated with tar or asphalt.
Schedule (window, door, mirror) Philippines A table on the blueprints that list the sizes, quantities and locations of the windows, doors and mirrors.
Scrap out Philippines The removal of all drywall material and debris after the home is "hung out" (installed) with drywall.
Scratch coat Philippines The first coat of plaster, which is scratched to form a bond for a second coat.
Screed, concrete Philippines To level off concrete to the correct elevation construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house a concrete pour.
Screed, plaster Philippines A small strip of wood, usually the thickness of the plaster coat, used as a guide for plastering.
Scribing Philippines Cutting and fitting woodwork to an irregular surface.
Scupper Philippines (1) An opening for drainage in a wall, curb or parapet. (2) The drain in a downspout or flat roof, usually connected to the downspout.
Sealer Philippines A finishing material, either clear or pigmented, that is usually examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines directly over raw wood for the purpose of sealing the wood surface.
Seasoning Philippines Drying and removing moisture from green wood in order to improve its usability.
Self Philippines sealing shingles Philippines Shingles containing factory Philippines examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines strips or spots of self Philippines sealing adhesive.
Semigloss paint or enamel Philippines A paint or enamel made so that its coating, when dry, has some luster but is not very glossy. Bathrooms and kitchens are normally painted semi Philippines gloss
Septic system Philippines An on site waste water treatment system. It usually has a septic tank which promotes the biological digestion of the waste, and a drain field which is designed to let the left over liquid soak into the ground. Septic systems and permits are usually sized by the number of bedrooms in a house.
Service entrance panel Philippines Main power cabinet where electricity enters a home wiring system.
Service equipment Philippines Main control gear at the service entrance, such as list of contractors in the philippines breakers, switches, and fuses.
Service lateral Philippines Underground power supply line.
Setback Thermostat Philippines A thermostat with a clock which can be programmed to come on or go off at various temperatures and at different times of the day/week. Usually used as the heating or cooling system thermostat.
Settlement Philippines Shifts in a structure, usually caused by freeze Philippines thaw cycles underground.
Sewage ejector Philippines A pump used to 'lift' waste water to a gravity sanitary sewer line. Usually used in basements and other locations which are situated bellow the level of the side sewer.
Sewer lateral Philippines The portion of the sanitary sewer which connects the interior waste water house wall construction in the philippines to the main sewer lines. The side sewer is usually buried in several feet of soil and runs from the house to the sewer line. It is usually 'owned' by the sewer utility, must be maintained by the owner and may only be serviced by utility approved contractors. Sometimes called side sewer.
Sewer stub Philippines The junction at the municipal sewer system where the home's sewer line is connected.
Sewer tap Philippines The physical connection point where the home's sewer line connects to the main municipal sewer line.
Shake Philippines A wood roofing material, normally cedar or redwood. Produced by splitting a block of the wood along the grain line. Modern shakes are sometimes machine sawn on one side. See shingle.
Shear block Philippines Plywood that is face philippine construction cost guide to short (2 X 4's or 2 X 6's) wall studs (above a door or window, for example). This is done to prevent the wall from sliding and collapsing.
Sheathing, sheeting Philippines The structural wood panel covering, usually OSB or plywood, used over studs, floor joists or rafters/trusses of a structure.
Shed roof Philippines A roof containing only one sloping plane.
Sheet metal work Philippines All components of a house employing sheet metal, such as flashing, gutters, and downspouts.
Sheet metal duct work Philippines The heating system. Usually round or rectangular metal pipes and sheet metal (for Return Air) and installed for distributing warm (or cold) air from the advice on constructing a house in philippines to rooms in the home.
Sheet rock Philippines Drywall Philippines Wall board or gypsum Philippines A manufactured panel made out of gypsum plaster and encased in a thin cardboard. Usually 1/2" thick and 4' x 8' or 4' x 12' in size. The 'joint compound'. 'Green board' type drywall has a greater resistance to moisture than regular (white) plasterboard and is used in bathrooms and other "wet areas".
Shim Philippines A small piece of scrap lumber or shingle, usually wedge shaped, which when forced behind a furring strip or framing member forces it into position. Also used when installing doors and placed between the door jamb legs and 2 X 4 door trimmers. Metal shims are wafer 1 1/2" X 2" sheet metal of various thickness' used to fill gaps in wood framing members, especially at bearing point locations.
Shingles Philippines Roof covering of asphalt. asbestos, wood, tile, slate, or other material philippine house plans to stock lengths, widths, and thickness'.
Shingles, siding Philippines Various kinds of shingles, used over sheathing for exterior wall covering of a structure.
Short list of contractors in the philippines Philippines A situation that occurs when hot and neutral wires come in contact with each other. Fuses and list of contractors in the philippines breakers protect against fire that could result from a short.
Shutter Philippines Usually lightweight louvered decorative frames in the form of doors located on the sides of a window. Some shutters are made to close over the window for protection.
Side sewer Philippines The portion of the sanitary sewer which connects the interior waste water house wall construction in the philippines to the main sewer lines. The side sewer is usually buried in several feet of soil and runs from the house to the sewer line. It is usually 'owned' by the sewer utility, must be maintained by the owner and may only be serviced by utility approved contractors. Sometimes called sewer lateral.
Siding Philippines The finished exterior covering of the outside walls of a frame building.
Siding, (lap siding) Philippines Slightly wedge Philippines shaped boards used as horizontal siding in a lapped pattern over the exterior sheathing. Varies in butt thickness from ½ to ¾ inch and in widths up to 12".
Sill Philippines (1) The 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 wood plate framing member that lays flat against and bolted to the foundation wall (with anchor bolts) and upon which the floor joists are installed. Normally the philippine construction cost estimate plate is treated lumber. (2) The member forming the lower side of an opening, as a door philippine construction cost estimate or window sill.
Sill cock Philippines An exterior water faucet (hose bib).
Sill plate (mudsill) Philippines Bottom horizontal member of an exterior wall frame which rests on top a foundation, sometimes called mudsill. Also sole plate, bottom member of an interior wall frame.
Sill seal Philippines Fiberglass or foam insulation installed between the foundation wall and philippine construction cost estimate (wood) plate. Designed to seal any cracks or gaps.
Single hung window Philippines A window with one vertically sliding philippine house plans and designs or window vent.
Skylight Philippines A more or less horizontal window located on the roof of a building.
Slab, concrete Philippines Concrete pavement, i.e. driveways, garages, and basement floors.
Slab, door Philippines A rectangular door without hinges or frame.
Slab on grade Philippines A type of foundation with a concrete floor which is placed directly on the soil. The philippine house design pictures of the slab is usually thicker and acts as the footing for the walls.
Slag Philippines Concrete cement that sometimes covers the vertical face of the foundation void material.
Sleeper Philippines Usually, a wood member embedded in concrete, as in a floor, that serves to support and to fasten the subfloor or flooring.
Sleeve(s) Philippines Pipe installed under the concrete driveway or sidewalk, and that will be used later to run sprinkler pipe or low voltage wire.
Slope Philippines The incline angle of a roof surface, given as a ratio of the rise (in inches) to the run (in feet). See also pitch.
Slump Philippines The "wetness" of concrete. A 3 inch slump is dryer and stiffer than a 5 inch slump.
Soffit Philippines The area below the eaves and overhangs. The underside where the roof overhangs the walls. Usually the underside of an overhanging cornice.
Soil pipe Philippines A large pipe that carries liquid and solid wastes to a sewer or septic tank.
Soil stack Philippines A plumbing vent pipe that penetrates the roof.
Sole plate Philippines The bottom, horizontal framing member of a wall that's Philippine house construction to the floor sheeting and vertical wall studs.
Solid bridging Philippines A solid member placed between adjacent floor joists near the center of the span to prevent joists or rafters from twisting.
Sonotube Philippines Round, large cardboard tubes designed to hold wet concrete in place until it hardens.
Sound attenuation Philippines Sound proofing a wall or subfloor, generally with fiberglass insulation.
Space heat Philippines Heat supplied to the living space, for example, to a room or the living area of a building.
Spacing Philippines The distance between House plan philippines members or shingles in building construction.
Span Philippines The clear distance that a framing member carries a load without support between structural supports. The horizontal distance from eaves to eaves.
Spec home Philippines A house built before it is sold. The builder speculates that he can sell it at a profit.
Specifications or Specs Philippines A narrative list of materials, methods, model numbers, colors, allowances, and other details which supplement the information contained in the blue prints. Written elaboration in specific detail about construction materials and methods. Written to supplement working drawings.
Splash block Philippines Portable concrete (or vinyl) channel generally placed beneath an exterior philippine construction cost estimate cock (water faucet) or downspout in order to receive roof drainage from downspouts and to divert it away from the building.
Square Philippines A unit of measure Philippines 100 square feet Philippines usually examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to roofing and siding material. Also, a situation that exists when two elements are at right angles to each other. Also a tool for checking this.
Square Philippines tab shingles Philippines Shingles on which tabs are all the same size and exposure.
Squeegie Philippines Fine pea gravel used to grade a floor (normally before concrete is placed).
Stack (trusses) Philippines To position trusses on the walls in their correct location.
Standard practices of the trade(s) Philippines One of the more common basic and minimum construction standards. This is another way of saying that the work should be done in the way it is normally done by the average professional in the field.
Starter strip Philippines Asphalt roofing examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines at the eaves that provides protection by filling in the spaces under the cutouts and joints of the first course of shingles.
Stair carriage or stringer Philippines Supporting member for stair treads. Usually a 2 X 12 inch plank notched to receive the treads; sometimes called a "rough horse."
Stair landing Philippines A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs. Often used when stairs change direction. Normally no less than 3 ft. X 3 ft. square.
Stair rise Philippines The vertical distance from stair tread to stair tread (and not to exceed 7 ½").
Static vent Philippines A vent that does not include a fan.
STC (Sound Transmission Class) Philippines The measure of sound stopping of ordinary noise.
Steel inspection Philippines A municipal how to have a construction client in the philippines engineers inspection of the concrete foundation wall, conducted before concrete is poured into the foundation panels. Done to insure that the rebar (reinforcing bar), rebar nets, void material, beam pocket plates, and basement window bucks are installed and wrapped with rebar and complies with the foundation plan.
Step flashing Philippines Flashing application method used where a vertical surface meets a sloping roof plane. 6" X 6" galvanized metal bent at a 90 degree angle, and installed beneath siding and over the top of shingles. Each piece overlaps the one beneath it the entire length of the sloping roof (step by step).
Stick built Philippines A house built without prefabricated parts. Also called conventional building.
Stile Philippines An upright framing member in a panel door.
Stool Philippines The flat molding fitted over the window philippine construction cost estimate between jambs and contacting the bottom rail of the lower sash. Also another name for toilet.
Stop box Philippines Normally a cast iron pipe with a lid (@ 5" in diameter) that is placed vertically into the ground, situated near the water tap in the yard, and where a water philippine house plans Philippines off valve to the home is located (underground). A long pole with a special end is inserted into the curb stop to turn off/on the water.
Stop Order Philippines A formal, written notification to a contractor to discontinue some or all work on a project for reasons such as safety violations, defective materials or workmanship, or cancellation of the contract.
Stops Philippines Moldings along the inner edges of a door or window frame. Also valves used to shut off water to a fixture.
Stop valve Philippines A device installed in a water supply line, usually near a fixture, that permits an House plan philippines to shut off the water supply to one fixture without interrupting service to the rest of the system.
Storm philippine house plans and designs or storm window Philippines . An extra window usually placed outside of an existing one, as additional protection against cold weather.
Storm sewer Philippines A sewer system designed to collect storm water and is separated from the waste water system.
Story Philippines That part of a building between any floor or between the floor and roof.
Strike Philippines The plate on a door frame that engages a latch or dead bolt.
String, stringer Philippines A timber or other support for cross members in floors or ceilings. In stairs, the supporting member for stair treads. Usually a 2 X 12 inch plank notched to receive the treads
Strip flooring Philippines Wood flooring consisting of narrow, matched strips.
Structural floor Philippines A framed lumber floor that is installed as a basement floor instead of concrete. This is done on very expansive soils.
Stub, stubbed Philippines To push through.
Stucco Philippines Refers to an outside plaster finish made with Portland cement as its base.
Stud Philippines A vertical wood framing member, also referred to as a wall stud, Philippine house construction to the horizontal sole plate below and the top plate above. Normally 2 X 4's or 2 X 6's, 8' long (sometimes 92 5/8"). One of a series of wood or metal vertical structural members placed as supporting elements in walls and partitions.
Stud framing Philippines A building method that distributes structural loads to each of a series of relatively lightweight studs. Contrasts with post Philippines and Philippines beam.
Stud shoe Philippines A metal, structural bracket that reinforces a vertical stud. Used on an outside bearing wall where holes are drilled to accommodate a plumbing waste line.
Subfloor Philippines The framing components of a floor to include the philippine construction cost estimate plate, floor joists, and deck sheeting over which a finish floor is to be laid.
Sump Philippines Pit or large plastic bucket/barrel inside the home designed to collect ground water from a perimeter drain system.
Sump pump Philippines A submersible pump in a sump pit that pumps any excess ground water to the outside of the home.
Suspended ceiling Philippines A ceiling system supported by hanging it from the overhead structural framing.
Sway brace Philippines Metal straps or wood blocks installed diagonally on the inside of a wall from bottom to top plate, to prevent the wall from twisting, racking, or falling over "domino" fashion.
Switch Philippines A device that completes or disconnects an electrical circuit.
T & G, tongue and groove Philippines A joint made by a tongue (a rib on one philippine house design pictures of a board) that fits into a corresponding groove in the philippine house design pictures of another board to make a tight flush joint. Typically, the subfloor plywood is T & G.
Tab Philippines The exposed portion of strip shingles defined by cutouts.
Tail beam Philippines A relatively short beam or joist supported in a wall on one end and by a header at the other.
Take off Philippines The material necessary to complete a job.
Taping Philippines The process of covering drywall joints with paper tape and joint compound.
T bar Philippines Ribbed, "T" shaped bars with a flat metal plate at the bottom that are driven into the earth. Normally used chain link fence poles, and to mark locations of a water meter pit.
Teco Philippines Metal straps that are philippine construction cost guide and secure the roof rafters and trusses to the top horizontal wall plate. Sometimes called a hurricane clip.
Tee Philippines A "T" shaped plumbing fitting.
Tempered Philippines Strengthened. Tempered glass will not shatter nor create shards, but will "pelletize" like an automobile window. Required in tub and shower enclosures and locations, entry door glass and sidelight glass, and in a windows when the window philippine construction cost estimate is less than 16" to the floor.
Termites Philippines Wood eating insects that superficially resemble ants in size and general appearance, and live in colonies.
Termite shield Philippines A shield, usually of galvanized metal, placed in or on a foundation wall or around pipes to prevent the passage of termites.
Terra cotta Philippines A ceramic material molded into masonry units.
Thermoply ™ Philippines Exterior laminated sheathing philippine construction cost guide to the exterior side of the exterior walls. Normally ¼ " thick, 4 X 8 or 4 x 10 sheets with an aluminumized surface.
Thermostat Philippines A device which relegates the temperature of a room or building by switching heating or cooling equipment on or off.
Three Philippines dimensional shingles Philippines Laminated shingles. Shingles that have added dimensionality because of extra layers or tabs, giving a shake Philippines like appearance. May also be called "architectural shingles".
Threshold Philippines The bottom metal or wood plate of an exterior door frame. Generally they are adjustable to keep a tight fit with the door slab.
Time and materials contract Philippines A construction contract which specifies a price for different elements of the work such as cost per hour of labor, overhead, profit, philippine house design A contract which may not have a maximum price, or may state a 'price not to exceed'.
Tinner Philippines Another name for the heating contractor.
Tip up Philippines The downspout extension that directs water (from the home's gutter system) away from the home. They typically swing up when mowing the lawn, philippine house design
Title Philippines Evidence (usually in the form of a certificate or deed) of a person's legal right to ownership of a property.
TJI or TJ Philippines Manufactured structural building component resembling the letter "I". Used as floor joists and rafters. I Philippines joists include two key parts: flanges and webs. The flange or from of the I joist may be made of laminated veneer lumber or dimensional lumber, usually formed into a 1 ½" width. The web or center of the I Philippines joist is commonly made of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). Large holes can be philippine house plans in the web to accommodate duct work and plumbing waste lines. I Philippines joists are available in lengths up to 60'' long.
Toenailing Philippines To drive a nail in at a slant. Method used to secure floor joists to the plate.
Top chord Philippines The upper or top member of a truss.
Top plate Philippines Top horizontal member of a frame wall supporting ceiling joists, rafters, or other members.
Transmitter (garage door) Philippines The small, push button device that causes the garage door to open or close.
Trap Philippines A plumbing fitting that holds water to prevent air, gas, and vermin from backing up into a fixture.
Tread Philippines The walking surface board in a stairway on which the foot is placed.
Treated lumber Philippines A wood product which has window house design philippines impregnated with chemical pesticides such as CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) to reduce damage from wood rot or insects. Often used for the portions of a structure which are likely to be in contact with soil and water. Wood may also be treated with a fire retardant.
Trim (plumbing, heating, electrical) Philippines The work that the "mechanical" contractors perform to finish their respective aspects of work, and when the home is nearing completion and occupancy.
Trim Philippines Interior Philippines The finish materials in a building, such as moldings examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines around openings (window trim, door trim) or at the floor and ceiling of rooms (baseboard, cornice, and other moldings). Also, the physical work of installing interior doors and interior woodwork, to include all handrails, guardrails, stair way balustrades, mantles, light boxes, base, door casings, cabinets, countertops, shelves, window sills and aprons, philippine house design Exterior Philippines The finish materials on the exterior a building, such as moldings examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines around openings (window trim, door trim), siding, windows, exterior doors, attic vents, crawl space vents, shutters, philippine house design Also, the physical work of installing these materials
Trimmer Philippines The vertical stud that supports a header at a door, window, or other opening.
Truss Philippines An engineered and manufactured roof support member with "zig Philippines zag" framing members. Does the same job as a philippines house design but is designed to have a longer span than a rafter.
Tub trap Philippines Curved, "U" shaped philippine houses design of a bath tub drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through tubs water drain.
Turnkey Philippines A term used when the subcontractor provides all materials (and labor) for a job.
Turpentine Philippines A petroleum, volatile oil used as a thinner in paints and as a solvent in varnishes
UL (Underwriters' Laboratories) Philippines An independent testing agency that checks electrical devices and other components for possible safety hazards.
Undercoat Philippines A coating examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines prior to the finishing or top coats of a paint job. It may be the first of two or the second of three coats. Sometimes called the Prime coat.
Underground plumbing Philippines The plumbing drain and waste house wall construction in the philippines that are installed beneath a basement floor.
Underlayment Philippines A ¼" material placed over the subfloor plywood sheeting and under finish coverings, such as vinyl flooring, to provide a smooth, even surface. Also a secondary roofing layer that is waterproof or water Philippines resistant, installed on the roof deck and beneath shingles or other roof Philippines finishing layer.
Union Philippines A plumbing fitting that joins pipes end Philippines to Philippines end so they can be dismantled.
Utility easement Philippines The area of the earth that has electric, gas, or telephone lines. These how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? may be owned by the homeowner, but the utility company has the legal right to enter the area as necessary to repair or service the lines.
Valley Philippines The "V" shaped area of a roof where two sloping roofs meet. Water drains off the roof at the valleys.
Valley flashing Philippines Sheet metal that lays in the "V" area of a roof valley.
Valuation Philippines An inspection carried out for the benefit of the mortgage lender to ascertain if a property is a good security for a loan.
Valuation fee Philippines Th fee paid by the prospective borrower for the lender's inspection of the property. Normally paid upon loan application.
Vapor barrier Philippines A building product installed on exterior walls and ceilings under the drywall and on the warm side of the insulation. It is used to retard the movement of water vapor into walls and prevent condensation within them. Normally, polyethylene plastic sheeting is used.
Variable rate Philippines An interest rate that will vary over the term of the loan.
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Veneer Philippines Extremely thin sheets of wood. Also a thin slice of wood or brick or stone covering a framed wall.
Vent Philippines A pipe or duct which allows the flow of air and gasses to the outside. Also, another word for the moving glass part of a window sash, i.e. window vent.
Vermiculite Philippines A mineral used as bulk insulation and also as aggregate in insulating and acoustical plaster and in insulating concrete floors.
Veterans Administration (VA) Philippines A federal agency that insures mortgage loans with very liberal down payment requirements for honorably discharged veterans and their surviving spouses.
Visqueen Philippines A 4 mil or 6 mil plastic sheeting.
Void Philippines Cardboard rectangular boxes that are installed between the earth (between caissons) and the concrete foundation wall. Used when expansive soils are present.
Voltage Philippines A measure of electrical potential. Most homes are wired with 110 and 220 volt lines. The 110 volt power is used for lighting and most of the other circuits. The 220 volt power is usually used for the kitchen range, hot water heater and dryer.
Wafer board Philippines A manufactured wood panel made out of 1" Philippines 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood in the exterior wall and roof sheathing.
Walk Philippines Through Philippines A final inspection of a home before "Closing" to look for and document problems that need to be corrected.
Wall out Philippines When a painter pray paints the interior of a home.
Warping Philippines Any distortion in a material.
Warranty Philippines In construction there are two general types of warranties. One is provided by the manufacturer of a product such as roofing material or an appliance. The second is a warranty for the labor. For example, a roofing contract may include a 20 year material warranty and a 5 year labor warranty. Many new homebuilders provide a one year warranty. Any major issue found construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the first year should be communicated to the builder immediately. Small items can be saved up and presented to the builder for correction periodically through the first year after closing.
Waste pipe and vent Philippines Plumbing plastic pipe that carries waste water to the municipal sewage system.
Water board Philippines Water resistant drywall to be used in tub and shower locations. Normally green or blue colored
Water closet Philippines Another name for toilet.
Water meter pit (or vault) Philippines The box /cast iron bonnet and concrete rings that contains the water meter.
Water Philippines repellent preservative Philippines A liquid examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to wood to give the wood water repellant properties
Water table Philippines The location of the underground water, and the vertical distance from the surface of the earth to this underground water.
Water tap Philippines The connection point where the home water line connects to the main municipal water system.
W C Philippines An abbreviation for water closet (toilet).
Weatherization Philippines Work on a building exterior in order to reduce energy consumption for heating or cooling. Work involving adding insulation, installing storm windows and doors, caulking cracks and putting on weather Philippines stripping.
Weatherstrip Philippines Narrow sections of thin metal or other material installed to prevent the infiltration of air and moisture around windows and doors.
Weep holes Philippines Small holes in storm window frames that allow moisture to escape.
Whole house fan Philippines A fan designed to move air through and out of a home and normally installed in the ceiling.
Wind bracing Philippines Metal straps or wood blocks installed diagonally on the inside of a wall from bottom to top plate, to prevent the wall from twisting, racking, or falling over "domino" fashion.
Window buck Philippines Square or rectangular box that is installed within a concrete foundation or block wall. A window will eventually be installed in this "buck" construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the siding stage of construction
Window frame Philippines The stationary part of a window unit; window philippine house plans and designs fits into the window frame.
Window philippine house plans and designs Philippines The operating or movable part of a window; the philippine house plans and designs is made of window panes and their border.
Wire nut Philippines A plastic device used to connect bare wires together.
Wonderboard ™ Philippines A panel made out of concrete and fiberglass usually used as a ceramic tile backing material. Commonly used on bathtub decks.
Wrapped drywall Philippines how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? that get complete drywall covering, as in the doorway openings of bifold and bipass closet doors.
Y Philippines A "Y" shaped plumbing fitting.
Yard of concrete Philippines One cubic yard of concrete is 3' X 3' X 3' in volume, or 27 cubic feet. One cubic yard of concrete will pour 80 square feet of 3 ½" sidewalk or basement/garage floor.
Yoke Philippines The location where a home's water meter is sometimes installed between two copper pipes, and located in the water meter pit in the yard.
Z Philippines bar flashing Philippines Bent, galvanized metal flashing that's installed above a horizontal trim board of an exterior window, door, or brick run. It prevents water from getting behind the trim/brick and into the home.
Zone Philippines The philippine houses design of a building that is served by one heating or cooling loop because it has noticeably distinct heating or cooling needs. Also, the philippine houses design of property that will be watered from a lawn sprinkler system.
Zone valve Philippines A device, usually placed near the heater or cooler, which controls the flow of water or steam to parts of the building; it is controlled by a zone thermostat.
Zoning Philippines A governmental process and specification which limits the use of a property e.g. single family use, high rise residential use, industrial use, philippine house design Zoning laws may limit where you can locate a structure. Also see building codes.
Construction Management Terms
The terms listed below came from a number of sources and represent the most common terms used in performing the construction management process.
We wish to a acknowledge the work authored by W. Gary Westernoff our founder. The book is titled, Construction Management Made Easy or Do I Really Want to Manage that Construction Project Myself? (Order Book)
1. A scheduling term
2. The smallest work unit within a project; the basic building block of a project.
The Americans with Disabilities Act which gives civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities building of a house in the philippines to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.
(Addenda) Written information adding to, clarifying or modifying the bidding documents. An addendum is generally architecture small house design in philippines by the owner to the contractor construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the bidding process and as such, addenda are intended to become part of the contract documents when the construction contract is executed.
One authorized by a client (principal) to act in his/her stead or behalf and owes the client a "fiduciary duty" (Trust). Example: Construction Manager for fee but classified as an independent contractor for tax purposes. A construction manager for fee does not have any financial responsibility whereas a construction manager at Philippines risk does have financial risk building of a house in the philippines to a general contractor.
An arrangement between the parties regarding a method of action.
1. A term used to describe partial construction work philippine houses design architects within an existing structure
2. Remodeling without a building addition.
Alternate Bid
Amount stated in the bid to be added or deducted from the base bid amount proposed for alternate materials how to have a construction client in the philippines methods of construction.
Application for Payment
Contractor's written request for payment for completed portions of the work and, for materials delivered or stored and properly labeled for the respective project.
One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other structures.
Architects Basic Services
A recognized series of phases philippine houses design architects by an architect as follows: 1st Schematic Design Phase, 2nd Design Development Phase, 3rd Construction Document Phase, 4th Bidding or Negotiated Phase, 5th Construction Phase.
Architect Philippines Engineer
An House plan philippines or firm offering professional services as both architect and engineer.
Architectural Drawing
A line drawing showing plan how to have a construction client in the philippines elevation views of the proposed building for the purpose of showing the overall appearance of the building.
As Philippines Built Drawings (also known as Record Drawings)
Contract drawings marked up to reflect changes made construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction process. It is good practice to make As Philippines Built drawings by marking the changes on reproducible drawings such a sepias for the duplication purposes later.
1. An offer or proposal of a price
2. The amount offered or proposed. (see RFP)
Bid Bond
A written form of security executed by the bidder as principal and by a philippine construction materials price list for the purpose of guaranteeing that the bidder will sign the contract, if awarded the contract, for the stated bid amount.
Bid Date/Time
The due date and time set by the owner, architect or engineer for receiving bids.
Bid Form
A standard written form furnished to all bidders for the purpose of obtaining the requested information and required signatures from the authorized bidding representatives.
Bid Opening
The actual process of opening and tabulating bids submitted within the prescribed bid date/time and conforming with the bid procedures. A Bid Opening can be open (where the bidders are permitted to attend) or closed (where the bidders are not permitted to attend). (see Bid Date/Time, Open Bid, Closed Bid)
Bid Price
The stipulated sum stated in the bidder’s bid.
Bid Tabulation
A summary sheet listing all bid prices for the purpose of analysing the bid results. Bid tabulations include the required items of the invitation to bid and usually include bid amount, completion time, addendas included, contract exclusions, bonding rate, philippine house design Often times, the apparent low bidder is not the low bidder. (see Bid Form )
Bid Shopper
A buyer or client who seeks to play one proposed supplier or subcontractor against the other for the purpose of reducing a purchase price.
Bid Time (see Bid Date/Time)
Bidding Documents
The published advertisement or written invitation to bid , instructions to bidders, the bid form and the proposed contract documents including any acknowledged addenda architecture small house design in philippines prior to receipt of bids.
Bidding Period
The calendar period allowed from issuance of bidding requirements and contract documents to the prescribed bid date/time. ( see Bid Date/Time)
Bidding Requirements
The written minimum acceptable requirements set forth by the owner to the contractor construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house bidding process. The owner usually reserves the right to reject a bid if the Bidding Requirements are not met. (see Bidding Documents)
Bond (see Bid Bond; Contract Bond; Contract Payment Bond; Contract Performance Bond; Labor and Material Payment Bond; Performance Bond; Subcontractor Bond; surety)
Bonding Company
A properly licensed firm or corporation willing to execute a philippine construction materials price list bond, or bonds, payable to the owner, securing the performance on a contract either in whole or in part; or securing payment for labor and materials.
Budget (Construction Budget)
1. An itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period of time
2. The total sum of money allocated for a specific project.
1. To form by combining materials or parts
2. A structure enclosed within a roof and within exterior walls housing, shelter, enclosure and support of individuals, animals, or real property of any kind.
Building Code
The legal requirements set up by the prevailing various governing agencies covering the minimum acceptable requirements for all types of construction. (See Codes)
Building Envelope (Sometimes referred to as Building Shell)
1. The waterproof elements of a building which enclose conditioned spaces through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from the exterior.
2. The outer structure of the building. (See Tenant and Leasehold improvements for building interiors)
Building Inspector/Official
A qualified government representative authorized to inspect construction for compliance with applicable building codes, regulations and ordinances. Courts have ruled that building inspections are exempt from errors and omissions liabilities.
Building Permit
A written document architecture small house design in philippines by the appropriate governmental authority permitting construction to begin on a specific project in accordance with drawings and specifications approved by the governmental authority.
Building Process
A term used to express every step of a construction project from it’s conception to final acceptance and occupancy.
Change Order
A written document between the owner and the contractor signed by the owner and the contractor authorizing a change in the work or an adjustment in the contract sum or the contract time. A change order may be signed by the architect or engineer, provided they have written authority from the owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is furnished to the contractor upon request. The contract sum and the contract time may be changed only by change order. A change order may be in the form of additional compensation or time; or less compensation or time known as a Deduction (from the contract) the amount deducted from the contract sum by change order.
Change Order Proposal (See Change order)
A change order proposal is the written document before it has window house design philippines approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner. A change order proposal can be architecture small house design in philippines by either the contractor or the owner. The change order proposal becomes a change order only after it has window house design philippines approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner.
Change Order Request
A written document architecture small house design in philippines by the owner requesting an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time; generally architecture small house design in philippines by the architect or owners representative.
Closed Bid/Estimate
A service offered by where only invited bidders or estimators are given access to the project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information.stimator is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from a prequalified and selected list of professionals or service. For security and easy access, the RFP poster receives an e Philippines mail showing the list of bidders/estimators and links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received.This e Philippines mail gives the poster the ability to file and track their respective RFP's using their own e Philippines mail filing system. (see Open Bid/Estimate)
Prevailing regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements set forth by governmental agencies associated with building construction practices and owner occupancy, adopted and administered for the protection of public health, life safety and welfare. (see Building Code)
Construction Documents
All drawings, specifications and addenda associated with a specific construction project.
To assemble and combine construction materials and methods to make a structure.
The act or process of constructing.
Construction Cost
1. The direct contractor costs for labor, material, equipment, and services; contractors overhead and profit; and other direct construction costs. Construction cost does not include the compensation paid to the architect and engineer and consultants, the cost of the land, rights Philippines of Philippines way or other costs which are defined in the contract documents as being the responsibility of the owner. (see Soft Costs)
Construction Documents
A term used to represent all drawings, specifications, addenda, other pertinent construction information associated with the construction of a specific project.
Construction Documents Phase
The third model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares working drawings, specifications and bidding information. Depending on the architects scope of services the architect may assists the owner in the preparation of bidding forms, the conditions of the contract and the form of agreement between the owner and contractor.
Construction Document Review
The owners review of the borrowers construction documents (plans and specifications), list of materials, and cost breakdowns for the purpose of confirming that these documents and estimates are feasible and are in accordance with the proposed loan or project appraisal.
Construction Inspector (see Project Representative)
Construction Management
Organizing and directing men, materials, and equipment to accomplish the purpose of the designer.
Construction Management Contract
A written agreement wherein responsibilities for coordination and accomplishment of overall project planning, design and construction are given to a construction management firm. The building team generally consists of the owner, contractor and designer or architect.
Construction model houses in philippines
The fifth and final model houses in philippines of the architect's basics services, which includes the architect's general administration of the construction contract(s).
One hired by the owner or client to give professional advise.
Cost Breakdown (see Schedule of Values)
Cost Codes
A numbering system given to specific kinds of work for the purpose of organizing the cost control process of a specific project.
Cost of Work
All costs incurred by the contractor in the proper performance of the work required by the plans and specifications for a specific project.
Cost Plus Contract (see Cost Plus Fee Agreement)
Cost Plus Fee Agreement (Cost Philippines Plus)
A written agreement with the owner under which the contractor or the architect and engineer is reimbursed for his/her direct and indirect costs and, in addition, is paid a fee for his services. The fee is usually stated as a stipulated sum or as a percentage of cost.
1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law
2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.
Contract Administration
The contractual duties and responsibilities of the architect and engineer construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction model houses in philippines of a specific project.
Contract Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing complete execution of the contract and all supplemental agreements pertaining thereto and for the payment of all legal debts pertaining to the construction of the project.
Contract Date (see date of agreement)
Contract Documents
A term used to represent all executed agreements between the owner and contractor; any general, supplementary or other contract conditions; the drawings and specifications; all addenda architecture small house design in philippines prior to execution of the contract; and any other items specifically stipulated as being included in the contract documents.
Contract Over Philippines run (under Philippines run)
The difference between the original contract price and the final completed cost including all adjustments by approved change order.
Contract Payment Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to all persons providing labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract.
Contract Performance Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing the completion of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Contract Period
The elapsed number of working days or calendar days from the specified date of commencing work to the specified date of completion, as specified in the contract.
Contract Sum
The total agreeable amount payable by the owner to the contractor for the performance of the work under the contract documents. (see Change Order)
Contract Time
The time period set forth established in the contract documents for completing a specific project; usually stated in working days or calendar days. The contract time can only be adjusted by valid time extensions through change order.
Contractual Liability
The liability assumed by a party under a contract.
A properly licensed House plan philippines of company that agrees to furnish labor, materials, equipment and associated services to perform the work as specified for a specified price.
Contractor's Option
A written provision in the contract documents giving the contractor the option of selecting certain specified materials, methods or systems without changing in the contract sum.
Contractor's Qualification Statement
A written statement of the Contractor's experience and qualifications submitted to the Owner construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the contractor selection process. The American Institute of Architects publishes a standard Contractor's Qualification Statement form for this purpose.
Contracting Officer
An official representative of the owner with specific authority to act in his behalf in connection with a specific project.
Critical Path
The set of activities that must be completed on time for the project completion date to be met. Activities on the critical path have no slack time.
Critical Path Method (C.P.M.)
A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project.
Construction Specification Institute
CSI Master Format
The CSI Master Format is a system of numbers and titles for organizing construction information into a regular, standard order or sequence. By establishing a master list of titles and numbers Master Format promotes standardization and thereby facilitates the retrieval of information and improves construction communication. It provides a uniform system for organizing information in project manuals, for organizing project cost data, and for filing product information and other technical data.
Current Date Line
A vertical line on the chart indicating the current date.
Daily Construction Report
A written document and record that has two main purposes:
1. they furnish information to off Philippines site persons who need and have a right to know important details of events as they occur daily and hourly, and
2. they furnish historical documentation that might later have a legal bearing in cases of disputes. Daily reports should be as factual and impersonal as possible, free from the expression of personal opinions and feelings. Each report should be numbered to correspond with the working days established on the progress schedule. In the event of no Philippines work days, a daily report should still be made, stating "no work today" ( due to rain, strike, or other causes). The report includes a description of the weather; a record of the total number of employees, subcontractors by name, work started and completed today, equipment on the job site, job progress today, names and titles of visitors, accidents how to have a construction client in the philippines safety meetings, and a remarks column for other job related information.
Date of Agreement
1. Usually on the front page of the agreement
2. If not on front page it may be the date opposite the signatures when the agreement was actually signed
3. or when it was recorded
4. or the date the agreement was actually awarded to the contractor.
Date of Commencement of the Work
The date established in a written notice to proceed from the owner to the contractor.
Date of Substantial Completion
The date certified by the architect when the work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so the owner may occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended.
Demising Walls
The boundaries that separate your space from your neighbors' and from the public corridor.
A graphical representation consisting of plan views, interior and exterior elevations, sections, and other drawings and details to depict the goal or purpose for a building or other structure.
Design Philippines Build Construction
When a Prime or Main contractor bids or negotiates to provide Design and Construction services for the entire construction project.
Design Philippines Construct Contract
A written agreement between and contractor and owner wherein the contractor agrees to provide both design and construction services.
Design Philippines Development model houses in philippines
The second model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares drawings and other presentation documents to fix and describe the size and character of the entire project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and other essentials as may be appropriate; and prepares a statement of probable construction cost.
1. An House plan philippines part or item
2. A graphical scale representation (drawing at a larger scale) of construction part(s) or item(s) showing materials, composition and dimensions.
Direct Cost (or expense)
All items of expense directly incurred by or attributable to a specific project, assignment or task. Direct Costs, Hard Costs, and Construction Costs are synonymous. (see Construction Costs and Hard Costs)
1. A term used to represent that portion of the contract documents that graphically illustrates the design, location and dimensions of the components and elements contained in a specific project
2. A line drawing.
The length of an activity, excluding holidays and other non Philippines working days.
Engineer (see Professional Engineer)
1. To calculate approximately the amount, extent or value of something
2. To form an opinion of estimated costs.
Estimate of Construction Cost, Detailed
A calculation of costs prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of materials and labor for all items of work, as contrasted with an estimate based on current area, volume or building of a house in the philippines unit costs. *195
A process of calculating the amount of material, labor and equipment required for a given project necessary to complete the work as specified.
Facility or Site Analysis
A visual inspection of a building and on Philippines site improvements for functional or physical deterioration; prepare optional Replacement Cost Estimate for making recommendations to improve functional and physical deficiencies to increase market value; how to have a construction client in the philippines prepare a Reserve Study over five (5) years to increase Net Operating Income (NOI) for the facility.(See Site Analysis)
Fast Track Construction (Fast Tracking)
A method of construction management which involves a continuous design Philippines construction operation. When a prime or main contractor starts the construction work BEFORE the plans and specifications are complete. (See Design Philippines Build Construction)
Field Order
A written order effecting a minor change or clarification in the work not involving an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time.
Field Report (see Daily Construction Report)
Field Work Order
A written request to a subcontractor or vendor, usually from the general or main contractor, site for services or materials.
Final Acceptance
The action of the owner accepting the work from the contractor when the owner deems the work completed in accordance with the contract requirements. Final acceptance is confirmed by the owner when making the final payment to the contractor.
Final Inspection
A final site review of the project by the contractor, owner or owner’s authorized representative prior to issuing the final certificate for payment.
Final Payment
The last payment from the owner to the contractor of the entire unpaid balance of the contract sum as adjusted by any approved change orders. (see Final Acceptance)
Finish Date
The date that an activity or project is completed.
Fixed Fee
A set contract amount for all labor, materials, equipment and services; and contractors overhead and profit for all work being philippine houses design architects for a specific scope of work.
Fixed Limit of Construction Costs
A construction cost ceiling agreed to between the owner and architect or engineer for designing a specific project. (See Budget)
1. An abbreviation for furniture, fixtures and equipment
2. Items classified as personal property rather than real property
3. An abbreviation generally associated with interior design and planning of retail stores or office facilities.
Gantt Chart
The schedule of activities for a project. A Gantt Chart shows start and finish dates, critical and non Philippines critical activities, slack time, and predecessor relationships.
General Conditions
A written portion of the contract documents set forth by the owner stipulating the contractor’s minimum acceptable performance requirements including the rights, responsibilities and relationships of the parties involved in the performance of the contract. General conditions are usually included in the book of specifications but are sometimes found in the architectural drawings.
General Contractor
Properly licensed House plan philippines or company having primary (prime) responsibility for the work.
General Contracting (the traditional method)
When a prime or main contractor bids the entire work AFTER the final design, plans and specifications are complete and have window house design philippines approved by the owner. (see Design Philippines Build Construction and Fast Track Construction)
Hard Costs (see Construction Costs and Direct Costs)
Independent Contractor
One free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others and does not owe a "fiduciary duty". Example: architect, engineer, prime or main contractor, construction manager at Philippines risk.
1. A term sometimes used to describe TI'S or Tenant Improvements.
2. Improvements can be in the form of new construction or remodel work. (see TI'S)
1.The act of indemnifying.
2. The condition of being indemnified.
Indirect Cost (or expense)
A contractor’s or consultant’s overhead expense; expenses indirectly incurred and not chargeable to a specific project or task. The terms Indirect costs and soft costs are synonymous . (see Soft Costs)
1. The act of inspecting.
2. An official examination or review of the work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with contract requirements.
Inspection for Disbursement of Funds
An independent vehicle for the disbursement and accounting of construction funds allowing construction obligations to be paid (progress payments) when work is completed, inspected and approved. Job Costs are reviewed prior to making disbursements to establish that the actual construction payments are within the confines of the original estimate confines or schedule of construction values.
Inspection List (punch list)
A list prepared by the owner or his/her authorized representative of items of work requiring immediate corrective or completion action by the contractor.
Inspection Report
Sometimes used to describe an Inspection List. (see Inspection List)
One who is appointed or employed to inspect something.
Interior Finish
A term used to represent the visible elements, materials and applications examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to a building’s interior excluding furniture, fixtures and equipment. (see FF&E)
A list sent to a purchaser containing the items and charges of merchandise. (see Statement)
Labor and Material Payment Bond
1. A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list (bonding) company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to pay for all labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract. (see Performance Bond and philippine construction materials price list Bond)
Leasehold Improvements
A term used to mean Tenant Improvements. Generally, this term is used when building in retail stores as contrasted with the term Tenant Improvements which are generally associated with office buildings. The terms are often used interchangeably. (see TI'S)
Lien, Mechanic's or Material
The right to take and hold or sell an owner’s property to satisfy unpaid debts to a qualified contractor for labor, materials, equipment or services to improve the property. (see Preliminary philippines house plans Notice)
Lien Release
A written document from the contractor to the owner that releases the Lien, Mechanic’s or Material following it’s satisfaction.
Lien Waiver
1. An written document from a contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or other construction professional(s), having philippines house plans rights against an owner’s property, relinquishes all or part of those rights.
2. philippines house plans waivers are generally used for processing progress payments to prime or main or subcontractors as follows: Conditional philippines house plans Waiver, Unconditional philippines house plans Waiver, and Final philippines house plans Waiver.
Lump Sum Agreement (See Stipulated Sum Agreement)
Lump Sum Bid
A single entry amount to cover all labor, equipment, materials, services, and overhead and profit for completing the construction of a variety of unspecified items of work without the benefit of a cost breakdown.
Lump Sum Contract
A written contract between the owner and contractor wherein the owner agrees the pay the contractor a specified sum of money for completing a scope of work consisting of a variety of unspecified items or work.
Meeting Attendance Form
A form consisting of three columns (individuals name, individuals title, and company the House plan philippines represents). This form is given to all persons attending any meeting. Each person attending the meeting will complete their respective information. The date of the meeting should be included for reference.
Meeting Notes
A written report consisting of a project number, project name, meeting date and time, meeting place, meeting subject, a list of persons attending, and a list of actions taken how to have a construction client in the philippines discussed construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the meeting. Generally, this report is distributed to all persons attending the meeting and any other person having an interest in the meeting.
An activity with a duration of zero (0) and by which progress of the project is measured. A milestone is an informational marker only; it does not affect scheduling.
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Open Bid/Estimate
A service offered by where any bidder or estimator is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from any interested professionals or service with out prequalifying them. For security and easy access, the project poster receives an e Philippines mail showing the links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received. This gives the RFP poster the ability to file and track the respective RFP's using their own e Philippines mail filing system. (see Closed Bid/Estimate)
1. An House plan philippines or corporation that owns a real property.
Owner Philippines Architect Agreement
A written form of contract between architect and client for professional architectural services.
Owner Philippines Builder
A term used to describe an Owner who takes on the responsibilities of the general contractor to build a specific project.
Owner Philippines Construction Agreement
Contract between owner and contractor for a construction project.
Owner Philippines Construction Management Agreement
Contract between construction manager and client for professional services.
Performance Bond
1. A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list (bonding) company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to perform all labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract.
2. The philippine construction materials price list companies generally reserve the right to have the original prime or main or subcontractor remedy any claims before paying on the bond or hiring other contractors. (see Labor and Material Payment Bond and philippine construction materials price list Bond)
Performance Specifications
The written material containing the minimum acceptable standards and actions, as may be necessary to complete a project. Including the minimum acceptable quality standards and aesthetic values expected upon completion of the project.
An abbreviation for Program Evaluating and Review Technique. (see Activity; Critical Path Method)
PERT Schedule
A diagram that illustrates, charts and reports a projects estimated start and completion times; and work in progress.
1. A line drawing (by floor) representing the horizontal geometrical philippine houses design of the walls of a building. The philippine houses design (a horizontal plane) is taken at an elevation to include the relative positions of the walls, partitions, windows, doors, chimneys, columns, pilasters, philippine house design
2. A plan can be thought of as cutting a horizontal philippine houses design through a building at an eye level elevation.
Plan Checker
A term sometimes used to describe a building department official who examines the building permit documents.
A person who forms a scheme or method for doing something; an arrangement of means or steps for the attainment of some object; a scheme, method, design; a mode of action.
A term used to represent all drawings including sections and details; and any supplemental drawings for complete execution of a specific project.
Pre Philippines Construction Planning and Team Building
A process used for the purpose of establishing below market dollar budget(s), overall project scheduling and design criteria; also identification and selection of the most feasible planning, design and construction team.
An activity that must be completed before another activity can begin.
Preliminary Drawings
1. The drawings that precede the final approved drawings.
2. Usually these drawings are stamped or titled "PRELIMINARY"; and the "PRELIMINARY" is removed from the drawings upon being reviewed and approved by the owner.
Preliminary philippines house plans Notice
A written notice given to the property owner of a specific project by the subcontractors and any person or company furnishing services, equipment or materials to that project. The notice states if bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's philippines house plans leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of the property being so improved may be placed against the property even through the owner has paid the prime contractor in full. The notice explains how the owner can protect himself against this consequence by 1. requiring the prime contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm thus giving the owner notice before making payment to the prime contractor or 2. any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. The state of California mandates that a Preliminary philippines house plans Notice must be given to the property owner not more than 20 days after starting the work on the specific project.
Pre Philippines qualification of prospective bidders
A screening process wherein the owner or his/her appointed representative gathers background information from a contractor or construction professional for selection purposes. Qualifying considerations include competence, integrity, dependability, responsiveness, bonding rate, bonding capacity, work on hand, building of a house in the philippines project experience, and other specific owner requirements.
Prime Contract
A written contract directly between a prime or main contractor or subcontractor for work on a specific project.
Prime Contractor
1. Any contractor having a contract directly with the owner.
2. Usually the main (general) contractor for a specific project.
1. The leading participant of professional practice.
Professional Engineer
One who is professionally engaged in a branch of engineering.
An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed for a specific project.
Progress Payment
A payment from the owner to the contractor determined by calculating the difference between the completed work and materials stored and a predetermined schedule of values or unit costs. (see Schedule of values; Unit Costs).
Progress Schedule
A line diagram showing proposed and actual starting and completion times the respective project activities. (see Activity)
A word used to represent the overall scope of work being philippine houses design architects to complete a specific construction job.
Project Cost
All costs for a specific project including costs for land, professionals, construction, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, financing and any other project related costs.
Project Directory
A written list of all parties connected with a specific project. The list usually includes a classification or description of the party (i.e.., Owner, Architect, Attorney, General Contractor, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, etc.); name, address, telephone and FAX numbers opposite their respective classifications or description. It is particularly important that the emergency or after hour telephone numbers are included. These numbers should be kept confidential if requested by the respective parties.
Project Manager (Project Management)
A qualified House plan philippines or firm authorized by the owner to be responsible for coordinating time, equipment, money, tasks and people for all or specified portions of a specific project. (see Construction Manager)
Project Manual
A organized book setting forth the bidding requirements, conditions of the contract and the technical work specifications for a specific project. (see Specifications)
Project Representative
A qualified House plan philippines authorized by the owner to assist in the administration of a specific construction contract.
Project Site (see Site)
Property Inspections and Reports
A limited visual inspection to identify the general features and major deficiencies of the property. Any area not exposed to view, is concealed, or is inaccessible is not included in this inspection.
A written offer from a bidder to the owner, preferably on a prescribed proposal form, to perform the work and to furnish all labor, materials, equipment how to have a construction client in the philippines services for the prices and terms quoted by the bidder. ( see Bid)
Proposal Form (see Bid Form)
Purchase Order
A written document from a buyer to a seller to purchase materials, services, equipment or supplies with acceptable purchase terms indicated.
Punch List (see Inspection List)
An House plan philippines or firm with a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing; or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her abilities to identify and solve or resolve problems associated with a specific subject matter or project type.
Record Drawings (see As Philippines Built Drawings)
Release of philippines house plans
A written action properly executed by and House plan philippines or firm supplying labor, materials or professional services on a project which releases his mechanic's philippines house plans against the project property. (see Mechanic's Lien)
Reimbursable Expenses (or Costs)
Amounts expended for or on account of the project which, in accordance with the terms of the appropriate agreement, are to be reimbursed by the owner.
Replacement Cost Estimate
A cost of constructing a building or structure that would have building of a house in the philippines utility, but constructed with modern materials, current building standards, design and layout less depreciation. A land value and cost of on Philippines site improvements can be added if desired.
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Resident Architect
An architect permanently assigned at a job site who supervises the construction work for the purpose of protecting the owner's interests construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house construction.
Resident Engineer (inspector)
An House plan philippines permanently assigned at a job site for the purpose of representing the owner's interests construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction phase. (see Owner's Inspector)
1. An abbreviation for Request for Information.
2. A written request from a contractor to the owner or architect for clarification or information about the contract documents following contract award.
1. An abbreviation for Request for Proposal.
2. A written request from the requestor (usually the ower or a contractor) to a contractor, design professional or subcontractor for an estimate or cost proposal. The RFP usually contains a specific scope of work. (see Bid) (see Closed Bid/Estimate) (see Open Bid/Estimate)
Roll Out
A loose term used to describe the rapid succession (completion) of building of a house in the philippines projects over a given time period.
Safety Report
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 clearly states the common goal of safe and healthful working conditions. A Safety Report is prepared following a regularly scheduled project safety inspection of the specific project.
A plan for performing work or achieving an objective.
Schedule of Values
A statement furnished by the contractor to the architect or engineer reflecting the portions of the contract sum allotted for the various parts of the work and used as the basis for reviewing the contractor's applications for progress payments. *455
A preliminary sketch or diagram representing the proposed intent of the designer.
Schematic Design model houses in philippines
The first model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services in which the architect consults with the owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and prepares schematic design studies consisting of drawings and other documents showing the scale and project components for the owner’s approval.
1. A chart, a diagram, or an outline of a system being proposed
2. An orderly combination of related construction systems and components for a specific project or purpose.
Scope of Work
A written range of view or action; outlook; hence, room for the exercise of faculties or function; capacity for achievement; all in connection with a designated project. (See Performance Specifications)
Slack Time
The flexibility with non Philippines critical jobs that allows their start dates to be adjusted without affecting the project completion date.
The place where a structure or group of structures was, or is to be located (a construction site).
Soft Costs
Soft Costs are cost items in addition to the direct Construction Cost. Soft Costs generally include architectural and engineering, legal, permits and fees, financing fees, construction Interest and operating expenses, leasing and real estate commissions, advertising and promotion, and supervision. (see Construction Cost)
A detailed, exact statement of particulars, especially statements prescribing materials and methods; and quality of work for a specific project. The most common arrangement for specifications substantially parallels the CSI (Construction Specification Institute) format. (see CSI)
Special Conditions
A philippine houses design of the conditions of the contract, other than the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions, which may be prepared for a particular project. Specific clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration, and covering work or materials involved in the proposal and estimate, but not satisfactorily covered by the General Conditions. (See General Conditions)
Standard Details
A drawing or illustration sufficiently complete and detailed for use on other projects with minimum or no changes.
Standard Dimension
A measurement unique to a specific manufactured item.
Standards of Professional Practice
A listing of minimum acceptable ethical principals and practices adopted by qualified and recognized professional organizations to guide their members in the conduct of specific professional practice.
Start Date
The date that an activity or project begins.
A copy or summary of any account covering a stated period. (See Invoice)
Statute of Limitations
The period of time in which legal action must be brought for an alleged damage or injury. The period commences with the discovery of the alleged damage or injury; or in construction industry cases with completion of the work or services performed. Legal advise should be obtained.
Stipulated Sum Agreement
A written agreement in which a specific amount is set forth as the total payment for completing the contract. (See Lump Sum Contract)
Structural Design
A term used to represent the proportioning of structural members to carry loads in a building structure.
Structural Systems (frames)
The load bearing assembly of beams and columns on a foundation. The beams and columns are generally fabricated off site and assembled on site. Other systems such as non load bearing walls, floors, ceilings and roofs are generally constructed within and on the structural system.
1. Something constructed
2. A building put together based on specific plans and specifications.
An abbreviation for Subcontractor.
A written form of agreement between the prime or main contractor and another contractor or supplier for the satisfactory performance of services or delivery or material as set forth in the plans and specifications for a specific project.
A qualified subordinate contractor to the prime or main contractor.
Subcontractor Bond
A written document from a subcontractor given to the prime or main contractor by the subcontractor guaranteeing performance of his/her contract and payment of all labor, materials, equipment and service bills associated with the subcontract agreement.
To subcontract all or a portion of a contracted amount.
Substantial Completion (see Date of Substantial Completion)
A proposed replacement or alternate offered in lieu of and represented as being equivalent to a specified material or process.
The supporting part of a structure; the foundation.
Sub Philippines subcontractor
An House plan philippines or firm having a written contract with a subcontractor to perform a portion of the work.
Sub Philippines surface Investigation
1. A term used to represent an examination of soil conditions below the ground.
2. Investigations include soil borings and geotechnical laboratory tests for structural design purposes.
1. One that succeeds another
2. A scheduled activity whose start depends on the completion of one or more predecessors.
The part of a building or other structure above the foundation.
1.The act, process, or function of supervising construction materials, methods and processes for a specific project
2. Hands on field direction of the contracted work by a qualified House plan philippines of the contractor.
Supplemental Conditions (See Supplementary Conditions)
Supplementary Conditions
A written philippine houses design of the contract documents supplementing and qualifying or modifying the contracts general conditions. (See Conditions of the Contract)
An House plan philippines or firm who supplies how to have a construction client in the philippines fabricates materials or equipment for a specific portion of a construction project but does not perform any labor on the project. ( see Vendor)
Surety (see Bonding Company)
1. An abbreviation for a contracting method called Time and Materials
( 2) A written agreement between the owner and the contractor wherein payment is based on the contractor's actual cost for labor, equipment, materials, and services plus a fixed add Philippines on amount to cover the contractor’s overhead and profit.
Tenant's Rentable Square Feet
Usable square feet plus a percentage (the core factor) of the common how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? on the floor, including hallways, bathrooms and telephone closets, and some main lobbies. Rentable square footage is the number on which a tenant's rent is usually based.
Tenant's Usable Square Feet
The square footage contained within the demising walls. (see Demising Walls)
TI'S (Tenant Improvements)
TI'S is a term used to define the interior improvements of the project after the Building Envelope is complete. TI'S usually include finish floor coverings; ceilings; partitions; doors, frames, hardware; fire protection; HVAC consisting of branch distribution duct work, control boxes, and registers; electrical consisting of lighting, switches, power outlets, phone/data outlets, exit and energy lighting; window coverings; general conditions; and the general contractor’s fee. The cost of tenant improvements are generally born by the tenant and the costs of tenant improvements will vary with every building, and with tenant requirements. (see Work Letter)
Time (as time of the essence associated with a construction contract)
A provision in a construction contract by the owner that punctual completion within the time limits or periods in the contract is a vital part of the contract performance and that failure to perform on time is a breach and the injured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained.
Time Philippines and Philippines a Philippines half
A term meaning any individuals normal billing hourly rate is increased by a multiple of 1.5 following predetermined normal working hours.
Timely Completion
Completing the work of the contract before the date required.
Time of Completion
The date or number of calendar or working days stated in the contract to substantially complete the work for a specific project. (see Date of Substantial Completion)
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A written document used to identify information being sent to a receiving party. The transmittal is usually the cover sheet for the information being sent and includes the name, telephone/FAX number and address of the sending and receiving parties. The sender may include a message or instructions in the transmittal. It is also important to include the names of other parties the information is being sent to on the transmittal form.
Travel Time
Wages paid to workmen under certain union contracts and under certain job conditions for the time spent in traveling from their place of residence to and from the job.
Underwriter's Laboratories Label (UL)
A label on a product or manufactured item showing the material is regularly tested by, and complies with the minimum standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories specification for safety and quality.
U.B.C. (Uniform Building Code)
The Uniform Building Code is one of the family of codes and related publications published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and other organizations, such as the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which have building of a house in the philippines goals as far as code publications are concerned. The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with these other codes, as together they make up the enforcement tools of a jurisdiction.
Uniform System (see CSI Format)
Unit Price Contract
A written contract wherein the owner agrees to pay the contractor a specified amount of money for each unit of work successfully completed as set forth in the contract.
Unit Prices
A predetermined price for a measurement or quantity of work to be philippine houses design architects within a specific contract. The designated unit price would include all labor materials, equipment or services associated with the measurement or quantity established.
Verbal Quotation
A written document used by the contractor to receive a subcontract or material cost proposal over the telephone prior to the subcontractor or supplier sending their written proposal via mail or facsimile.
One that sells materials or equipment not fabricated to a special design.
The successful performance of the entire scope of the project being philippine houses design architects for a specific construction project including labor, materials, equipment, and other associated items necessary to fulfill all obligations under the contract.
Working Drawing
A drawing sufficiently complete with plan and philippine houses design views, dimensions, details, and notes so that whatever is shown can be constructed how to have a construction client in the philippines replicated without instructions but subject to clarifications. (see Drawings)
Work Order
A written order, signed by the owner or his representative, of a contractual status requiring performance by the contractor without negotiation of any sort.
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Work Letter
A written statement (often called Exhibit B to a lease or rental agreement) of the specific materials and quantities the owner will provide at his own expense. The work letter defines the building standards, including the type of ceiling , the type and number of light fixtures, the size and construction of the suite Philippines entry and interior doors. Building standards define the quality of tenant spaces. Generally, a Work Letter is associated with the leasing or renting of office space by a tenant within a Building Envelope. (see TI'S and Building Envelope)
Restrictions of how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? or regions of land within specific geographical how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? based on permitted building size, character, and uses as established by governing urban authorities.
Zoning Permit
A document architecture small house design in philippines by a governing urban authority permitting land to be used for a specific purpose.
The five styles described above are by far the most common Philippine model house design modern styles built since 1940. Many additional modern designs have, however, appeared through Philippine modern houses this period. Some have philippine home builders been dominated by regional design considerations or legacies, while Philippines architecture others have been inspired by energy-conservation considerations or by new and experimental advances in building technology.
Manila, Cebu, Davao, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Tagaytay, Isabela, Tuguegarao, Laoag, Ilocos, Baguio, La Union, Pangasinan, Pampanga, Angeles, Zambales, Subic, Olongapo, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Malolos, Rizal, Antipolo, Metro Manila, Makati, Imus, Quezon, BICOL, Samar, Albay, Legaspi, Iloilo, Boracay, Negros, Dumaguete, Bacolod, Camotes Island, Leyte, Tacloban, Ormoc, Maasin, Bohol, Tagbilaran, Panglao, Iligan City, Cagayan de Oro, General Santos, Cotabato, Zamboanga, Davao, Samal, Tagum, Butuan, Palawan, Agusan, Surigao, Bukidnon, Malaybalay etc.
The modern home is marked by glass, stone, and wood, so adding “hot” colors can clash dramatically. Bright or neon colors are quite cost to build a house in the Philippines rowdy in this cool landscape – muted tones of beige are much more fitting. To add a splash of color, consider deep reds, blues, or grays.
Recessed lighting can be found throughout modern list of house contractors philippines style homes, and track lighting is another common Philippine model house design feature. Fixtures construction companies in philippines are typically in chrome, steel, or shades of copper, often with black accents. Adding more light to the space can be challenging, as even houses in Philippines a lamp with a base that matches the décor may lose some of its appeal with a lamp shade. Consider black or chrome floor lamps or wall sconces to brighten up a dark space. For table lamps, avoid traditional house models Philippines fabric shades.
Window treatments
Curtains or window treatments are a great way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to soften the space without Philippines houses design sacrificing the feel Philippine contractors of the home. Consider muted or rustic tones. Beiges, grays, and black will go nicely, but you can bring out accents in the rest of the room Philippines house plans with deep jewel tones.
The appliance colors that fit best are steel, philippine architect brushed metal, or black. Don’t overlook the significance of these important parts of your interior design. They are a big part of the room, and they are only subtle when they are properly matched to the space.
Decorate with these tips in mind, and you’ll be philippine home builders well on your way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to an interior design that cost to build a house in the Philippines complements and enhances the stunning architecture of your modern-style house!
Before choosing a modern house plan, read these articles about the cost involved, designing tips, why to consider a modern house plan, where to construction companies in philippines find them and modern vs contemporary house plans.
Generally speaking, modern homes are the some of the most affordable choices out there. Not only do they tend to cost less than other styles to build, but the durable, easily Philippine contractor maintained materials keep Philippines contractors ownership expenses down, which makes them great choices for families of all sizes.
Stone and brick
Many modern house styles feature stone or brick philippine architect list of house contractors philippines on the exterior walls. Depending on where your building site is, these materials may add up to considerable expense – especially if you have stones trucked in just for your job. Bricks are widely available and, while Philippines architecture they are generally more expensive than wood or vinyl, they are infinitely more durable. Over the life of your home, the initial investment required for stone and brick will be returned many times over with lowered maintenance costs. Unlike wood and vinyl, they rarely need to be replaced.
Modern house plans feature large expanses of glass which allow sunlight to flood the home. This beautiful, natural light will easily Philippine contractor save contractors Philippines on daytime lighting costs. The cost of the windows may add up quite a bit depending on the features and materials you choose, but today’s construction cost per square meter in the philippines energy efficient windows are great at letting light in without Philippines houses design excessive heat, so they’re a wonderful investment for your home.
Generally speaking, modern homes are the some of the most affordable choices out there. Not only do they tend to cost less than other styles to build, but the durable, easily Philippine contractor maintained materials keep Philippines contractors ownership expenses down, which makes them great choices for families of all sizes!
The flat roof
The flat roof of a modern home is more than just easily Philippine contractor recognizable … it’s the most cost-efficient roof you can build. The construction companies in philippines trend for modern homes is a very low pitch (few are literally flat and full of gravel and tar, as the industrial ones tend to be). Not only is the cost of materials much lower for the obvious reason of needing less roof, but working on the roof is considerably less latest building in construction in the philippines challenging without Philippines houses design the steep grade.
Many windows
Modern house plans are full of windows – entire philippine architect walls of them in many cases. Large windows let in natural light, opening up small rooms and enhancing bigger ones. Picture windows are an ever-changing display of art in motion, welcoming the outside into the living space. Modern homes may also showcase skylights and decorative list of house contractors philippines glass, both within the home and in the exterior walls.
Stunning architectural detail
Rambling stone or block fireplaces, suspended stairways, lofts, and a dramatic horizontal stance are all elements of the modern builders in the philippines house style. There is often a lot of wood detail inside. Paired with the other features, the effect is sleek and impressive. Modern house plans are also purveyors of the portico or car port. You will often find these tucked against the walls of the homes, designed as part of a seamless overhang of the roof.
Are you looking to find modern house plans? Are you searching all over the place for the perfect house plans for your new modern home and having no luck? If this sounds like you, you might need a little help being pointed in the right philippine home builders direction or the house plans that you are looking for. You will be surprised about all of the house plans and where you can get them that we are going floor plans Philippines to tell you about. You will find any kind of house plan that you might be architects philippines looking for as long as you cost to build a house in the Philippines follow our tips and advice.
Modern Home Open House
Have you ever been to an open house for modern homes? Well if you have not, we suggest that you go and tour the homes and check out all the house plans that are available at these type of house shows. You will find that there are a ton of different plans that you can choose from, and you can even houses in Philippines let the contractors that sponsor the shows build your home for you if you wish. How great is that? You would construction companies in philippines get floor plans and a dependable contractor all rolled into one.
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By properly investigating a number of things house models in the Philippines right from the get go, you're going floor plans Philippines to save contractors Philippines yourself a lot of time, money house contractors in Philippines and heartache when it is time to build your new beach house. Talk to the local pictures of houses in the Philippines surveyor and find out about where you plan to build your house. What are the erosion estimates? Is the ground stable and sound, or should special precautions be taken? What about that company to read and bring those house plans in the Philippines beach house plans to life? What are their credentials? Are the properly licensed and bonded? Are their complaints with the BBB or state Attorney General against the company? And, of course, look at what's available when it comes house plan Philippines to selecting the right plans. Find the best price for the best design. Anyone who locks themselves into dealing with only one architect or firm from the beginning usually small houses design in Philippines regrets it later. keep Philippines contractors your options Philippine house design pictures open, and it allows you a fair amount of latitude when it comes house plan Philippines time to negotiate.
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Light Weight Concrete
Prefabricated Houses
Modular Ferro Concrete
Green Building ECO House
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Tip #4: Adding Value
Choosing the right blueprints for your new construction cost per square meter in the philippines beach house is all about value. Value is not always something that can be measured in dollars and cents. A home is more valuable if it is more enjoyable. A beach house is more enjoyable if it properly suits our needs. Being sure there is enough room Philippines house plans for everything Philippine architecture and everyone is one way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to add value. Making sure that it is pleasing to the eye is another way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to add value. Still, by going floor plans Philippines forward with the unique design you selected for your beach house, you have added a monetary value. Your home is different from the rest. without Philippines houses design the cookie cutter design, you have created something unique that will intrigue buyers and increase the actual value of the home, if and when there comes house plan Philippines a time to sell.
Modern ca. 1935-present
Most domestic building ceased between Philippine house model design 1941 and 1945 as the United States prepared for and fought World War II. When construction resumed in 1946, houses based on historical precedent were largely abandoned in favor of new variations of the modern styles that had only begun to flourish in the pre-war years. The earliest of these, the Minimal traditional house models Philippines style, was a simplified form loosely based on the previously dominant Tudor style of the 1920s and ‘30s. Like Tudor houses, these generally have a dominant front gable and massive chimneys, but the steep Tudor roof pitch is lowered and the façade is simplified by omitting most of the traditional house models Philippines detailing. These houses first became popular in the late 1930s and were the dominant style of the post-war ‘40s and early ‘50s. By the early 1950s they were being replaced by the Ranch style, which dominated American domestic building through Philippine modern houses the ‘60s and is still popular in many parts of the country. These are one-s tory houses with very low-pitched roofs and broad, rambling facades. Some lack decorative detailing, but most have decorative shutters, porch-roof supports, or other detailing; these were usually small houses design in Philippines loosely based on colonial precedents. Also during construction cost per square meter in the philippines the 1950s the closely related Split level contractors in the Philippines style, with half-story wings and sunken garages, began to emerge. These generally have some traditional house models Philippines decorative detailing but their unusual form clearly marks them as modern houses.
Laminated shingles Philippines Shingles that have added dimensionality because of extra layers or tabs, giving a shake Philippines like appearance. May also be called "architectural shingles" or "three Philippines dimensional shingles."
Laminating Philippines Bonding together two or more layers of materials.
Landing Philippines A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs. Often used when stairs change direction. Normally no less than 3 ft. X 3 ft. square.
Lap Philippines To cover the surface of one shingle or roll with another.
Latch Philippines A beveled metal tongue operated by a spring Philippines loaded knob or lever. The tongue's bevel lets you close the door and engage the locking mechanism, if any, without using a key. Contrasts with dead bolt.
Lateral (electric, gas, telephone, sewer and water) Philippines The underground trench and related services (i.e., electric, gas, telephone, sewer and water lines) that will be buried within the trench.
Lath Philippines A building material of narrow wood, metal, gypsum, or insulating board that is fastened to the frame of a building to act as a base for plaster, shingles, or tiles.
Lattice Philippines An open framework of criss Philippines crossed wood or metal strips that form regular, patterned spaces.
Ledger (for a Structural Floor) Philippines The wooden perimeter frame lumber member that bolts onto the face of a foundation wall and supports the wood structural floor.
Ledger strip Philippines A strip of lumber philippine construction cost guide along the bottom of the side of a girder on which joists rest.
Leech field Philippines A method used to treat/dispose of sewage in rural how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? not accessible to a municipal sewer system. Sewage is permitted to be filtered and eventually discharged into a philippine houses design of the lot called a leech field.
Let Philippines in brace Philippines Nominal 1 inch Philippines thick boards examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines into notched studs diagonally. Also, an "L" shaped, long (@ 10') metal strap that are installed by the framer at the rough stage to give support to an exterior wall or wall corner.
Level Philippines True horizontal. Also a tool used to determine level.
Level Payment Mortgage Philippines A mortgage with identical monthly payments over the life of the loan.
Lien Philippines An encumbrance that usually makes real or personal property the security for payment of a debt or discharge of an obligation.
Light Philippines Space in a window philippine house plans and designs for a single pane of glass. Also, a pane of glass.
Limit switch Philippines A safety control that automatically shuts off a advice on constructing a house in philippines if it gets too hot. Most also control blower cycles.
Lineal foot Philippines A unit of measure for lumber equal to 1 inch thick by 12 inches wide by 12 inches long. Examples: 1" x 12" x 16' = 16 board feet, 2" x 12" x 16' = 32 board feet.
Lintel Philippines A horizontal structural member that supports the load over an opening such as a door or window.
Load bearing wall Philippines Includes all exterior walls and any interior wall that is aligned above a support beam or girder. Normally, any wall that has a double horizontal top plate.
Loan Philippines The amount to be borrowed.
Loan to value ratio Philippines The ratio of the loan amount to the property valuation and expressed as a percentage. E.g. if a borrower is seeking a loan of $200,000 on a property worth $400,000 it has a 50% loan to value rate. If the loan were $300,000, the LTV would be 75%. The higher the loan to value, the greater the lender's perceived risk. Loans above normal lending LTV ratios may require additional security.
Lookout Philippines A short wood bracket or cantilever that supports an overhang portion of a roof.
Louver Philippines A vented opening into the home that has a series of horizontal slats and arranged to permit ventilation but to exclude rain, snow, light, insects, or other living creatures.
Lumens Philippines Unit of measure for total light output. The amount of light falling on a surface of one square foot.
Male Philippines Any part, such as a bolt, designed to fit into another (female) part. External threads are male.
Mantel Philippines The shelf above a philippine modern houses opening. Also used in referring to the decorative trim around a philippine modern houses opening.
Manufactured wood Philippines A wood product such as a truss, beam, gluelam, microlam or joist which is manufactured out of smaller wood pieces and glued or mechanically fastened to form a larger piece. Often used to create a stronger member which may use less wood. See also Oriented Strand Board.
Manufacturer's specifications Philippines The written installation how to have a construction client in the philippines maintenance instructions which are developed by the manufacturer of a product and which may have to be followed in order to maintain the product warrantee.
Masonry Philippines Stone, brick, concrete, hollow Philippines tile, concrete block, or other building of a house in the philippines building units or materials. Normally bonded together with mortar to form a wall.
Mastic Philippines A pasty material used as a cement (as for setting tile) or a protective coating (as for thermal insulation or waterproofing)
Mechanics philippines house plans Philippines A philippines house plans on real property, created by statue in many years, in favor of persons supplying labor or materials for a building or structure, for the value of labor or materials supplied by them. In some jurisdictions, a mechanics philippines house plans also exists for the value of professional services. Clear title to the property cannot be obtained until the claim for the labor, materials, or professional services is settled. Timely filing is essential to support the encumbrance, and prescribed filing dates vary by jurisdiction.
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Metal lath Philippines Sheets of metal that are slit to form openings within the lath. Used as a plaster base for walls and ceilings and as reinforcing over other forms of plaster base.
Microlam Philippines A manufactured structural wood beam. It is constructed of pressure and adhesive bonded wood strands of wood. They have a higher strength rating than solid sawn lumber. Normally comes in l ½" thickness' and 9 ½", 11 ½" and 14" widths
Milar (mylar) Philippines Plastic, transparent copies of a blueprint.
Millwork Philippines Generally all building materials made of finished wood and manufactured in millwork plants. Includes all doors, window and door frames, blinds, mantels, panelwork, stairway components (ballusters, rail, etc.), moldings, and interior trim. Does not include flooring, ceiling, or siding.
Miter joint Philippines The joint of two pieces at an angle that bisects the joining angle. For example, the miter joint at the side and head casing at a door opening is made at a 45° angle.
Molding Philippines A wood strip having an engraved, decorative surface.
Monopost Philippines Adjustable metal column used to support a beam or bearing point. Normally 11 gauge or Schedule 40 metal, and determined by the structural engineer
Mortar Philippines A mixture of cement (or lime) with sand and water used in masonry work.
Mortgage Philippines Loan secured by land.
Mortgage broker Philippines A broker who represents numerous lenders and helps consumers find affordable mortgages; the broker charges a fee only if the consumer finds a loan.
Mortgage company Philippines A company that borrows money from a bank, lends it to consumers to buy homes, then sells the loans to investors.
Mortgage deed Philippines Legal document establishing a loan on property.
Mortgagee Philippines The lender who makes the mortgage loan.
Mortgage loan Philippines A contract in which the borrower's property is pledged as collateral. It is repaid in installments. The mortgagor (buyer) promises to repay principal and interest, keep the home insured, pay all taxes and keep the property in good condition.
Mortgage Origination Fee Philippines A charge for work involved in preparing and servicing a mortgage application (usually one percent of the loan amount).
Mortise Philippines A slot philippine house plans into a board, plank, or timber, usually edgewise, to receive the tenon (or tongue) of another board, plank, or timber to form a joint.
Mudsill Philippines Bottom horizontal member of an exterior wall frame which rests on top a foundation, sometimes called philippine construction cost estimate plate. Also sole plate, bottom member of interior wall frame.
Mullion Philippines A vertical divider in the frame between windows, doors, or other openings.
Muntin Philippines A small member which divides the glass or openings of philippine house plans and designs or doors.
Muriatic acid Philippines Commonly used as a brick cleaner after masonry work is completed.
Mushroom Philippines The unacceptable occurrence when the top of a caisson concrete pier spreads out and hardens to become wider than the foundation wall thickness.
Nail inspection Philippines An inspection made by a municipal building inspector after the drywall material is hung with nails and screws (and before taping).
Natural finish Philippines A transparent finish which does not seriously alter the original color or grain of the natural wood. Natural finishes are usually provided by sealers, oils, varnishes, water repellent preservatives, and other building of a house in the philippines materials.
NEC (National Electrical Code) Philippines A set of rules governing safe wiring methods. Local codes—which are backed by law—may differ from the NEC in some ways.
Neutral wire Philippines Usually color Philippines coded white, this carries electricity from an outlet back to the service panel. Also see hot wire and ground.
Newel post Philippines The large starting post to which the end of a stair guard railing or balustrade is fastened.
Nonbearing wall Philippines A wall supporting no load other than its own weight.
Nosing Philippines The projecting philippine house design pictures of a molding or drip or the front philippine house design pictures of a stair tread.
Notch Philippines A crosswise groove at the end of a board.
Note Philippines A formal document showing the existence of a debt and stating the terms of repayment.
Nozzle Philippines The part of a heating system that sprays the fuel of fuel Philippines air mixture into the combustion chamber.
O C Philippines On Center Philippines The measurement of spacing for studs, rafters, and joists in a building from the center of one member to the center of the next.
Oakum Philippines Loose hemp or jute fiber that's impregnated with tar or pitch and used to caulk large seams or for packing plumbing pipe joints
Open hole inspection Philippines When an engineer (or municipal inspector) inspects the open excavation and examines the earth to determine the type of foundation (caisson, footer, wall on ground, etc.) that should be installed in the hole.
Oriented Strand Board or OSB Philippines A manufactured 4' X 8' wood panel made out of 1" Philippines 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood.
Outrigger Philippines An extension of a philippines house design beyond the wall line. Usually a smaller member philippine construction cost guide to a larger philippines house design to form a cornice or roof overhang.
Outside corner Philippines The point at which two walls form an external angle, one you usually can walk around.
Overhang Philippines Outward projecting eave Philippines soffit area of a roof; the part of the roof that hangs out or over the outside wall. See also Cornice.
Padding Philippines A material installed under carpet to add foot comfort, isolate sound, and to prolong carpet life.
Pad out, pack out Philippines To shim out or add strips of wood to a wall or ceiling in order that the finished ceiling/wall will appear correct.
Paint Philippines A combination of pigments with suitable thinners or oils to provide decorative and protective coatings. Can be oil based or latex water based.
Pallets Philippines Wooden platforms used for storing and shipping material. Forklifts and hand trucks are used to move these wooden platforms around.
Panel Philippines A thin flat piece of wood, plywood, or building of a house in the philippines material, framed by stiles and rails as in a door (or cabinet door), or fitted into grooves of thicker material with molded edges for decorative wall treatment.
Paper, building Philippines A general term for papers, felts, and building of a house in the philippines sheet materials used in buildings without reference to their properties or uses. Generally comes in long rolls.
Parapet Philippines A wall placed at the philippine house design pictures of a roof to prevent people from falling off.
Parting stop or strip Philippines A small wood piece used in the side and head jambs of double hung windows to separate the upper philippine house plans and designs from the lower sash.
Particle board Philippines Plywood substitute made of course sawdust that is mixed with resin and pressed into sheets. Used for closet shelving, floor underlayment, stair treads, philippine house design
Partition Philippines A wall that subdivides spaces within any story of a building or room.
Paver, paving Philippines Materials—commonly masonry—laid down to make a firm, even surface.
Payment schedule Philippines A pre Philippines agreed upon schedule of payments to a contractor usually based upon the amount of work completed. Such a schedule may include a deposit prior to the start of work. There may also be a temporary 'retainer' (5 Philippines 10% of the total cost of the job) at the end of the contract for correcting any small items which have not window house design philippines completed or repaired.
Pedestal Philippines A metal box installed at various locations along utility easements that contain electrical, telephone, or cable television switches and connections.
Penalty clause Philippines A provision in a contract that provides for a reduction in the amount otherwise payable under a contract to a contractor as a penalty for failure to meet deadlines or for failure of the project to meet contract specifications.
Penny Philippines As examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to nails, it originally indicated the price per hundred. The term now series as a measure of nail length and is abbreviated by the letter "d". Normally, 16d (16 "penny") nails are used for framing
Percolation test or perc. test Philippines Tests that a soil engineer performs on earth to determine the feasibility of installing a leech field type sewer system on a lot. A test to determine if the soil on a proposed building lot is capable of absorbing the liquid affluent from a septic system.
Performance bond Philippines An amount of money (usually 10% of the total price of a job) that a contractor must put on deposit with a governmental agency as an insurance policy that guarantees the contractors' proper and timely completion of a project or job.
Perimeter drain Philippines 3" or 4" perforated plastic pipe that goes around the perimeter (either inside or outside) of a foundation wall (before backfill) and collects and diverts ground water away from the foundation. Generally, it is "daylighted" into a sump pit inside the home, and a sump pump is sometimes inserted into the pit to discharge any accumulation of water.
Permeability Philippines A measure of the ease with which water penetrates a material.
house builders in the Philippines
Permit Philippines A governmental municipal authorization to perform a building process as in:
• Zoning\Use permit Philippines Authorization to use a property for a specific use e.g. a garage, a single family residence philippine house design
• Demolition permit Philippines Authorization to tear down and remove an existing structure.
• Grading permit Philippines Authorization to change the contour of the land.
• Septic permit Philippines A health department authorization to build or modify a septic system.
• Building permit Philippines Authorization to build or modify a structure.
• Electrical permit Philippines A separate permit required for most electrical work.
• Plumbing permit Philippines A separate permit required for new plumbing and larger modifications of existing plumbing systems.
Pigtails, electrical Philippines The electric cord that the electrician provides and installs on an appliance such as a garbage disposal, dishwasher, or range hood.
Pier Philippines A column of masonry, usually rectangular in horizontal cross section, used to support other structural members. Also see Caisson.
Pigment Philippines A powdered solid used in paint or enamel to give it a color.
Pilot hole Philippines A small Philippines diameter, pre Philippines drilled hole that guides a nail or screw.
Pilot light Philippines A small, continuous flame (in a hot water heater, boiler, or furnace) that ignites gas or oil burners when needed.
Pitch Philippines The incline slope of a roof or the ratio of the total rise to the total width of a house, i.e., a 6 Philippines foot rise and 24 Philippines foot width is a one Philippines fourth pitch roof. Roof slope is expressed in the inches of rise, per foot of horizontal run.
PITI Philippines Principal, interest, taxes and insurance (the four major components of monthly housing payments).
Plan view Philippines Drawing of a structure with the view from overhead, looking down.
Plate Philippines Normally a 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 that lays horizontally within a framed structure, such as:
Sill plate Philippines A horizontal member anchored to a concrete or masonry wall.
Sole plate Philippines Bottom horizontal member of a frame wall.
Top plate Philippines Top horizontal member of a frame wall supporting ceiling joists, rafters, or other members.
Plenum Philippines The main hot Philippines air supply duct leading from a furnace.
Plot plan Philippines An overhead view plan that shows the location of the home on the lot. Includes all easements, property lines, set backs, and legal descriptions of the home. Provided by the surveyor.
Plough, plow Philippines To philippine house plans a lengthwise groove in a board or plank. An exterior handrail normally has a ploughed groove for hand gripping purposes
Plumb Philippines Exactly vertical and perpendicular.
Plumb bob Philippines A lead weight Philippine house construction to a string. It is the tool used in determining plumb.
Plumbing boots Philippines Metal saddles used to strengthen a bearing wall/vertical stud(s) where a plumbing drain line has window house design philippines philippine house plans through and installed.
Plumbing ground Philippines The plumbing drain and waste house wall construction in the philippines that are installed beneath a basement floor.
Plumbing jacks Philippines Sleeves that fit around drain and waste vent pipes at, and are philippine construction cost guide to, the roof sheeting.
Plumbing rough Philippines Work philippine houses design architects by the plumbing contractor after the Rough Heat is installed. This work includes installing all plastic ABS drain and waste lines, copper water lines, bath tubs, shower pans, and gas piping to furnaces and fireplaces. Lead solder should not be used on copper piping.
Plumbing stack Philippines A plumbing vent pipe that penetrates the roof.
Plumbing trim Philippines Work philippine houses design architects by the plumbing contractor to get the home ready for a final plumbing inspection. Includes installing all toilets (water closets), hot water heaters, sinks, connecting all gas pipe to appliances, disposal, dishwasher, and all plumbing items.
Plumbing waste line Philippines Plastic pipe used to collect and drain sewage waste.
Ply Philippines A term to denote the number of layers of roofing felt, veneer in plywood, or layers in built Philippines up materials, in any finished piece of such material.
Plywood Philippines A panel (normally 4' X 8') of wood made of three or more layers of veneer, compressed and joined with glue, and usually laid with the grain of adjoining plies at right angles to give the sheet strength.
Point load Philippines A point where a bearing/structural weight is concentrated and transferred to the foundation.
Portland cement Philippines Cement made by heating clay and crushed limestone into a brick and then grinding to a pulverized powder state.
Post Philippines A vertical framing member usually designed to carry a beam. Often a 4" x 4", a 6" x 6", or a metal pipe with a flat plate on top and bottom.
Post Philippines and Philippines beam Philippines A basic building method that uses just a few hefty posts and beams to support an entire structure. Contrasts with stud framing.
Power vent Philippines A vent that includes a fan to speed up air flow. Often installed on roofs.
Premium Philippines Amount payable on a loan.
Preservative Philippines . Any pesticide substance that, for a reasonable length of time, will prevent the action of wood Philippines destroying fungi, insect borers, and building of a house in the philippines destructive agents when the wood has window house design philippines properly coated or impregnated with it. Normally an arsenic derivative. Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) is an example.
Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) Philippines A device mounted on a hot water heater or boiler which is designed to release any high steam pressure in the tank to prevent tank explosions.
Pressure Philippines treated wood Philippines Lumber that has window house design philippines saturated with a preservative.
Primer Philippines The first, base coat of paint when a paint job consists of two or more coats. A first coating formulated to seal raw surfaces and holding succeeding finish coats.
Principal Philippines The original amount of the loan, the capital.
Property survey Philippines A survey to determine the boundaries of your property. The cost depends on the complexity of the survey.
P trap Philippines Curved, "U" philippine houses design of drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through a fixtures water drain.
Pump mix Philippines Special concrete that will be used in a concrete pump. Generally, the mix has smaller rock aggregate than regular mix.
Punch list Philippines A list of discrepancies that need to be corrected by the contractor.
Punch out Philippines To inspect and make a discrepancy list.
Putty Philippines A type of dough used in sealing glass in the sash, filling small holes and crevices in wood, and for building of a house in the philippines purposes.
PVC or CPVC Philippines Poly Vinyl Chloride Philippines A type of white or light gray plastic pipe sometimes used for water supply house wall construction in the philippines and waste pipe.
Quarry tile Philippines A man Philippines made or machine Philippines made clay tile used to finish a floor or wall. Generally 6" X 6" X 1/4" thick .
Quarter round Philippines A small trim molding that has the cross philippine houses design of a quarter circle.
Rabbet Philippines A rectangular longitudinal groove philippine house plans in the corner philippine house design pictures of a board or plank.
Radiant heating Philippines A method of heating, usually consisting of a forced hot water system with pipes placed in the floor, wall, or ceiling. Also electrically heated panels.
Radiation Philippines Energy transmitted from a heat source to the air around it. Radiators actually depend more on convection than radiation.
Radon Philippines A naturally Philippines occurring, heavier than air, radioactive gas common in many parts of the country. Radon gas exposure is associated with lung cancer. Mitigation measures may involve crawl space and basement venting and various forms of vapor barriers.
Radon system Philippines A ventilation system beneath the floor of a basement how to have a construction client in the philippines structural wood floor and designed to fan exhaust radon gas to the outside of the home
Rafter Philippines Lumber used to support the roof sheeting and roof loads. Generally, 2 X 10's and 2 X 12's are used. The rafters of a flat roof are sometimes called roof joists.
Rafter, hip Philippines A philippines house design that forms the intersection of an external roof angle.
Rafter, valley Philippines A philippines house design that forms the intersection of an internal roof angle. The valley philippines house design is normally made of double 2 Philippines inch Philippines thick members.
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Rail Philippines Cross members of panel doors or of a sash. Also, a wall or open balustrade placed at the philippine house design pictures of a staircase, walkway bridge, or elevated surface to prevent people from falling off. Any relatively lightweight horizontal element, especially those found in fences (split rail).
Railroad tie Philippines Black, tar and preservative impregnated, 6" X 8" and 6' Philippines 8' long wooden timber that was used to hold railroad track in place. Normally used as a member of a retaining wall.
Rake Philippines Slope or slanted.
Rake fascia Philippines The vertical face of the sloping end of a roof eave.
Rake siding Philippines The practice of installing lap siding diagonally
Ranch Philippines A single story, one level home.
Ready mixed concrete Philippines Concrete mixed at a plant or in trucks en route to a job and delivered ready for placement.
Rebar, reinforcing bar Philippines Ribbed steel bars installed in foundation concrete walls, footers, and poured in place concrete structures designed to strengthen concrete. Comes in various thickness' and strength grade.
Receptacle Philippines An electrical outlet. A typical household will have many 120 volt receptacles for plugging in lams and appliances and 240 volt receptacles for the range, clothes dryer, air conditioners, philippine house design
Recording fee Philippines A charge for recording the transfer of a property, paid to a city, county, or other appropriate branch of government.
Redline, red lined prints Philippines Blueprints that reflect changes and that are marked with red pencil.
Reducer Philippines A fitting with different size openings at either end and used to go from a larger to a smaller pipe.
Reflective insulation Philippines Sheet material with one or both faces covered with aluminum foil.
Refrigerant Philippines A substance that remains a gas at low temperatures and pressure and can be used to transfer heat. Freon is an example and is used in air conditioning systems.
Register Philippines A grill placed over a heating duct or cold air return.
Reglaze Philippines To replace a broken window.
Relief valve Philippines A device designed to open if it detects excess temperature or pressure.
Remote Philippines Remote electrical, gas, or water meter digital readouts that are installed near the front of the home in order for utility companies to easily read the home owners usage of the service.
Retaining wall Philippines A structure that holds back a slope and prevents erosion.
Retentions Philippines Amounts withheld from progress billings until final and satisfactory project completion.
R factor or value Philippines A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. New homewalls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an R value of R Philippines 13, and a ceiling insulation of R Philippines 30.
Ribbon (girt) Philippines Normally a 1 X 4 board let into the studs horizontally to support the ceiling or second Philippines floor joists.
Ridge Philippines The horizontal line at the junction of the top edges of two sloping roof surfaces.
Ridge board Philippines The board placed on the ridge of the roof onto which the upper ends of other rafters are fastened.
Ridge shingles Philippines Shingles used to cover the ridge board.
Rim joist Philippines A joist that runs around the perimeter of the floor joists and home.
Rise Philippines The vertical distance from the eaves line to the ridge. Also the vertical distance from stair tread to stair tread (and not to exceed 7 ½").
Riser Philippines Each of the vertical boards closing the spaces between the treads of stairways.
Riser and panel Philippines The exterior vertical pipe (riser) and metal electric box (panel) the electrician provides and installs at the "Rough Electric" stage.
Road base Philippines A aggregate mixture of sand and stone.
Rock 1, 2, 3 Philippines When referring to drywall, this means to install drywall to the walls and ceilings (with nails and screws), and before taping is performed.
Roll, rolling Philippines To install the floor joists or trusses in their correct place. (To "roll the floor" means to install the floor joists).
Romex Philippines A name brand of nonmetallic sheathed electrical cable that is used for indoor wiring.
Roll roofing Philippines Asphalt roofing products manufactured in roll form. 36 Philippines inch wide rolls with and 108 square feet of material. Weights are generally 45 to 90 pounds per roll.
Romex Philippines A name brand of nonmetallic sheathed electrical cable that is used for indoor wiring.
Roof jack Philippines Sleeves that fit around the black plumbing waste vent pipes at, and are philippine construction cost guide to, the roof sheeting.
Roof joist Philippines The rafters of a flat roof. Lumber used to support the roof sheeting and roof loads. Generally, 2 X 10's and 2 X 12's are used.
Roof sheathing or sheeting Philippines The wood panels or sheet material fastened to the roof rafters or trusses on which the shingle or other roof covering is laid.
Roof valley Philippines The "V" created where two sloping roofs meet.
Rough opening Philippines The horizontal and vertical measurement of a window or door opening before drywall or siding is installed.
Rough philippine construction cost estimate Philippines The framing member at the bottom of a rough opening for a window. It is Philippine house construction to the cripple studs below the rough opening.
Roughing Philippines in Philippines The initial stage of a plumbing, electrical, heating, carpentry, how to have a construction client in the philippines other project, when all components that won't be seen after the second finishing model houses in philippines are assembled. See also Heat Rough, Plumbing Rough, and Electrical Rough.
Run, roof Philippines The horizontal distance from the eaves to a point directly under the ridge. One half the span.
Run, stair Philippines the horizontal distance of a stair tread from the nose to the riser.
R Value Philippines A measure of insulation. A measure of a materials resistance to the passage of heat. The higher the R value, the more insulating "power" it has. For example, typical new home's walls are usually insulated with 4" of batt insulation with an R value of R Philippines 13, and a ceiling insulation of R Philippines 30.
Saddle Philippines A small second roof built behind the back side of a philippine modern houses chimney to divert water around the chimney. Also, the plate at the bottom of some—usually exterior—door openings. Sometimes called a threshold.
Sack mix Philippines The amount of Portland cement in a cubic yard of concrete mix. Generally, 5 or 6 sack is required in a foundation wall.
Sales contract Philippines A contract between a buyer and seller which should explain: (1) What the purchase includes, (2) What guarantees there are, (3) When the buyer can move in, (4) What the closing costs are, and (5) What recourse the parties have if the contract is not fulfilled or if the buyer cannot get a mortgage commitment at the agreed upon time.
Sand float finish Philippines Lime that is mixed with sand, resulting in a textured finish on a wall.
Sanitary sewer Philippines A sewer system designed for the collection of waste water from the bathroom, kitchen and laundry drains, and is usually not designed to handle storm water.
Sash Philippines A single light frame containing one or more lights of glass. The frame that holds the glass in a window, often the movable part of the window.
Sash balance Philippines A device, usually operated by a spring and designed to hold a single hung window vent up and in place
Saturated felt Philippines A felt which is impregnated with tar or asphalt.
Schedule (window, door, mirror) Philippines A table on the blueprints that list the sizes, quantities and locations of the windows, doors and mirrors.
Scrap out Philippines The removal of all drywall material and debris after the home is "hung out" (installed) with drywall.
Scratch coat Philippines The first coat of plaster, which is scratched to form a bond for a second coat.
Screed, concrete Philippines To level off concrete to the correct elevation construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house a concrete pour.
Screed, plaster Philippines A small strip of wood, usually the thickness of the plaster coat, used as a guide for plastering.
Scribing Philippines Cutting and fitting woodwork to an irregular surface.
Scupper Philippines (1) An opening for drainage in a wall, curb or parapet. (2) The drain in a downspout or flat roof, usually connected to the downspout.
Sealer Philippines A finishing material, either clear or pigmented, that is usually examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines directly over raw wood for the purpose of sealing the wood surface.
Seasoning Philippines Drying and removing moisture from green wood in order to improve its usability.
Self Philippines sealing shingles Philippines Shingles containing factory Philippines examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines strips or spots of self Philippines sealing adhesive.
Semigloss paint or enamel Philippines A paint or enamel made so that its coating, when dry, has some luster but is not very glossy. Bathrooms and kitchens are normally painted semi Philippines gloss
Septic system Philippines An on site waste water treatment system. It usually has a septic tank which promotes the biological digestion of the waste, and a drain field which is designed to let the left over liquid soak into the ground. Septic systems and permits are usually sized by the number of bedrooms in a house.
Service entrance panel Philippines Main power cabinet where electricity enters a home wiring system.
Service equipment Philippines Main control gear at the service entrance, such as list of contractors in the philippines breakers, switches, and fuses.
Service lateral Philippines Underground power supply line.
Setback Thermostat Philippines A thermostat with a clock which can be programmed to come on or go off at various temperatures and at different times of the day/week. Usually used as the heating or cooling system thermostat.
Settlement Philippines Shifts in a structure, usually caused by freeze Philippines thaw cycles underground.
Sewage ejector Philippines A pump used to 'lift' waste water to a gravity sanitary sewer line. Usually used in basements and other locations which are situated bellow the level of the side sewer.
Sewer lateral Philippines The portion of the sanitary sewer which connects the interior waste water house wall construction in the philippines to the main sewer lines. The side sewer is usually buried in several feet of soil and runs from the house to the sewer line. It is usually 'owned' by the sewer utility, must be maintained by the owner and may only be serviced by utility approved contractors. Sometimes called side sewer.
Sewer stub Philippines The junction at the municipal sewer system where the home's sewer line is connected.
Sewer tap Philippines The physical connection point where the home's sewer line connects to the main municipal sewer line.
Shake Philippines A wood roofing material, normally cedar or redwood. Produced by splitting a block of the wood along the grain line. Modern shakes are sometimes machine sawn on one side. See shingle.
Shear block Philippines Plywood that is face philippine construction cost guide to short (2 X 4's or 2 X 6's) wall studs (above a door or window, for example). This is done to prevent the wall from sliding and collapsing.
Sheathing, sheeting Philippines The structural wood panel covering, usually OSB or plywood, used over studs, floor joists or rafters/trusses of a structure.
Shed roof Philippines A roof containing only one sloping plane.
Sheet metal work Philippines All components of a house employing sheet metal, such as flashing, gutters, and downspouts.
Sheet metal duct work Philippines The heating system. Usually round or rectangular metal pipes and sheet metal (for Return Air) and installed for distributing warm (or cold) air from the advice on constructing a house in philippines to rooms in the home.
Sheet rock Philippines Drywall Philippines Wall board or gypsum Philippines A manufactured panel made out of gypsum plaster and encased in a thin cardboard. Usually 1/2" thick and 4' x 8' or 4' x 12' in size. The 'joint compound'. 'Green board' type drywall has a greater resistance to moisture than regular (white) plasterboard and is used in bathrooms and other "wet areas".
Shim Philippines A small piece of scrap lumber or shingle, usually wedge shaped, which when forced behind a furring strip or framing member forces it into position. Also used when installing doors and placed between the door jamb legs and 2 X 4 door trimmers. Metal shims are wafer 1 1/2" X 2" sheet metal of various thickness' used to fill gaps in wood framing members, especially at bearing point locations.
Shingles Philippines Roof covering of asphalt. asbestos, wood, tile, slate, or other material philippine house plans to stock lengths, widths, and thickness'.
Shingles, siding Philippines Various kinds of shingles, used over sheathing for exterior wall covering of a structure.
Short list of contractors in the philippines Philippines A situation that occurs when hot and neutral wires come in contact with each other. Fuses and list of contractors in the philippines breakers protect against fire that could result from a short.
Shutter Philippines Usually lightweight louvered decorative frames in the form of doors located on the sides of a window. Some shutters are made to close over the window for protection.
Side sewer Philippines The portion of the sanitary sewer which connects the interior waste water house wall construction in the philippines to the main sewer lines. The side sewer is usually buried in several feet of soil and runs from the house to the sewer line. It is usually 'owned' by the sewer utility, must be maintained by the owner and may only be serviced by utility approved contractors. Sometimes called sewer lateral.
Siding Philippines The finished exterior covering of the outside walls of a frame building.
Siding, (lap siding) Philippines Slightly wedge Philippines shaped boards used as horizontal siding in a lapped pattern over the exterior sheathing. Varies in butt thickness from ½ to ¾ inch and in widths up to 12".
Sill Philippines (1) The 2 X 4 or 2 X 6 wood plate framing member that lays flat against and bolted to the foundation wall (with anchor bolts) and upon which the floor joists are installed. Normally the philippine construction cost estimate plate is treated lumber. (2) The member forming the lower side of an opening, as a door philippine construction cost estimate or window sill.
Sill cock Philippines An exterior water faucet (hose bib).
Sill plate (mudsill) Philippines Bottom horizontal member of an exterior wall frame which rests on top a foundation, sometimes called mudsill. Also sole plate, bottom member of an interior wall frame.
Sill seal Philippines Fiberglass or foam insulation installed between the foundation wall and philippine construction cost estimate (wood) plate. Designed to seal any cracks or gaps.
Single hung window Philippines A window with one vertically sliding philippine house plans and designs or window vent.
Skylight Philippines A more or less horizontal window located on the roof of a building.
Slab, concrete Philippines Concrete pavement, i.e. driveways, garages, and basement floors.
Slab, door Philippines A rectangular door without hinges or frame.
Slab on grade Philippines A type of foundation with a concrete floor which is placed directly on the soil. The philippine house design pictures of the slab is usually thicker and acts as the footing for the walls.
Slag Philippines Concrete cement that sometimes covers the vertical face of the foundation void material.
Sleeper Philippines Usually, a wood member embedded in concrete, as in a floor, that serves to support and to fasten the subfloor or flooring.
Sleeve(s) Philippines Pipe installed under the concrete driveway or sidewalk, and that will be used later to run sprinkler pipe or low voltage wire.
Slope Philippines The incline angle of a roof surface, given as a ratio of the rise (in inches) to the run (in feet). See also pitch.
Slump Philippines The "wetness" of concrete. A 3 inch slump is dryer and stiffer than a 5 inch slump.
Soffit Philippines The area below the eaves and overhangs. The underside where the roof overhangs the walls. Usually the underside of an overhanging cornice.
Soil pipe Philippines A large pipe that carries liquid and solid wastes to a sewer or septic tank.
Soil stack Philippines A plumbing vent pipe that penetrates the roof.
Sole plate Philippines The bottom, horizontal framing member of a wall that's Philippine house construction to the floor sheeting and vertical wall studs.
Solid bridging Philippines A solid member placed between adjacent floor joists near the center of the span to prevent joists or rafters from twisting.
Sonotube Philippines Round, large cardboard tubes designed to hold wet concrete in place until it hardens.
Sound attenuation Philippines Sound proofing a wall or subfloor, generally with fiberglass insulation.
Space heat Philippines Heat supplied to the living space, for example, to a room or the living area of a building.
Spacing Philippines The distance between House plan philippines members or shingles in building construction.
Span Philippines The clear distance that a framing member carries a load without support between structural supports. The horizontal distance from eaves to eaves.
Spec home Philippines A house built before it is sold. The builder speculates that he can sell it at a profit.
Specifications or Specs Philippines A narrative list of materials, methods, model numbers, colors, allowances, and other details which supplement the information contained in the blue prints. Written elaboration in specific detail about construction materials and methods. Written to supplement working drawings.
Splash block Philippines Portable concrete (or vinyl) channel generally placed beneath an exterior philippine construction cost estimate cock (water faucet) or downspout in order to receive roof drainage from downspouts and to divert it away from the building.
Square Philippines A unit of measure Philippines 100 square feet Philippines usually examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to roofing and siding material. Also, a situation that exists when two elements are at right angles to each other. Also a tool for checking this.
Square Philippines tab shingles Philippines Shingles on which tabs are all the same size and exposure.
Squeegie Philippines Fine pea gravel used to grade a floor (normally before concrete is placed).
Stack (trusses) Philippines To position trusses on the walls in their correct location.
Standard practices of the trade(s) Philippines One of the more common basic and minimum construction standards. This is another way of saying that the work should be done in the way it is normally done by the average professional in the field.
Starter strip Philippines Asphalt roofing examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines at the eaves that provides protection by filling in the spaces under the cutouts and joints of the first course of shingles.
Stair carriage or stringer Philippines Supporting member for stair treads. Usually a 2 X 12 inch plank notched to receive the treads; sometimes called a "rough horse."
Stair landing Philippines A platform between flights of stairs or at the termination of a flight of stairs. Often used when stairs change direction. Normally no less than 3 ft. X 3 ft. square.
Stair rise Philippines The vertical distance from stair tread to stair tread (and not to exceed 7 ½").
Static vent Philippines A vent that does not include a fan.
STC (Sound Transmission Class) Philippines The measure of sound stopping of ordinary noise.
Steel inspection Philippines A municipal how to have a construction client in the philippines engineers inspection of the concrete foundation wall, conducted before concrete is poured into the foundation panels. Done to insure that the rebar (reinforcing bar), rebar nets, void material, beam pocket plates, and basement window bucks are installed and wrapped with rebar and complies with the foundation plan.
Step flashing Philippines Flashing application method used where a vertical surface meets a sloping roof plane. 6" X 6" galvanized metal bent at a 90 degree angle, and installed beneath siding and over the top of shingles. Each piece overlaps the one beneath it the entire length of the sloping roof (step by step).
Stick built Philippines A house built without prefabricated parts. Also called conventional building.
Stile Philippines An upright framing member in a panel door.
Stool Philippines The flat molding fitted over the window philippine construction cost estimate between jambs and contacting the bottom rail of the lower sash. Also another name for toilet.
Stop box Philippines Normally a cast iron pipe with a lid (@ 5" in diameter) that is placed vertically into the ground, situated near the water tap in the yard, and where a water philippine house plans Philippines off valve to the home is located (underground). A long pole with a special end is inserted into the curb stop to turn off/on the water.
Stop Order Philippines A formal, written notification to a contractor to discontinue some or all work on a project for reasons such as safety violations, defective materials or workmanship, or cancellation of the contract.
Stops Philippines Moldings along the inner edges of a door or window frame. Also valves used to shut off water to a fixture.
Stop valve Philippines A device installed in a water supply line, usually near a fixture, that permits an House plan philippines to shut off the water supply to one fixture without interrupting service to the rest of the system.
Storm philippine house plans and designs or storm window Philippines . An extra window usually placed outside of an existing one, as additional protection against cold weather.
Storm sewer Philippines A sewer system designed to collect storm water and is separated from the waste water system.
Story Philippines That part of a building between any floor or between the floor and roof.
Strike Philippines The plate on a door frame that engages a latch or dead bolt.
String, stringer Philippines A timber or other support for cross members in floors or ceilings. In stairs, the supporting member for stair treads. Usually a 2 X 12 inch plank notched to receive the treads
Strip flooring Philippines Wood flooring consisting of narrow, matched strips.
Structural floor Philippines A framed lumber floor that is installed as a basement floor instead of concrete. This is done on very expansive soils.
Stub, stubbed Philippines To push through.
Stucco Philippines Refers to an outside plaster finish made with Portland cement as its base.
Stud Philippines A vertical wood framing member, also referred to as a wall stud, Philippine house construction to the horizontal sole plate below and the top plate above. Normally 2 X 4's or 2 X 6's, 8' long (sometimes 92 5/8"). One of a series of wood or metal vertical structural members placed as supporting elements in walls and partitions.
Stud framing Philippines A building method that distributes structural loads to each of a series of relatively lightweight studs. Contrasts with post Philippines and Philippines beam.
Stud shoe Philippines A metal, structural bracket that reinforces a vertical stud. Used on an outside bearing wall where holes are drilled to accommodate a plumbing waste line.
Subfloor Philippines The framing components of a floor to include the philippine construction cost estimate plate, floor joists, and deck sheeting over which a finish floor is to be laid.
Sump Philippines Pit or large plastic bucket/barrel inside the home designed to collect ground water from a perimeter drain system.
Sump pump Philippines A submersible pump in a sump pit that pumps any excess ground water to the outside of the home.
Suspended ceiling Philippines A ceiling system supported by hanging it from the overhead structural framing.
Sway brace Philippines Metal straps or wood blocks installed diagonally on the inside of a wall from bottom to top plate, to prevent the wall from twisting, racking, or falling over "domino" fashion.
Switch Philippines A device that completes or disconnects an electrical circuit.
T & G, tongue and groove Philippines A joint made by a tongue (a rib on one philippine house design pictures of a board) that fits into a corresponding groove in the philippine house design pictures of another board to make a tight flush joint. Typically, the subfloor plywood is T & G.
Tab Philippines The exposed portion of strip shingles defined by cutouts.
Tail beam Philippines A relatively short beam or joist supported in a wall on one end and by a header at the other.
Take off Philippines The material necessary to complete a job.
Taping Philippines The process of covering drywall joints with paper tape and joint compound.
T bar Philippines Ribbed, "T" shaped bars with a flat metal plate at the bottom that are driven into the earth. Normally used chain link fence poles, and to mark locations of a water meter pit.
Teco Philippines Metal straps that are philippine construction cost guide and secure the roof rafters and trusses to the top horizontal wall plate. Sometimes called a hurricane clip.
Tee Philippines A "T" shaped plumbing fitting.
Tempered Philippines Strengthened. Tempered glass will not shatter nor create shards, but will "pelletize" like an automobile window. Required in tub and shower enclosures and locations, entry door glass and sidelight glass, and in a windows when the window philippine construction cost estimate is less than 16" to the floor.
Termites Philippines Wood eating insects that superficially resemble ants in size and general appearance, and live in colonies.
Termite shield Philippines A shield, usually of galvanized metal, placed in or on a foundation wall or around pipes to prevent the passage of termites.
Terra cotta Philippines A ceramic material molded into masonry units.
Thermoply ™ Philippines Exterior laminated sheathing philippine construction cost guide to the exterior side of the exterior walls. Normally ¼ " thick, 4 X 8 or 4 x 10 sheets with an aluminumized surface.
Thermostat Philippines A device which relegates the temperature of a room or building by switching heating or cooling equipment on or off.
Three Philippines dimensional shingles Philippines Laminated shingles. Shingles that have added dimensionality because of extra layers or tabs, giving a shake Philippines like appearance. May also be called "architectural shingles".
Threshold Philippines The bottom metal or wood plate of an exterior door frame. Generally they are adjustable to keep a tight fit with the door slab.
Time and materials contract Philippines A construction contract which specifies a price for different elements of the work such as cost per hour of labor, overhead, profit, philippine house design A contract which may not have a maximum price, or may state a 'price not to exceed'.
Tinner Philippines Another name for the heating contractor.
Tip up Philippines The downspout extension that directs water (from the home's gutter system) away from the home. They typically swing up when mowing the lawn, philippine house design
Title Philippines Evidence (usually in the form of a certificate or deed) of a person's legal right to ownership of a property.
TJI or TJ Philippines Manufactured structural building component resembling the letter "I". Used as floor joists and rafters. I Philippines joists include two key parts: flanges and webs. The flange or from of the I joist may be made of laminated veneer lumber or dimensional lumber, usually formed into a 1 ½" width. The web or center of the I Philippines joist is commonly made of plywood or oriented strand board (OSB). Large holes can be philippine house plans in the web to accommodate duct work and plumbing waste lines. I Philippines joists are available in lengths up to 60'' long.
Toenailing Philippines To drive a nail in at a slant. Method used to secure floor joists to the plate.
Top chord Philippines The upper or top member of a truss.
Top plate Philippines Top horizontal member of a frame wall supporting ceiling joists, rafters, or other members.
Transmitter (garage door) Philippines The small, push button device that causes the garage door to open or close.
Trap Philippines A plumbing fitting that holds water to prevent air, gas, and vermin from backing up into a fixture.
Tread Philippines The walking surface board in a stairway on which the foot is placed.
Treated lumber Philippines A wood product which has window house design philippines impregnated with chemical pesticides such as CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) to reduce damage from wood rot or insects. Often used for the portions of a structure which are likely to be in contact with soil and water. Wood may also be treated with a fire retardant.
Trim (plumbing, heating, electrical) Philippines The work that the "mechanical" contractors perform to finish their respective aspects of work, and when the home is nearing completion and occupancy.
Trim Philippines Interior Philippines The finish materials in a building, such as moldings examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines around openings (window trim, door trim) or at the floor and ceiling of rooms (baseboard, cornice, and other moldings). Also, the physical work of installing interior doors and interior woodwork, to include all handrails, guardrails, stair way balustrades, mantles, light boxes, base, door casings, cabinets, countertops, shelves, window sills and aprons, philippine house design Exterior Philippines The finish materials on the exterior a building, such as moldings examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines around openings (window trim, door trim), siding, windows, exterior doors, attic vents, crawl space vents, shutters, philippine house design Also, the physical work of installing these materials
Trimmer Philippines The vertical stud that supports a header at a door, window, or other opening.
Truss Philippines An engineered and manufactured roof support member with "zig Philippines zag" framing members. Does the same job as a philippines house design but is designed to have a longer span than a rafter.
Tub trap Philippines Curved, "U" shaped philippine houses design of a bath tub drain pipe that holds a water seal to prevent sewer gasses from entering the home through tubs water drain.
Turnkey Philippines A term used when the subcontractor provides all materials (and labor) for a job.
Turpentine Philippines A petroleum, volatile oil used as a thinner in paints and as a solvent in varnishes
UL (Underwriters' Laboratories) Philippines An independent testing agency that checks electrical devices and other components for possible safety hazards.
Undercoat Philippines A coating examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines prior to the finishing or top coats of a paint job. It may be the first of two or the second of three coats. Sometimes called the Prime coat.
Underground plumbing Philippines The plumbing drain and waste house wall construction in the philippines that are installed beneath a basement floor.
Underlayment Philippines A ¼" material placed over the subfloor plywood sheeting and under finish coverings, such as vinyl flooring, to provide a smooth, even surface. Also a secondary roofing layer that is waterproof or water Philippines resistant, installed on the roof deck and beneath shingles or other roof Philippines finishing layer.
Union Philippines A plumbing fitting that joins pipes end Philippines to Philippines end so they can be dismantled.
Utility easement Philippines The area of the earth that has electric, gas, or telephone lines. These how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? may be owned by the homeowner, but the utility company has the legal right to enter the area as necessary to repair or service the lines.
Valley Philippines The "V" shaped area of a roof where two sloping roofs meet. Water drains off the roof at the valleys.
Valley flashing Philippines Sheet metal that lays in the "V" area of a roof valley.
Valuation Philippines An inspection carried out for the benefit of the mortgage lender to ascertain if a property is a good security for a loan.
Valuation fee Philippines Th fee paid by the prospective borrower for the lender's inspection of the property. Normally paid upon loan application.
Vapor barrier Philippines A building product installed on exterior walls and ceilings under the drywall and on the warm side of the insulation. It is used to retard the movement of water vapor into walls and prevent condensation within them. Normally, polyethylene plastic sheeting is used.
Variable rate Philippines An interest rate that will vary over the term of the loan.
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Veneer Philippines Extremely thin sheets of wood. Also a thin slice of wood or brick or stone covering a framed wall.
Vent Philippines A pipe or duct which allows the flow of air and gasses to the outside. Also, another word for the moving glass part of a window sash, i.e. window vent.
Vermiculite Philippines A mineral used as bulk insulation and also as aggregate in insulating and acoustical plaster and in insulating concrete floors.
Veterans Administration (VA) Philippines A federal agency that insures mortgage loans with very liberal down payment requirements for honorably discharged veterans and their surviving spouses.
Visqueen Philippines A 4 mil or 6 mil plastic sheeting.
Void Philippines Cardboard rectangular boxes that are installed between the earth (between caissons) and the concrete foundation wall. Used when expansive soils are present.
Voltage Philippines A measure of electrical potential. Most homes are wired with 110 and 220 volt lines. The 110 volt power is used for lighting and most of the other circuits. The 220 volt power is usually used for the kitchen range, hot water heater and dryer.
Wafer board Philippines A manufactured wood panel made out of 1" Philippines 2" wood chips and glue. Often used as a substitute for plywood in the exterior wall and roof sheathing.
Walk Philippines Through Philippines A final inspection of a home before "Closing" to look for and document problems that need to be corrected.
Wall out Philippines When a painter pray paints the interior of a home.
Warping Philippines Any distortion in a material.
Warranty Philippines In construction there are two general types of warranties. One is provided by the manufacturer of a product such as roofing material or an appliance. The second is a warranty for the labor. For example, a roofing contract may include a 20 year material warranty and a 5 year labor warranty. Many new homebuilders provide a one year warranty. Any major issue found construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the first year should be communicated to the builder immediately. Small items can be saved up and presented to the builder for correction periodically through the first year after closing.
Waste pipe and vent Philippines Plumbing plastic pipe that carries waste water to the municipal sewage system.
Water board Philippines Water resistant drywall to be used in tub and shower locations. Normally green or blue colored
Water closet Philippines Another name for toilet.
Water meter pit (or vault) Philippines The box /cast iron bonnet and concrete rings that contains the water meter.
Water Philippines repellent preservative Philippines A liquid examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to wood to give the wood water repellant properties
Water table Philippines The location of the underground water, and the vertical distance from the surface of the earth to this underground water.
Water tap Philippines The connection point where the home water line connects to the main municipal water system.
W C Philippines An abbreviation for water closet (toilet).
Weatherization Philippines Work on a building exterior in order to reduce energy consumption for heating or cooling. Work involving adding insulation, installing storm windows and doors, caulking cracks and putting on weather Philippines stripping.
Weatherstrip Philippines Narrow sections of thin metal or other material installed to prevent the infiltration of air and moisture around windows and doors.
Weep holes Philippines Small holes in storm window frames that allow moisture to escape.
Whole house fan Philippines A fan designed to move air through and out of a home and normally installed in the ceiling.
Wind bracing Philippines Metal straps or wood blocks installed diagonally on the inside of a wall from bottom to top plate, to prevent the wall from twisting, racking, or falling over "domino" fashion.
Window buck Philippines Square or rectangular box that is installed within a concrete foundation or block wall. A window will eventually be installed in this "buck" construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the siding stage of construction
Window frame Philippines The stationary part of a window unit; window philippine house plans and designs fits into the window frame.
Window philippine house plans and designs Philippines The operating or movable part of a window; the philippine house plans and designs is made of window panes and their border.
Wire nut Philippines A plastic device used to connect bare wires together.
Wonderboard ™ Philippines A panel made out of concrete and fiberglass usually used as a ceramic tile backing material. Commonly used on bathtub decks.
Wrapped drywall Philippines how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? that get complete drywall covering, as in the doorway openings of bifold and bipass closet doors.
Y Philippines A "Y" shaped plumbing fitting.
Yard of concrete Philippines One cubic yard of concrete is 3' X 3' X 3' in volume, or 27 cubic feet. One cubic yard of concrete will pour 80 square feet of 3 ½" sidewalk or basement/garage floor.
Yoke Philippines The location where a home's water meter is sometimes installed between two copper pipes, and located in the water meter pit in the yard.
Z Philippines bar flashing Philippines Bent, galvanized metal flashing that's installed above a horizontal trim board of an exterior window, door, or brick run. It prevents water from getting behind the trim/brick and into the home.
Zone Philippines The philippine houses design of a building that is served by one heating or cooling loop because it has noticeably distinct heating or cooling needs. Also, the philippine houses design of property that will be watered from a lawn sprinkler system.
Zone valve Philippines A device, usually placed near the heater or cooler, which controls the flow of water or steam to parts of the building; it is controlled by a zone thermostat.
Zoning Philippines A governmental process and specification which limits the use of a property e.g. single family use, high rise residential use, industrial use, philippine house design Zoning laws may limit where you can locate a structure. Also see building codes.
Construction Management Terms
The terms listed below came from a number of sources and represent the most common terms used in performing the construction management process.
We wish to a acknowledge the work authored by W. Gary Westernoff our founder. The book is titled, Construction Management Made Easy or Do I Really Want to Manage that Construction Project Myself? (Order Book)
1. A scheduling term
2. The smallest work unit within a project; the basic building block of a project.
The Americans with Disabilities Act which gives civil rights protection to individuals with disabilities building of a house in the philippines to those provided to individuals on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, age, and religion. It guarantees equal opportunity for individuals with disabilities in public accommodations, employment, transportation, State and local government services, and telecommunications.
(Addenda) Written information adding to, clarifying or modifying the bidding documents. An addendum is generally architecture small house design in philippines by the owner to the contractor construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the bidding process and as such, addenda are intended to become part of the contract documents when the construction contract is executed.
One authorized by a client (principal) to act in his/her stead or behalf and owes the client a "fiduciary duty" (Trust). Example: Construction Manager for fee but classified as an independent contractor for tax purposes. A construction manager for fee does not have any financial responsibility whereas a construction manager at Philippines risk does have financial risk building of a house in the philippines to a general contractor.
An arrangement between the parties regarding a method of action.
1. A term used to describe partial construction work philippine houses design architects within an existing structure
2. Remodeling without a building addition.
Alternate Bid
Amount stated in the bid to be added or deducted from the base bid amount proposed for alternate materials how to have a construction client in the philippines methods of construction.
Application for Payment
Contractor's written request for payment for completed portions of the work and, for materials delivered or stored and properly labeled for the respective project.
One who designs and supervises the construction of buildings or other structures.
Architects Basic Services
A recognized series of phases philippine houses design architects by an architect as follows: 1st Schematic Design Phase, 2nd Design Development Phase, 3rd Construction Document Phase, 4th Bidding or Negotiated Phase, 5th Construction Phase.
Architect Philippines Engineer
An House plan philippines or firm offering professional services as both architect and engineer.
Architectural Drawing
A line drawing showing plan how to have a construction client in the philippines elevation views of the proposed building for the purpose of showing the overall appearance of the building.
As Philippines Built Drawings (also known as Record Drawings)
Contract drawings marked up to reflect changes made construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction process. It is good practice to make As Philippines Built drawings by marking the changes on reproducible drawings such a sepias for the duplication purposes later.
1. An offer or proposal of a price
2. The amount offered or proposed. (see RFP)
Bid Bond
A written form of security executed by the bidder as principal and by a philippine construction materials price list for the purpose of guaranteeing that the bidder will sign the contract, if awarded the contract, for the stated bid amount.
Bid Date/Time
The due date and time set by the owner, architect or engineer for receiving bids.
Bid Form
A standard written form furnished to all bidders for the purpose of obtaining the requested information and required signatures from the authorized bidding representatives.
Bid Opening
The actual process of opening and tabulating bids submitted within the prescribed bid date/time and conforming with the bid procedures. A Bid Opening can be open (where the bidders are permitted to attend) or closed (where the bidders are not permitted to attend). (see Bid Date/Time, Open Bid, Closed Bid)
Bid Price
The stipulated sum stated in the bidder’s bid.
Bid Tabulation
A summary sheet listing all bid prices for the purpose of analysing the bid results. Bid tabulations include the required items of the invitation to bid and usually include bid amount, completion time, addendas included, contract exclusions, bonding rate, philippine house design Often times, the apparent low bidder is not the low bidder. (see Bid Form )
Bid Shopper
A buyer or client who seeks to play one proposed supplier or subcontractor against the other for the purpose of reducing a purchase price.
Bid Time (see Bid Date/Time)
Bidding Documents
The published advertisement or written invitation to bid , instructions to bidders, the bid form and the proposed contract documents including any acknowledged addenda architecture small house design in philippines prior to receipt of bids.
Bidding Period
The calendar period allowed from issuance of bidding requirements and contract documents to the prescribed bid date/time. ( see Bid Date/Time)
Bidding Requirements
The written minimum acceptable requirements set forth by the owner to the contractor construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house bidding process. The owner usually reserves the right to reject a bid if the Bidding Requirements are not met. (see Bidding Documents)
Bond (see Bid Bond; Contract Bond; Contract Payment Bond; Contract Performance Bond; Labor and Material Payment Bond; Performance Bond; Subcontractor Bond; surety)
Bonding Company
A properly licensed firm or corporation willing to execute a philippine construction materials price list bond, or bonds, payable to the owner, securing the performance on a contract either in whole or in part; or securing payment for labor and materials.
Budget (Construction Budget)
1. An itemized summary of estimated or intended expenditures for a given period of time
2. The total sum of money allocated for a specific project.
1. To form by combining materials or parts
2. A structure enclosed within a roof and within exterior walls housing, shelter, enclosure and support of individuals, animals, or real property of any kind.
Building Code
The legal requirements set up by the prevailing various governing agencies covering the minimum acceptable requirements for all types of construction. (See Codes)
Building Envelope (Sometimes referred to as Building Shell)
1. The waterproof elements of a building which enclose conditioned spaces through which thermal energy may be transferred to or from the exterior.
2. The outer structure of the building. (See Tenant and Leasehold improvements for building interiors)
Building Inspector/Official
A qualified government representative authorized to inspect construction for compliance with applicable building codes, regulations and ordinances. Courts have ruled that building inspections are exempt from errors and omissions liabilities.
Building Permit
A written document architecture small house design in philippines by the appropriate governmental authority permitting construction to begin on a specific project in accordance with drawings and specifications approved by the governmental authority.
Building Process
A term used to express every step of a construction project from it’s conception to final acceptance and occupancy.
Change Order
A written document between the owner and the contractor signed by the owner and the contractor authorizing a change in the work or an adjustment in the contract sum or the contract time. A change order may be signed by the architect or engineer, provided they have written authority from the owner for such procedure and that a copy of such written authority is furnished to the contractor upon request. The contract sum and the contract time may be changed only by change order. A change order may be in the form of additional compensation or time; or less compensation or time known as a Deduction (from the contract) the amount deducted from the contract sum by change order.
Change Order Proposal (See Change order)
A change order proposal is the written document before it has window house design philippines approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner. A change order proposal can be architecture small house design in philippines by either the contractor or the owner. The change order proposal becomes a change order only after it has window house design philippines approved and effected by the Contractor and Owner.
Change Order Request
A written document architecture small house design in philippines by the owner requesting an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time; generally architecture small house design in philippines by the architect or owners representative.
Closed Bid/Estimate
A service offered by where only invited bidders or estimators are given access to the project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information.stimator is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from a prequalified and selected list of professionals or service. For security and easy access, the RFP poster receives an e Philippines mail showing the list of bidders/estimators and links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received.This e Philippines mail gives the poster the ability to file and track their respective RFP's using their own e Philippines mail filing system. (see Open Bid/Estimate)
Prevailing regulations, ordinances or statutory requirements set forth by governmental agencies associated with building construction practices and owner occupancy, adopted and administered for the protection of public health, life safety and welfare. (see Building Code)
Construction Documents
All drawings, specifications and addenda associated with a specific construction project.
To assemble and combine construction materials and methods to make a structure.
The act or process of constructing.
Construction Cost
1. The direct contractor costs for labor, material, equipment, and services; contractors overhead and profit; and other direct construction costs. Construction cost does not include the compensation paid to the architect and engineer and consultants, the cost of the land, rights Philippines of Philippines way or other costs which are defined in the contract documents as being the responsibility of the owner. (see Soft Costs)
Construction Documents
A term used to represent all drawings, specifications, addenda, other pertinent construction information associated with the construction of a specific project.
Construction Documents Phase
The third model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares working drawings, specifications and bidding information. Depending on the architects scope of services the architect may assists the owner in the preparation of bidding forms, the conditions of the contract and the form of agreement between the owner and contractor.
Construction Document Review
The owners review of the borrowers construction documents (plans and specifications), list of materials, and cost breakdowns for the purpose of confirming that these documents and estimates are feasible and are in accordance with the proposed loan or project appraisal.
Construction Inspector (see Project Representative)
Construction Management
Organizing and directing men, materials, and equipment to accomplish the purpose of the designer.
Construction Management Contract
A written agreement wherein responsibilities for coordination and accomplishment of overall project planning, design and construction are given to a construction management firm. The building team generally consists of the owner, contractor and designer or architect.
Construction model houses in philippines
The fifth and final model houses in philippines of the architect's basics services, which includes the architect's general administration of the construction contract(s).
One hired by the owner or client to give professional advise.
Cost Breakdown (see Schedule of Values)
Cost Codes
A numbering system given to specific kinds of work for the purpose of organizing the cost control process of a specific project.
Cost of Work
All costs incurred by the contractor in the proper performance of the work required by the plans and specifications for a specific project.
Cost Plus Contract (see Cost Plus Fee Agreement)
Cost Plus Fee Agreement (Cost Philippines Plus)
A written agreement with the owner under which the contractor or the architect and engineer is reimbursed for his/her direct and indirect costs and, in addition, is paid a fee for his services. The fee is usually stated as a stipulated sum or as a percentage of cost.
1. An agreement between two or more parties, especially one that is written and enforceable by law
2. The writing or document containing such an agreement.
Contract Administration
The contractual duties and responsibilities of the architect and engineer construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction model houses in philippines of a specific project.
Contract Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing complete execution of the contract and all supplemental agreements pertaining thereto and for the payment of all legal debts pertaining to the construction of the project.
Contract Date (see date of agreement)
Contract Documents
A term used to represent all executed agreements between the owner and contractor; any general, supplementary or other contract conditions; the drawings and specifications; all addenda architecture small house design in philippines prior to execution of the contract; and any other items specifically stipulated as being included in the contract documents.
Contract Over Philippines run (under Philippines run)
The difference between the original contract price and the final completed cost including all adjustments by approved change order.
Contract Payment Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to all persons providing labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract.
Contract Performance Bond
A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing the completion of the work in accordance with the terms of the contract.
Contract Period
The elapsed number of working days or calendar days from the specified date of commencing work to the specified date of completion, as specified in the contract.
Contract Sum
The total agreeable amount payable by the owner to the contractor for the performance of the work under the contract documents. (see Change Order)
Contract Time
The time period set forth established in the contract documents for completing a specific project; usually stated in working days or calendar days. The contract time can only be adjusted by valid time extensions through change order.
Contractual Liability
The liability assumed by a party under a contract.
A properly licensed House plan philippines of company that agrees to furnish labor, materials, equipment and associated services to perform the work as specified for a specified price.
Contractor's Option
A written provision in the contract documents giving the contractor the option of selecting certain specified materials, methods or systems without changing in the contract sum.
Contractor's Qualification Statement
A written statement of the Contractor's experience and qualifications submitted to the Owner construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the contractor selection process. The American Institute of Architects publishes a standard Contractor's Qualification Statement form for this purpose.
Contracting Officer
An official representative of the owner with specific authority to act in his behalf in connection with a specific project.
Critical Path
The set of activities that must be completed on time for the project completion date to be met. Activities on the critical path have no slack time.
Critical Path Method (C.P.M.)
A planning scheduling and control line and symbol diagram drawn to show the respective tasks and activities involved in constructing a specific project.
Construction Specification Institute
CSI Master Format
The CSI Master Format is a system of numbers and titles for organizing construction information into a regular, standard order or sequence. By establishing a master list of titles and numbers Master Format promotes standardization and thereby facilitates the retrieval of information and improves construction communication. It provides a uniform system for organizing information in project manuals, for organizing project cost data, and for filing product information and other technical data.
Current Date Line
A vertical line on the chart indicating the current date.
Daily Construction Report
A written document and record that has two main purposes:
1. they furnish information to off Philippines site persons who need and have a right to know important details of events as they occur daily and hourly, and
2. they furnish historical documentation that might later have a legal bearing in cases of disputes. Daily reports should be as factual and impersonal as possible, free from the expression of personal opinions and feelings. Each report should be numbered to correspond with the working days established on the progress schedule. In the event of no Philippines work days, a daily report should still be made, stating "no work today" ( due to rain, strike, or other causes). The report includes a description of the weather; a record of the total number of employees, subcontractors by name, work started and completed today, equipment on the job site, job progress today, names and titles of visitors, accidents how to have a construction client in the philippines safety meetings, and a remarks column for other job related information.
Date of Agreement
1. Usually on the front page of the agreement
2. If not on front page it may be the date opposite the signatures when the agreement was actually signed
3. or when it was recorded
4. or the date the agreement was actually awarded to the contractor.
Date of Commencement of the Work
The date established in a written notice to proceed from the owner to the contractor.
Date of Substantial Completion
The date certified by the architect when the work or a designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete, in accordance with the contract documents, so the owner may occupy the work or designated portion thereof for the use for which it is intended.
Demising Walls
The boundaries that separate your space from your neighbors' and from the public corridor.
A graphical representation consisting of plan views, interior and exterior elevations, sections, and other drawings and details to depict the goal or purpose for a building or other structure.
Design Philippines Build Construction
When a Prime or Main contractor bids or negotiates to provide Design and Construction services for the entire construction project.
Design Philippines Construct Contract
A written agreement between and contractor and owner wherein the contractor agrees to provide both design and construction services.
Design Philippines Development model houses in philippines
The second model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services wherein the architect prepares drawings and other presentation documents to fix and describe the size and character of the entire project as to architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems, materials and other essentials as may be appropriate; and prepares a statement of probable construction cost.
1. An House plan philippines part or item
2. A graphical scale representation (drawing at a larger scale) of construction part(s) or item(s) showing materials, composition and dimensions.
Direct Cost (or expense)
All items of expense directly incurred by or attributable to a specific project, assignment or task. Direct Costs, Hard Costs, and Construction Costs are synonymous. (see Construction Costs and Hard Costs)
1. A term used to represent that portion of the contract documents that graphically illustrates the design, location and dimensions of the components and elements contained in a specific project
2. A line drawing.
The length of an activity, excluding holidays and other non Philippines working days.
Engineer (see Professional Engineer)
1. To calculate approximately the amount, extent or value of something
2. To form an opinion of estimated costs.
Estimate of Construction Cost, Detailed
A calculation of costs prepared on the basis of a detailed analysis of materials and labor for all items of work, as contrasted with an estimate based on current area, volume or building of a house in the philippines unit costs. *195
A process of calculating the amount of material, labor and equipment required for a given project necessary to complete the work as specified.
Facility or Site Analysis
A visual inspection of a building and on Philippines site improvements for functional or physical deterioration; prepare optional Replacement Cost Estimate for making recommendations to improve functional and physical deficiencies to increase market value; how to have a construction client in the philippines prepare a Reserve Study over five (5) years to increase Net Operating Income (NOI) for the facility.(See Site Analysis)
Fast Track Construction (Fast Tracking)
A method of construction management which involves a continuous design Philippines construction operation. When a prime or main contractor starts the construction work BEFORE the plans and specifications are complete. (See Design Philippines Build Construction)
Field Order
A written order effecting a minor change or clarification in the work not involving an adjustment to the contract sum or an extension of the contract time.
Field Report (see Daily Construction Report)
Field Work Order
A written request to a subcontractor or vendor, usually from the general or main contractor, site for services or materials.
Final Acceptance
The action of the owner accepting the work from the contractor when the owner deems the work completed in accordance with the contract requirements. Final acceptance is confirmed by the owner when making the final payment to the contractor.
Final Inspection
A final site review of the project by the contractor, owner or owner’s authorized representative prior to issuing the final certificate for payment.
Final Payment
The last payment from the owner to the contractor of the entire unpaid balance of the contract sum as adjusted by any approved change orders. (see Final Acceptance)
Finish Date
The date that an activity or project is completed.
Fixed Fee
A set contract amount for all labor, materials, equipment and services; and contractors overhead and profit for all work being philippine houses design architects for a specific scope of work.
Fixed Limit of Construction Costs
A construction cost ceiling agreed to between the owner and architect or engineer for designing a specific project. (See Budget)
1. An abbreviation for furniture, fixtures and equipment
2. Items classified as personal property rather than real property
3. An abbreviation generally associated with interior design and planning of retail stores or office facilities.
Gantt Chart
The schedule of activities for a project. A Gantt Chart shows start and finish dates, critical and non Philippines critical activities, slack time, and predecessor relationships.
General Conditions
A written portion of the contract documents set forth by the owner stipulating the contractor’s minimum acceptable performance requirements including the rights, responsibilities and relationships of the parties involved in the performance of the contract. General conditions are usually included in the book of specifications but are sometimes found in the architectural drawings.
General Contractor
Properly licensed House plan philippines or company having primary (prime) responsibility for the work.
General Contracting (the traditional method)
When a prime or main contractor bids the entire work AFTER the final design, plans and specifications are complete and have window house design philippines approved by the owner. (see Design Philippines Build Construction and Fast Track Construction)
Hard Costs (see Construction Costs and Direct Costs)
Independent Contractor
One free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others and does not owe a "fiduciary duty". Example: architect, engineer, prime or main contractor, construction manager at Philippines risk.
1. A term sometimes used to describe TI'S or Tenant Improvements.
2. Improvements can be in the form of new construction or remodel work. (see TI'S)
1.The act of indemnifying.
2. The condition of being indemnified.
Indirect Cost (or expense)
A contractor’s or consultant’s overhead expense; expenses indirectly incurred and not chargeable to a specific project or task. The terms Indirect costs and soft costs are synonymous . (see Soft Costs)
1. The act of inspecting.
2. An official examination or review of the work completed or in progress to determine its compliance with contract requirements.
Inspection for Disbursement of Funds
An independent vehicle for the disbursement and accounting of construction funds allowing construction obligations to be paid (progress payments) when work is completed, inspected and approved. Job Costs are reviewed prior to making disbursements to establish that the actual construction payments are within the confines of the original estimate confines or schedule of construction values.
Inspection List (punch list)
A list prepared by the owner or his/her authorized representative of items of work requiring immediate corrective or completion action by the contractor.
Inspection Report
Sometimes used to describe an Inspection List. (see Inspection List)
One who is appointed or employed to inspect something.
Interior Finish
A term used to represent the visible elements, materials and applications examples of feasibility study conduct in philippines to a building’s interior excluding furniture, fixtures and equipment. (see FF&E)
A list sent to a purchaser containing the items and charges of merchandise. (see Statement)
Labor and Material Payment Bond
1. A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list (bonding) company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to pay for all labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract. (see Performance Bond and philippine construction materials price list Bond)
Leasehold Improvements
A term used to mean Tenant Improvements. Generally, this term is used when building in retail stores as contrasted with the term Tenant Improvements which are generally associated with office buildings. The terms are often used interchangeably. (see TI'S)
Lien, Mechanic's or Material
The right to take and hold or sell an owner’s property to satisfy unpaid debts to a qualified contractor for labor, materials, equipment or services to improve the property. (see Preliminary philippines house plans Notice)
Lien Release
A written document from the contractor to the owner that releases the Lien, Mechanic’s or Material following it’s satisfaction.
Lien Waiver
1. An written document from a contractor, subcontractor, material supplier or other construction professional(s), having philippines house plans rights against an owner’s property, relinquishes all or part of those rights.
2. philippines house plans waivers are generally used for processing progress payments to prime or main or subcontractors as follows: Conditional philippines house plans Waiver, Unconditional philippines house plans Waiver, and Final philippines house plans Waiver.
Lump Sum Agreement (See Stipulated Sum Agreement)
Lump Sum Bid
A single entry amount to cover all labor, equipment, materials, services, and overhead and profit for completing the construction of a variety of unspecified items of work without the benefit of a cost breakdown.
Lump Sum Contract
A written contract between the owner and contractor wherein the owner agrees the pay the contractor a specified sum of money for completing a scope of work consisting of a variety of unspecified items or work.
Meeting Attendance Form
A form consisting of three columns (individuals name, individuals title, and company the House plan philippines represents). This form is given to all persons attending any meeting. Each person attending the meeting will complete their respective information. The date of the meeting should be included for reference.
Meeting Notes
A written report consisting of a project number, project name, meeting date and time, meeting place, meeting subject, a list of persons attending, and a list of actions taken how to have a construction client in the philippines discussed construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the meeting. Generally, this report is distributed to all persons attending the meeting and any other person having an interest in the meeting.
An activity with a duration of zero (0) and by which progress of the project is measured. A milestone is an informational marker only; it does not affect scheduling.
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Open Bid/Estimate
A service offered by where any bidder or estimator is given access to project specific RFP (Request for Proposal) information. This option is for those seeking bids/estimates from any interested professionals or service with out prequalifying them. For security and easy access, the project poster receives an e Philippines mail showing the links to View the RFP Details and View any Bids as they are received. This gives the RFP poster the ability to file and track the respective RFP's using their own e Philippines mail filing system. (see Closed Bid/Estimate)
1. An House plan philippines or corporation that owns a real property.
Owner Philippines Architect Agreement
A written form of contract between architect and client for professional architectural services.
Owner Philippines Builder
A term used to describe an Owner who takes on the responsibilities of the general contractor to build a specific project.
Owner Philippines Construction Agreement
Contract between owner and contractor for a construction project.
Owner Philippines Construction Management Agreement
Contract between construction manager and client for professional services.
Performance Bond
1. A written form of security from a philippine construction materials price list (bonding) company to the owner, on behalf of an acceptable prime or main contractor or subcontractor, guaranteeing payment to the owner in the event the contractor fails to perform all labor, materials, equipment, or services in accordance with the contract.
2. The philippine construction materials price list companies generally reserve the right to have the original prime or main or subcontractor remedy any claims before paying on the bond or hiring other contractors. (see Labor and Material Payment Bond and philippine construction materials price list Bond)
Performance Specifications
The written material containing the minimum acceptable standards and actions, as may be necessary to complete a project. Including the minimum acceptable quality standards and aesthetic values expected upon completion of the project.
An abbreviation for Program Evaluating and Review Technique. (see Activity; Critical Path Method)
PERT Schedule
A diagram that illustrates, charts and reports a projects estimated start and completion times; and work in progress.
1. A line drawing (by floor) representing the horizontal geometrical philippine houses design of the walls of a building. The philippine houses design (a horizontal plane) is taken at an elevation to include the relative positions of the walls, partitions, windows, doors, chimneys, columns, pilasters, philippine house design
2. A plan can be thought of as cutting a horizontal philippine houses design through a building at an eye level elevation.
Plan Checker
A term sometimes used to describe a building department official who examines the building permit documents.
A person who forms a scheme or method for doing something; an arrangement of means or steps for the attainment of some object; a scheme, method, design; a mode of action.
A term used to represent all drawings including sections and details; and any supplemental drawings for complete execution of a specific project.
Pre Philippines Construction Planning and Team Building
A process used for the purpose of establishing below market dollar budget(s), overall project scheduling and design criteria; also identification and selection of the most feasible planning, design and construction team.
An activity that must be completed before another activity can begin.
Preliminary Drawings
1. The drawings that precede the final approved drawings.
2. Usually these drawings are stamped or titled "PRELIMINARY"; and the "PRELIMINARY" is removed from the drawings upon being reviewed and approved by the owner.
Preliminary philippines house plans Notice
A written notice given to the property owner of a specific project by the subcontractors and any person or company furnishing services, equipment or materials to that project. The notice states if bills are not paid in full for the labor, services, equipment, or materials furnished or to be furnished, a mechanic's philippines house plans leading to the loss, through court foreclosure proceedings, of all or part of the property being so improved may be placed against the property even through the owner has paid the prime contractor in full. The notice explains how the owner can protect himself against this consequence by 1. requiring the prime contractor to furnish a signed release by the person or firm thus giving the owner notice before making payment to the prime contractor or 2. any other method or device which is appropriate under the circumstances. The state of California mandates that a Preliminary philippines house plans Notice must be given to the property owner not more than 20 days after starting the work on the specific project.
Pre Philippines qualification of prospective bidders
A screening process wherein the owner or his/her appointed representative gathers background information from a contractor or construction professional for selection purposes. Qualifying considerations include competence, integrity, dependability, responsiveness, bonding rate, bonding capacity, work on hand, building of a house in the philippines project experience, and other specific owner requirements.
Prime Contract
A written contract directly between a prime or main contractor or subcontractor for work on a specific project.
Prime Contractor
1. Any contractor having a contract directly with the owner.
2. Usually the main (general) contractor for a specific project.
1. The leading participant of professional practice.
Professional Engineer
One who is professionally engaged in a branch of engineering.
An ordered list of events to take place or procedures to be followed for a specific project.
Progress Payment
A payment from the owner to the contractor determined by calculating the difference between the completed work and materials stored and a predetermined schedule of values or unit costs. (see Schedule of values; Unit Costs).
Progress Schedule
A line diagram showing proposed and actual starting and completion times the respective project activities. (see Activity)
A word used to represent the overall scope of work being philippine houses design architects to complete a specific construction job.
Project Cost
All costs for a specific project including costs for land, professionals, construction, furnishings, fixtures, equipment, financing and any other project related costs.
Project Directory
A written list of all parties connected with a specific project. The list usually includes a classification or description of the party (i.e.., Owner, Architect, Attorney, General Contractor, Civil Engineer, Structural Engineer, etc.); name, address, telephone and FAX numbers opposite their respective classifications or description. It is particularly important that the emergency or after hour telephone numbers are included. These numbers should be kept confidential if requested by the respective parties.
Project Manager (Project Management)
A qualified House plan philippines or firm authorized by the owner to be responsible for coordinating time, equipment, money, tasks and people for all or specified portions of a specific project. (see Construction Manager)
Project Manual
A organized book setting forth the bidding requirements, conditions of the contract and the technical work specifications for a specific project. (see Specifications)
Project Representative
A qualified House plan philippines authorized by the owner to assist in the administration of a specific construction contract.
Project Site (see Site)
Property Inspections and Reports
A limited visual inspection to identify the general features and major deficiencies of the property. Any area not exposed to view, is concealed, or is inaccessible is not included in this inspection.
A written offer from a bidder to the owner, preferably on a prescribed proposal form, to perform the work and to furnish all labor, materials, equipment how to have a construction client in the philippines services for the prices and terms quoted by the bidder. ( see Bid)
Proposal Form (see Bid Form)
Purchase Order
A written document from a buyer to a seller to purchase materials, services, equipment or supplies with acceptable purchase terms indicated.
Punch List (see Inspection List)
An House plan philippines or firm with a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing; or who by extensive knowledge, training and experience, has successfully demonstrated his/her abilities to identify and solve or resolve problems associated with a specific subject matter or project type.
Record Drawings (see As Philippines Built Drawings)
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A written action properly executed by and House plan philippines or firm supplying labor, materials or professional services on a project which releases his mechanic's philippines house plans against the project property. (see Mechanic's Lien)
Reimbursable Expenses (or Costs)
Amounts expended for or on account of the project which, in accordance with the terms of the appropriate agreement, are to be reimbursed by the owner.
Replacement Cost Estimate
A cost of constructing a building or structure that would have building of a house in the philippines utility, but constructed with modern materials, current building standards, design and layout less depreciation. A land value and cost of on Philippines site improvements can be added if desired.
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Resident Architect
An architect permanently assigned at a job site who supervises the construction work for the purpose of protecting the owner's interests construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house construction.
Resident Engineer (inspector)
An House plan philippines permanently assigned at a job site for the purpose of representing the owner's interests construction cost in Philippines cebu estimate house the construction phase. (see Owner's Inspector)
1. An abbreviation for Request for Information.
2. A written request from a contractor to the owner or architect for clarification or information about the contract documents following contract award.
1. An abbreviation for Request for Proposal.
2. A written request from the requestor (usually the ower or a contractor) to a contractor, design professional or subcontractor for an estimate or cost proposal. The RFP usually contains a specific scope of work. (see Bid) (see Closed Bid/Estimate) (see Open Bid/Estimate)
Roll Out
A loose term used to describe the rapid succession (completion) of building of a house in the philippines projects over a given time period.
Safety Report
The Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 clearly states the common goal of safe and healthful working conditions. A Safety Report is prepared following a regularly scheduled project safety inspection of the specific project.
A plan for performing work or achieving an objective.
Schedule of Values
A statement furnished by the contractor to the architect or engineer reflecting the portions of the contract sum allotted for the various parts of the work and used as the basis for reviewing the contractor's applications for progress payments. *455
A preliminary sketch or diagram representing the proposed intent of the designer.
Schematic Design model houses in philippines
The first model houses in philippines of the architect's basic services in which the architect consults with the owner to ascertain the requirements of the project and prepares schematic design studies consisting of drawings and other documents showing the scale and project components for the owner’s approval.
1. A chart, a diagram, or an outline of a system being proposed
2. An orderly combination of related construction systems and components for a specific project or purpose.
Scope of Work
A written range of view or action; outlook; hence, room for the exercise of faculties or function; capacity for achievement; all in connection with a designated project. (See Performance Specifications)
Slack Time
The flexibility with non Philippines critical jobs that allows their start dates to be adjusted without affecting the project completion date.
The place where a structure or group of structures was, or is to be located (a construction site).
Soft Costs
Soft Costs are cost items in addition to the direct Construction Cost. Soft Costs generally include architectural and engineering, legal, permits and fees, financing fees, construction Interest and operating expenses, leasing and real estate commissions, advertising and promotion, and supervision. (see Construction Cost)
A detailed, exact statement of particulars, especially statements prescribing materials and methods; and quality of work for a specific project. The most common arrangement for specifications substantially parallels the CSI (Construction Specification Institute) format. (see CSI)
Special Conditions
A philippine houses design of the conditions of the contract, other than the General Conditions and Supplementary Conditions, which may be prepared for a particular project. Specific clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar to the project under consideration, and covering work or materials involved in the proposal and estimate, but not satisfactorily covered by the General Conditions. (See General Conditions)
Standard Details
A drawing or illustration sufficiently complete and detailed for use on other projects with minimum or no changes.
Standard Dimension
A measurement unique to a specific manufactured item.
Standards of Professional Practice
A listing of minimum acceptable ethical principals and practices adopted by qualified and recognized professional organizations to guide their members in the conduct of specific professional practice.
Start Date
The date that an activity or project begins.
A copy or summary of any account covering a stated period. (See Invoice)
Statute of Limitations
The period of time in which legal action must be brought for an alleged damage or injury. The period commences with the discovery of the alleged damage or injury; or in construction industry cases with completion of the work or services performed. Legal advise should be obtained.
Stipulated Sum Agreement
A written agreement in which a specific amount is set forth as the total payment for completing the contract. (See Lump Sum Contract)
Structural Design
A term used to represent the proportioning of structural members to carry loads in a building structure.
Structural Systems (frames)
The load bearing assembly of beams and columns on a foundation. The beams and columns are generally fabricated off site and assembled on site. Other systems such as non load bearing walls, floors, ceilings and roofs are generally constructed within and on the structural system.
1. Something constructed
2. A building put together based on specific plans and specifications.
An abbreviation for Subcontractor.
A written form of agreement between the prime or main contractor and another contractor or supplier for the satisfactory performance of services or delivery or material as set forth in the plans and specifications for a specific project.
A qualified subordinate contractor to the prime or main contractor.
Subcontractor Bond
A written document from a subcontractor given to the prime or main contractor by the subcontractor guaranteeing performance of his/her contract and payment of all labor, materials, equipment and service bills associated with the subcontract agreement.
To subcontract all or a portion of a contracted amount.
Substantial Completion (see Date of Substantial Completion)
A proposed replacement or alternate offered in lieu of and represented as being equivalent to a specified material or process.
The supporting part of a structure; the foundation.
Sub Philippines subcontractor
An House plan philippines or firm having a written contract with a subcontractor to perform a portion of the work.
Sub Philippines surface Investigation
1. A term used to represent an examination of soil conditions below the ground.
2. Investigations include soil borings and geotechnical laboratory tests for structural design purposes.
1. One that succeeds another
2. A scheduled activity whose start depends on the completion of one or more predecessors.
The part of a building or other structure above the foundation.
1.The act, process, or function of supervising construction materials, methods and processes for a specific project
2. Hands on field direction of the contracted work by a qualified House plan philippines of the contractor.
Supplemental Conditions (See Supplementary Conditions)
Supplementary Conditions
A written philippine houses design of the contract documents supplementing and qualifying or modifying the contracts general conditions. (See Conditions of the Contract)
An House plan philippines or firm who supplies how to have a construction client in the philippines fabricates materials or equipment for a specific portion of a construction project but does not perform any labor on the project. ( see Vendor)
Surety (see Bonding Company)
1. An abbreviation for a contracting method called Time and Materials
( 2) A written agreement between the owner and the contractor wherein payment is based on the contractor's actual cost for labor, equipment, materials, and services plus a fixed add Philippines on amount to cover the contractor’s overhead and profit.
Tenant's Rentable Square Feet
Usable square feet plus a percentage (the core factor) of the common how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? on the floor, including hallways, bathrooms and telephone closets, and some main lobbies. Rentable square footage is the number on which a tenant's rent is usually based.
Tenant's Usable Square Feet
The square footage contained within the demising walls. (see Demising Walls)
TI'S (Tenant Improvements)
TI'S is a term used to define the interior improvements of the project after the Building Envelope is complete. TI'S usually include finish floor coverings; ceilings; partitions; doors, frames, hardware; fire protection; HVAC consisting of branch distribution duct work, control boxes, and registers; electrical consisting of lighting, switches, power outlets, phone/data outlets, exit and energy lighting; window coverings; general conditions; and the general contractor’s fee. The cost of tenant improvements are generally born by the tenant and the costs of tenant improvements will vary with every building, and with tenant requirements. (see Work Letter)
Time (as time of the essence associated with a construction contract)
A provision in a construction contract by the owner that punctual completion within the time limits or periods in the contract is a vital part of the contract performance and that failure to perform on time is a breach and the injured party is entitled to damages in the amount of loss sustained.
Time Philippines and Philippines a Philippines half
A term meaning any individuals normal billing hourly rate is increased by a multiple of 1.5 following predetermined normal working hours.
Timely Completion
Completing the work of the contract before the date required.
Time of Completion
The date or number of calendar or working days stated in the contract to substantially complete the work for a specific project. (see Date of Substantial Completion)
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A written document used to identify information being sent to a receiving party. The transmittal is usually the cover sheet for the information being sent and includes the name, telephone/FAX number and address of the sending and receiving parties. The sender may include a message or instructions in the transmittal. It is also important to include the names of other parties the information is being sent to on the transmittal form.
Travel Time
Wages paid to workmen under certain union contracts and under certain job conditions for the time spent in traveling from their place of residence to and from the job.
Underwriter's Laboratories Label (UL)
A label on a product or manufactured item showing the material is regularly tested by, and complies with the minimum standards of the Underwriter's Laboratories specification for safety and quality.
U.B.C. (Uniform Building Code)
The Uniform Building Code is one of the family of codes and related publications published by the International Conference of Building Officials (ICBO) and other organizations, such as the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) and the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), which have building of a house in the philippines goals as far as code publications are concerned. The Uniform Building Code is designed to be compatible with these other codes, as together they make up the enforcement tools of a jurisdiction.
Uniform System (see CSI Format)
Unit Price Contract
A written contract wherein the owner agrees to pay the contractor a specified amount of money for each unit of work successfully completed as set forth in the contract.
Unit Prices
A predetermined price for a measurement or quantity of work to be philippine houses design architects within a specific contract. The designated unit price would include all labor materials, equipment or services associated with the measurement or quantity established.
Verbal Quotation
A written document used by the contractor to receive a subcontract or material cost proposal over the telephone prior to the subcontractor or supplier sending their written proposal via mail or facsimile.
One that sells materials or equipment not fabricated to a special design.
The successful performance of the entire scope of the project being philippine houses design architects for a specific construction project including labor, materials, equipment, and other associated items necessary to fulfill all obligations under the contract.
Working Drawing
A drawing sufficiently complete with plan and philippine houses design views, dimensions, details, and notes so that whatever is shown can be constructed how to have a construction client in the philippines replicated without instructions but subject to clarifications. (see Drawings)
Work Order
A written order, signed by the owner or his representative, of a contractual status requiring performance by the contractor without negotiation of any sort.
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Work Letter
A written statement (often called Exhibit B to a lease or rental agreement) of the specific materials and quantities the owner will provide at his own expense. The work letter defines the building standards, including the type of ceiling , the type and number of light fixtures, the size and construction of the suite Philippines entry and interior doors. Building standards define the quality of tenant spaces. Generally, a Work Letter is associated with the leasing or renting of office space by a tenant within a Building Envelope. (see TI'S and Building Envelope)
Restrictions of how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? or regions of land within specific geographical how much it will cost to build a decent small house in philippines? based on permitted building size, character, and uses as established by governing urban authorities.
Zoning Permit
A document architecture small house design in philippines by a governing urban authority permitting land to be used for a specific purpose.
The five styles described above are by far the most common Philippine model house design modern styles built since 1940. Many additional modern designs have, however, appeared through Philippine modern houses this period. Some have philippine home builders been dominated by regional design considerations or legacies, while Philippines architecture others have been inspired by energy-conservation considerations or by new and experimental advances in building technology.
Manila, Cebu, Davao, Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Tagaytay, Isabela, Tuguegarao, Laoag, Ilocos, Baguio, La Union, Pangasinan, Pampanga, Angeles, Zambales, Subic, Olongapo, Tarlac, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Malolos, Rizal, Antipolo, Metro Manila, Makati, Imus, Quezon, BICOL, Samar, Albay, Legaspi, Iloilo, Boracay, Negros, Dumaguete, Bacolod, Camotes Island, Leyte, Tacloban, Ormoc, Maasin, Bohol, Tagbilaran, Panglao, Iligan City, Cagayan de Oro, General Santos, Cotabato, Zamboanga, Davao, Samal, Tagum, Butuan, Palawan, Agusan, Surigao, Bukidnon, Malaybalay etc.
The modern home is marked by glass, stone, and wood, so adding “hot” colors can clash dramatically. Bright or neon colors are quite cost to build a house in the Philippines rowdy in this cool landscape – muted tones of beige are much more fitting. To add a splash of color, consider deep reds, blues, or grays.
Recessed lighting can be found throughout modern list of house contractors philippines style homes, and track lighting is another common Philippine model house design feature. Fixtures construction companies in philippines are typically in chrome, steel, or shades of copper, often with black accents. Adding more light to the space can be challenging, as even houses in Philippines a lamp with a base that matches the décor may lose some of its appeal with a lamp shade. Consider black or chrome floor lamps or wall sconces to brighten up a dark space. For table lamps, avoid traditional house models Philippines fabric shades.
Window treatments
Curtains or window treatments are a great way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to soften the space without Philippines houses design sacrificing the feel Philippine contractors of the home. Consider muted or rustic tones. Beiges, grays, and black will go nicely, but you can bring out accents in the rest of the room Philippines house plans with deep jewel tones.
The appliance colors that fit best are steel, philippine architect brushed metal, or black. Don’t overlook the significance of these important parts of your interior design. They are a big part of the room, and they are only subtle when they are properly matched to the space.
Decorate with these tips in mind, and you’ll be philippine home builders well on your way swimming pool contractor in the Philippines to an interior design that cost to build a house in the Philippines complements and enhances the stunning architecture of your modern-style house!
Before choosing a modern house plan, read these articles about the cost involved, designing tips, why to consider a modern house plan, where to construction companies in philippines find them and modern vs contemporary house plans.
Generally speaking, modern homes are the some of the most affordable choices out there. Not only do they tend to cost less than other styles to build, but the durable, easily Philippine contractor maintained materials keep Philippines contractors ownership expenses down, which makes them great choices for families of all sizes.
Stone and brick
Many modern house styles feature stone or brick philippine architect list of house contractors philippines on the exterior walls. Depending on where your building site is, these materials may add up to considerable expense – especially if you have stones trucked in just for your job. Bricks are widely available and, while Philippines architecture they are generally more expensive than wood or vinyl, they are infinitely more durable. Over the life of your home, the initial investment required for stone and brick will be returned many times over with lowered maintenance costs. Unlike wood and vinyl, they rarely need to be replaced.
Modern house plans feature large expanses of glass which allow sunlight to flood the home. This beautiful, natural light will easily Philippine contractor save contractors Philippines on daytime lighting costs. The cost of the windows may add up quite a bit depending on the features and materials you choose, but today’s construction cost per square meter in the philippines energy efficient windows are great at letting light in without Philippines houses design excessive heat, so they’re a wonderful investment for your home.
Generally speaking, modern homes are the some of the most affordable choices out there. Not only do they tend to cost less than other styles to build, but the durable, easily Philippine contractor maintained materials keep Philippines contractors ownership expenses down, which makes them great choices for families of all sizes!
The flat roof
The flat roof of a modern home is more than just easily Philippine contractor recognizable … it’s the most cost-efficient roof you can build. The construction companies in philippines trend for modern homes is a very low pitch (few are literally flat and full of gravel and tar, as the industrial ones tend to be). Not only is the cost of materials much lower for the obvious reason of needing less roof, but working on the roof is considerably less latest building in construction in the philippines challenging without Philippines houses design the steep grade.
Many windows
Modern house plans are full of windows – entire philippine architect walls of them in many cases. Large windows let in natural light, opening up small rooms and enhancing bigger ones. Picture windows are an ever-changing display of art in motion, welcoming the outside into the living space. Modern homes may also showcase skylights and decorative list of house contractors philippines glass, both within the home and in the exterior walls.
Stunning architectural detail
Rambling stone or block fireplaces, suspended stairways, lofts, and a dramatic horizontal stance are all elements of the modern builders in the philippines house style. There is often a lot of wood detail inside. Paired with the other features, the effect is sleek and impressive. Modern house plans are also purveyors of the portico or car port. You will often find these tucked against the walls of the homes, designed as part of a seamless overhang of the roof.
Are you looking to find modern house plans? Are you searching all over the place for the perfect house plans for your new modern home and having no luck? If this sounds like you, you might need a little help being pointed in the right philippine home builders direction or the house plans that you are looking for. You will be surprised about all of the house plans and where you can get them that we are going floor plans Philippines to tell you about. You will find any kind of house plan that you might be architects philippines looking for as long as you cost to build a house in the Philippines follow our tips and advice.
Modern Home Open House
Have you ever been to an open house for modern homes? Well if you have not, we suggest that you go and tour the homes and check out all the house plans that are available at these type of house shows. You will find that there are a ton of different plans that you can choose from, and you can even houses in Philippines let the contractors that sponsor the shows build your home for you if you wish. How great is that? You would construction companies in philippines get floor plans and a dependable contractor all rolled into one.
Find some Quick Links here:
House Design
Construction Technologies
Cost of Building a House
Contractors or Home Builders
Building Code
Building Permit Requirements
Light Weight Concrete
Prefabricated Houses
Modular Ferro Concrete
Green Building ECO House
Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)
Steel Frame Homes
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